I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman."

Male and female brains may look similar, but their minds operate differently. A man uses a hammer to build a wall. A woman uses it to hang a picture on that wall.

Hey, thanks for sharing that insight from the Ozzie and Harriet Show.

Just for the record, the re-imposition of shallow, outdated stereotypes from dimwits like you is EXACTLY why women like me object so strongly to your push to have our sex taken over and redefined by a bunch of men. Also for the record, my daughter earned money for school by working for Habitat for Humanity, building and remodeling houses. Welcome to the 21st century, dumbass.
Research On The Transgender Brain

What do you mean born female? What method are you using to determine who is and isn't a female?

If you think that's the case then answer my questions and see if your logic holds up.

First of all, that's not a link to the study. That's a link to a rather biased article ABOUT the study. Second, brain scans of 160 people at one point in time that makes no effort to take into account neuroplasticity proves nothing.
Does that mean every woman who can't get pregnant isn't a "real" woman?

No, it means those women have defective body parts. You sure do spend a lot of time trying to hide behind people who have nothing whatsoever to do with the agenda you're hiding behind them. First it's rare genetic defects that transgenders don't have, now it's defective body parts they ALSO don't have.
What do you mean "people in their chosen gender?" If a biological male claims to have chosen the gender "women," whose brain waves would his be compared to in order .to test that assertion?

Because if you say "biological women" you just invalidated your claim that biological males are real women if they choose that gender.

If there really is any such study. It sounds like something some obscure guest on NPR said without anyone to challenge him.

No, they have "scientists" with an agenda out there desperately searching for "evidence" that men really are women. So far, they haven't proved a damned thing, but that doesn't stop them from trumpeting their perspective as fact all over the place.
When you tell us that we're not being imposed upon because you personally have decided it shouldn't matter to us, you reveal what a narcissistic control freak you are.
Society makes rules and sets norms, if you don't like it live on the fringes.
And your attempt at analogy is wrong and stupid any way you look at it. Are "transgenders" comparable to disabled people now? Is stating reality comparable to a insult? I don't mean in your own twisted mind, I mean actually.
Explain to me what is wrong with the comparison. Transgendered people are born with brain chemistry that leaves them feeling as if the biological sex they were born to is the wrong one. We have no way currently of changing their brain chemistry to fix this (provided that's even what they would want) so in order to treat this incongruity we change the body. It's not much different, intellectually speaking, than someone being born without legs receiving artificial legs in order to compensate. Would you go around mocking this person that they didn't have "real" legs and tease them them that they weren't really walking? Of course not. So why do so many of you mutants find it acceptable with regards to trans people?
Society makes rules and sets norms, if you don't like it live on the fringes.

Explain to me what is wrong with the comparison. Transgendered people are born with brain chemistry that leaves them feeling as if the biological sex they were born to is the wrong one. We have no way currently of changing their brain chemistry to fix this (provided that's even what they would want) so in order to treat this incongruity we change the body. It's not much different, intellectually speaking, than someone being born without legs receiving artificial legs in order to compensate. Would you go around mocking this person that they didn't have "real" legs and tease them them that they weren't really walking? Of course not. So why do so many of you mutants find it acceptable with regards to trans people?

I intend to "live on the fringes" of "societally set rules and norms" in exactly the same way you and the delusional people you champion do, Sparkles. I love how you shitbirds feel free to demand that society remake itself to suit you, but then turn around and demand that everyone else just has to live with it that way.

I already explained what was wrong with it. Not my fault if you're too uneducated to know the meaning of words, and too lazy and agenda-driven to open a dictionary. Have someone intelligent look up "neuroplasticity" for you.
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I intend to "live on the fringes" of "societal set rules and norms" in exactly the same way you and the delusional people you champion do, Sparkles. I love how you shitbirds feel free to demand that society remake itself to suit you, but then turn around and demand that everyone else just has to live with it that way.
I don't live on the fringe Cuck, my ideas are socially dominant. Transgendered individuals are being welcomed from the fringes like gays were a decade before them while bigots like you are being pushed to the fringes. The backwaters and trailer parks are exactly where you and yours belong. And we don't simply demand these changes, we force them through political power and social pressure. Through laws that protect gays and transgendered people and social justice movements to shame, ridicule and cancel people with deplorable beliefs. That's how societal change comes about.
I already explained what was wrong with it. Not my fault if you're too uneducated to know the meaning of words, and too lazy and agenda-driven to open a dictionary. Have someone intelligent look up "neuroplasticity" for you.
You didn't explain shit. 😆 You complained that I linked to a report on a study and not the study itself (you certainly didn't offer any intellectual critique of the study) and asked a question about neural plasticity. Neither of those things are counter arguments.
When you act like referring to a trans person by their preferred gender is some giant imposition, to me its the equivalent of someone insisting they get to call a person born with one leg, Gimpy. In that case you can see why the rest of us decent folk would see you as a mutant and a moron, no?
Incorrect. But you likely knew that.

Calling a transwoman a man is not cruel, just the truth.

If it isn't a big deal, then why push it on people who don't care until they do get pushed?

If it really isn't that big a deal. But it is so those clowns and I don't allow anyone to dictate to Me how I behave or how I speak.
Jackson perceived that the question was political, so she gave a political answer. Pretty smart actually.

A judge isn't supposed to be political. Playing political games is bad moral character for a judge

And just the fact this question even needed to be brought up shows she isn't fit to be a judge because if you have to ask a judge, a supreme court judge, to define what a woman is there are some serious fucking issues going on. It's a bit scary that she is the type that would require asking this at all to begin with.

