I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman."

I really couldn't care if they stopped playing sports tomorrow. Amazing how the world still managed to exist without massive amounts of sporting events in the first millions of years of humans.
What no sports section on the ancient scrolls?
Are you suggesting trans individuals are pretending because the science there suggests their brain patterns are far more similar to the brain patterns of people in their chosen gender. Science isn't on your side dum dum.
I suggest you take a abnormal psych class, you may learn something, fool.
Yes, just like men's sports are open to women there is a female kicker on a college football team. I don't hear you town criers crying over her playing on a men's sports team.
Sarah Fuller

Senior student-athlete Sarah Fuller became the first woman to play in a football game in the Southeastern Conference and for a Power Five program when she kicked off at the start of the second half against the University of Missouri on Nov. 28.Feb 18, 2021

Kicking Down Barriers: Sarah Fuller makes history as kicker ...

https://news.vanderbilt.edu › 2021/02/18 › kicking-down-...

Is she a biological female or a chick with a dick?
Are you suggesting trans individuals are pretending because the science there suggests their brain patterns are far more similar to the brain patterns of people in their chosen gender. Science isn't on your side dum dum.
What do you mean "people in their chosen gender?" If a biological male claims to have chosen the gender "women," whose brain waves would his be compared to in order .to test that assertion?

Because if you say "biological women" you just invalidated your claim that biological males are real women if they choose that gender.

If there really is any such study. It sounds like something some obscure guest on NPR said without anyone to challenge him.
What do you mean "people in their chosen gender?" If a biological male claims to have chosen the gender "women," whose brain waves would his be compared to in order .to test that assertion?
So people born biologically male (in the general sense since we've previously established such delineations don't necessarily hold up to scrutiny) who identify as female show brain activity similar to people born female and who identify as female rather than to other biological males and vice versa.
Because if you say "biological women" you just invalidated your claim that biological males are real women if they choose that gender.
What exactly you are defining as a "real" woman?
If there really is any such study. It sounds like something some obscure guest on NPR said without anyone to challenge him.
I don't actually care if morons like you eschew science, that's the beauty of it. Reality doesn't require your consent.
This guy wants to use the same restroom as your little girl.

you okay with that? After that laugh?

can't get this here from the twitter feed...so this is as close as i can get.

Keep this Trans Freak out of the women’s bathroom…

These folk don't want to have 'equal rights'. They want to stick their finger in our eyes...first. Later on, they'll want us jailed and or possibly executed for not using the correct pronouns.

Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize
THIS Guy wants to use the same restroom as your little girl Trans
That's not what I'm saying you idiot. You'd have to go back to the start of my conversation to see that my comments about biology were in response to a poster saying men were born with penises and women vaginas. The context of that argument was to point out its entirely possible for a person to be born with xy chromosomes, a vagina and testies instead of ovaries. That's a separate issue from that of gender you fucking moron.

Sorry, Sparkles, but my point that your conversation with me proves that you're a hypocrite in your conversation with the other poster stands.
So people born biologically male (in the general sense since we've previously established such delineations don't necessarily hold up to scrutiny)
Then why are You referring them as if they are evidence?
who identify as female show brain activity similar to people born female and who identify as female rather than to other biological males and vice versa.
Is that a guess or can you link to the study?
What exactly you are defining as a "real" woman?
A person born female who is now grown. Judge Jackson is a woman. Kaitlyn Jenner is not. Those are facts, not opinions.
I don't actually care if morons like you eschew science, that's the beauty of it. Reality doesn't require your consent.
You and other biology deniers are the ones who eschew science and think that reality bends to political pressure.

Birth defects and blind evolutionary alleys don't make your arguement.

Of all the people in all of history that have had that particular birth defect, how many does it add up to? 10,000? How many today? 10?

On a planet that is over 7 billion, you want to force the majority into accepting a birth defect for a political point. So much for the left's claim of 'democracy'.

No, what he actually wants is to force the majority to accept a mental disorder as reality, because of rare birth defects that have nothing to do with the mental disorder or the people suffering from it.
Sorry, Sparkles, but my point that your conversation with me proves that you're a hypocrite in your conversation with the other poster stands.
I've had no conversation with you that wasn't a pejorative filled exercise of ad-hominems. Proof requires a logical framework which you haven't constructed.
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She was asked a politicized question and gave a political answer. What's the problem?

The problem is that she didn't give an answer at all, and she made herself look like a dolt in doing so.

Also, where was this "doesn't have to answer politicized questions" standard when Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed, or Brett Kavanaugh? Or Clarence Thomas, for that matter? And while we're on the subject, what is the point of having confirmation hearings at all if you two-faced partisans are going to declare all "politicized questions" to be off-limits? They're ALL politicized, you twit! It's a political process.
Is that a guess or can you link to the study?
Research On The Transgender Brain
A person born female who is now grown. Judge Jackson is a woman. Kaitlyn Jenner is not. Those are facts, not opinions.
What do you mean born female? What method are you using to determine who is and isn't a female?
You and other biology deniers are the ones who eschew science and think that reality bends to political pressure.
If you think that's the case then answer my questions and see if your logic holds up.
I think she's happier with her answer than you are. ;)

I think you'll believe anything you're told to believe. SHE knows she was made to look like a fool and a laughingstock, whatever your media masters tell you. She knows that she could stumble in there drunk and half-dressed and drooling on her own shoes, and her cronies would still push her nomination through. I can promise you, though, that a woman in her position does NOT feel good about having to publicly embarrass herself and set herself up to mocked as an ignorant lightweight for the rest of her career.
When you act like referring to a trans person by their preferred gender is some giant imposition, to me its the equivalent of someone insisting they get to call a person born with one leg, Gimpy. In that case you can see why the rest of us decent folk would see you as a mutant and a moron, no?

When you tell us that we're not being imposed upon because you personally have decided it shouldn't matter to us, you reveal what a narcissistic control freak you are. And your attempt at analogy is wrong and stupid any way you look at it. Are "transgenders" comparable to disabled people now? Is stating reality comparable to a insult? I don't mean in your own twisted mind, I mean actually.
I watched the whole thing. Pretty obvious what was going on. It was an exercise in politics, not biology. :biggrin:

Oh, noes! I'm shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you - that a hearing in front of a Congressional committee might be political instead of being a scientific symposium. How is this allowed?!

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