I really liked Judge Jackson's answer on the definition of a "woman."

Women around the world are hanging pictures on walls (fulfilling their roles) that men built, and will continue to do so. Pictures are nice. :biggrin:

Hanging pictures/wearing makeup/dressing sexy. (It's a metaphor.)

No, it's misogyny trying to justify itself.

No matter how much you try to denigrate and dismiss the role of women and elevate the role of men, the reality will remain that WOMEN are the ones who build civilization and men are the ones in the supporting role. Humanity could survive without all the building and conquering and whatever-else men do that you want to crow about, but humanity would die out without the things women do.
You mean like on The View? I'm sure you're right.

Kudos to Senator Marsha Blackburn for asking that question. Just my personal opinion, but her picture could be used as an example to answer the question "What is a woman?"

View attachment 621931
I like the way she talks, mm hmm.

And of course she was "accused of racism." What else? Of course she is "mocked." That is the media's new favorite way to say they don't like someone by claiming that other people don't like them. Taylor Swift is attacking her now. Marsha Blackburn is being nice about it now, but Taylor would be best off getter her ass back to the auto-tuner where she belongs. Unlike Blackburn, Swift's looks won't last, so she better cash in now, instead of lecturing her elders on right and wrong.

But whether you agree Senator Blackburn is a GILF or not, she exposed, once again, the absurdity of the left's bumbling and stumbling rhetorical gymnastics. If I were advising her, I would have suggested that she first ask a series of questions such as "was it hard to be a woman in the male-dominated criminal justice system," "how do you feel when you see a homeless woman," "when you see a woman who is berated by a male boss, how do you respond," etc. The answers will show that Judge Jackson does know what a woman is even if the woman is a stranger. Then hit her with the definition of a woman.

How did the White House not think to pose that questions in the lengthy preparation they gave her? I think that they are caught up in their own echo chamber in which the "enemy's" views are never thoughtfully considered but only spoken of in mocking paraphrases. They should hire one or two normal people as consultants about how normal people think.

Jackson Brown and Blackburn are both being mocked. The difference is, the mockery of Blackburn has to be ginned up and created by the media; the mockery of Jackson Brown is arising organically from the grassroots who watched the clip and decided on their own which one made a fool of herself.

Guess which one is going to really last.
In other words, you're applauding her for the "brilliant" decision of trying to mislead the American people about who she is, what she believes, and what she's going to do if they hire her.

I have no idea why you leftists are so excited about being lied to.
I'm saying that I believe she perceived that the question was a 'gotcha', and that trying to answer it wouldn't do her any good.

I'm a life-long conservative. I would oppose her based just on the fact that Biden would not have nominated her if she weren't a liberal.
Uh, duhhh. I just said that. Which begs the question, why are YOU trying to pretend that "political" releases her from any obligation to answer and do so truthfully?
Maybe she was invoking the proverb, "Only a fool speaks their whole mind."
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I'm saying that I believe she perceived that the question was a 'gotcha', and that trying to answer it wouldn't do her any good.

I'm a life-long conservative. I would oppose her based just on the fact that Biden would not have nominated her if she weren't a liberal.

Well, again, by that standard ALL questions from Republicans are "Gotcha!" questions, and no nominee ever has to answer anything that doesn't flatter them, so the whole exercise is pointless.

Also, I really doubt you feel the same way about nominees chosen by Republican Presidents telling the Democrats to go pound sand on their questions.
No, it's misogyny trying to justify itself.

No matter how much you try to denigrate and dismiss the role of women and elevate the role of men, the reality will remain that WOMEN are the ones who build civilization and men are the ones in the supporting role. Humanity could survive without all the building and conquering and whatever-else men do that you want to crow about, but humanity would die out without the things women do.
Western women have foresaken their natural role as caregivers and homemakers. Lucifer (Lucy) did the same thing and look what happened. :omg:

Men and women have to cooperate, but men are the natural leaders and women should defer to their leadership. (See Proverbs 31.)
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Well, again, by that standard ALL questions from Republicans are "Gotcha!" questions, and no nominee ever has to answer anything that doesn't flatter them, so the whole exercise is pointless.