And if you can't look someone in the eye and tell them something that is a fact known around the world since the dawn of man then you need to get the fuck out. Even a 4 year old has some rudimentary basic concept of men and women. If you can't state facts that are universal truths then you aren't fit to be anyone with any authority or influence.
Incorrect. But you likely knew that.

Calling a transwoman a man is not cruel, just the truth.
Except it's not the truth. You can't even clearly define what a man is.
If it isn't a big deal, then why push it on people who don't care until they do get pushed?
What's wrong with pushing around bigots? 😁
If it really isn't that big a deal. But it is so those clowns and I don't allow anyone to dictate to Me how I behave or how I speak.
No one is dictating to you how you should behave other than laws insisting you keep your hands to yourself. What we are doing instead is using shame and ridicule to push the Overton Window. I don't care if you choose to live on the fringe, in fact that's where I'd prefer your kind, I'm more concerned about whether or not your ideas are fringe and in that regard they are.
Except it's not the truth. You can't even clearly define what a man is.

We on the right have no trouble at all defining what a man is, any more than we have any problem defining what a woman is.

Biological science is absolutely clear on the distinction.

It is you retards on the left wrong who deny basic, obvious science, and incorporate madness and perversion, in order to blue the distinction between men and women. You've confused the fuck out of yourselves, but we sane people are not at all confused by the distinction between men and women.
We on the right have no trouble at all defining what a man is, any more than we have any problem defining what a woman is.

Biological science is absolutely clear on the distinction.
It's actually not but go ahead and tell us what biological factors you think determine whether or not someone is a man or woman.
It is you retards on the left wrong who deny basic, obvious science, and incorporate madness and perversion, in order to blue the distinction between men and women. You've confused the fuck out of yourselves, but we sane people are not at all confused by the distinction between men and women.
If science was on your side you'd be relying on that for your arguments rather than the constant personal attacks.
We on the right have no trouble at all defining what a man is, any more than we have any problem defining what a woman is.
Biological science is absolutely clear on the distinction.
It's actually not but go ahead and tell us what biological factors you think determine whether or not someone is a man or woman.

There is no point in trying to explain it to someone who is as deeply fucked-up in the head as you are. If you weren't so deeply fucked up, then you wouldn't need me or anyone else to explain it to you.
There is no point in trying to explain it to someone who is as deeply fucked-up in the head as you are. If you weren't so deeply fucked up, then you wouldn't need me or anyone else to explain it to you.

I thought so. "There's no point in trying to explain..." on a debate board is as good as an admission as any that you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about. 😆
This guy wants to use the same restroom as your little girl.

you okay with that? After that laugh?

can't get this here from the twitter feed...so this is as close as i can get.

Keep this Trans Freak out of the women’s bathroom…

These folk don't want to have 'equal rights'. They want to stick their finger in our eyes...first. Later on, they'll want us jailed and or possibly executed for not using the correct pronouns.

Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize
THIS Guy wants to use the same restroom as your little girl Trans
Liberals don't care. They aborted that little girl. If by chance she survived the abortion, they had her put in a linen closet to finish the abortion she tried to cheat.

So, why would they give two shits if a little girl gets raped in a bathroom by a dude in a skirt or robbed of the opportunity to fairly compete in sports if they were lucky enough to survive the ongoing pre-birth massacre?
That's not a link to any study. Fail. But this quote is telling:

“We’re trying to change the understanding of gender,” says psychiatrist Murat Altinay, MD. “That’s one of my big goals. The main question I’m asking is, ‘Where is the gender?’”

I thought the goal of a scientific researcher is to find the truth, not to change people's minds about things.
What do you mean born female? What method are you using to determine who is and isn't a female?
The one used by biologists, as Judge Jackson insisted on.
If you think that's the case then answer my questions and see if your logic holds up.
Just did, and it does.
Liberals don't care. They aborted that little girl. If by chance she survived the abortion, they had her put in a linen closet to finish the abortion she tried to cheat.

So, why would they give two shits if a little girl gets raped in a bathroom by a dude in a skirt or robbed of the opportunity to fairly compete in sports if they were lucky enough to survive the ongoing pre-birth massacre?

That's not a link to any study. Fail. But this quote is telling:

“We’re trying to change the understanding of gender,” says psychiatrist Murat Altinay, MD. “That’s one of my big goals. The main question I’m asking is, ‘Where is the gender?’”

I thought the goal of a scientific researcher is to find the truth, not to change people's minds about things.

The one used by biologists, as Judge Jackson insisted on.

Just did, and it does.
Taking a quote out of context and complaining that I didn't link you directly to the study is not an intellectual refutation of what the study found with regards to brain patterns in trans individuals, it's just another version of an ad-hominem attack.
1. I don't really care about sports records. I love sports but I love the drama in moments that are determined in seconds and inches. The record keeping I don't actually care about.
Your the second biology denier poster to say that they just really don't care about sports, so they don't have to answer any questions about letting transwomen ruin sports for women.

I believe that the truth is that you care about sports in the same way that you care about Americans who are successful and wealthy through hard work, delayed gratification, and judicious tolerance of risk, in a free economy. You hate those successful people, especially if they are white males, but even more especially if they are people of color that then say that the free market is the best way to create opportunities for all.

You hate sports, because you always failed at them, or never bothered to try. Seeing people honored for athletic successes, you take as a slap in your pale and fleshy face. You enjoy being a vicarious dog in the major by watching people like Colin Kaepernick and the Dude Lia try to make sports all about them instead of all about the athletes.
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