Also, I really doubt you feel the same way about nominees chosen by Republican Presidents telling the Democrats to go pound sand on their questions.
Did you follow the Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh nomination hearings?
I've proven my claims you hilarious moron, the claim that you guys made, that you can easily define what a man and woman are so far have gone unanswered because you obviously can't.

No one who is not severely fucked up in the head has any difficulty at all distinguishing men from women, and defining what the traits are that define them as distinct from one another.

Your denial of having seen any such definitions, or your inability to understand such definitions, does not prove anything other than your own stupidity and dishonesty.
In other words, you're applauding her for the "brilliant" decision of trying to mislead the American people about who she is, what she believes, and what she's going to do if they hire her.

I have no idea why you leftists are so excited about being lied to.
I have a theory on that. Leftists don't think they are being lied to. Each leftie thinks that everyone else is being lied to by their political heroes and that they themselves are in on the gag.

So, they can say, "Ooooh, good one!" when one of their politicians blatantly lies to avoid . . . I started to say "avoid answering," but let's face it. They lie to avoid the truth, because the truth is an anathema to their way of life. Anyway, the left wingers at the bottom of the ladder tell themselves that they are part of the grand deception, and not one of the deceived.

In this way, they see themselves as part of the elite, while they eat Ramen in their parent's basement having spent their student loan welfare check on a new gaming console to play GTA XVII or whatever it's up to now.
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I'm saying that I believe she perceived that the question was a 'gotcha', and that trying to answer it wouldn't do her any good.

I'm a life-long conservative. I would oppose her based just on the fact that Biden would not have nominated her if she weren't a liberal.
But "gotcha" questions are no problem for a person whose political ideas have internal consistency. Even if they don't make sense in the real world, political philosophies that have internal consistency are able to answer questions, because their philosophy assumes an unreal world.

It's inconsistent for a person to say things like "we must protect the rights of women," " women have been historically discriminated against, so we must correct that," and "we must believe women who make accusations of sexual abuse against conservative men," and then answer "I don't know" when asked what a woman is.

In fact, I am surprised that she did not take the opportunity to state the left's position on the question of "what is a woman." The left's correct answer is "a person who identifies as a woman."

Does any leftie on here disagree that that is the definition? If so, tell me yours.

I'm surprised there are not lefties accusing her of being a TERF for even hesitating to give the correct answer.
No one who is not severely fucked up in the head has any difficulty at all distinguishing men from women, and defining what the traits are that define them as distinct from one another.

Your denial of having seen any such definitions, or your inability to understand such definitions, does not prove anything other than your own stupidity and dishonesty.
The point that I'm getting at is that none of your definitions would actually stand up to real scrutiny. You claim you can define a man and a woman so do so and let's see if it holds up to biological facts.
The point that I'm getting at is that none of your definitions would actually stand up to real scrutiny. You claim you can define a man and a woman so do so and let's see if it holds up to biological facts.

When you deny genuine, observable, provable science, and try to replace it wit the absurd and insane LIbtARd mockery of “science”, then you will never acknowledge any proof based on genuine science.

Attempting to have this conversation with your kind is an example of the cliché about trying to teach a pig to sing.

No adult who is not severely fucked-up in the head as you clearly are, has any difficulty at all understanding the distinction between men and women. Your state of being so mentally- and morally fucked up that this distinction is unclear to you is your own issue, and there is nothing that I can do to help you with it.
When you deny genuine, observable, provable science, and try to replace it wit the absurd and insane LIbtARd mockery of “science”, then you will never acknowledge any proof based on genuine science.

Science is science you clown and personal attacks are a substitute for it.
Attempting to have this conversation with your kind is an example of the cliché about trying to teach a pig to sing.
Who are you clowns teaching? You eschew college and higher education. You are the future service industry workers of America. 😆
No adult who is not severely fucked-up in the head as you clearly are, has any difficulty at all understanding the distinction between men and women. Your state of being so mentally- and morally fucked up that this distinction is unclear to you is your own issue, and there is nothing that I can do to help you with it.
Then tell me, how do you discern a man from a woman, biologically?

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