I remember a Golden Age before Obama when Americans were not so obsessed with race...

"I remember a Golden Age before Obama when Americans were not so obsessed with race..."

No, what you remember is a time when you and other racists weren't correctly and appropriately identified as indeed being racist.
"I remember a Golden Age before Obama when Americans were not so obsessed with race..."

No, what you remember is a time when you and other racists weren't correctly and appropriately identified as indeed being racist.

When was that?
Before Obama showed up, most Americans did not give a second thought toward race. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians got along just fine.

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other, spurred on by so-called "community organizing" by our President, who knows how to rile up black folks and make them hate white people.

I hope this ends when the next President takes over. But I somehow doubt it. Obama will still be on the sidelines, riling up black folks. Any Democrat president will have to kiss Obama's ass.
Yeah I miss the good olde days of postitive black and white relations.

Good times.....good times....(sigh)

So anyone who opposes Obama for any reason is a racist according to you.

Hillary Clinton's people warned us. They were the first victims of Obama's tactics in calling everyone who opposes them "racist."

Uhm, no.

People who go out of their way to express racist phrases and then hurl them at the President, now, those are dyed-in-the-wool racists.

I know many a fine, and even intelligent, conservative, who are not racist. They disagree with his policies. But they don't bring up race, because is doesn't need to be brought up.

It's always the ones who start like 10-15 threads on race.... like, uhm, you.
I know many a fine, and even intelligent, conservatives, who are not racist, in my personal life, but they're few and far between on this site.
Before Obama showed up, most Americans did not give a second thought toward race. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians got along just fine.

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other, spurred on by so-called "community organizing" by our President, who knows how to rile up black folks and make them hate white people.

I hope this ends when the next President takes over. But I somehow doubt it. Obama will still be on the sidelines, riling up black folks. Any Democrat president will have to kiss Obama's ass.

You mean the time when bigots and homophobes stayed drunk all day and out of politics?
I remember a Golden Age before Obama when there were no illegals here and we didn't have to pay any taxes.
Racial tensions have developed since the election of Obama because the Tea Party and their supporters made overt racism acceptable by allowing participants in their rallies to carry signs and displays of open racism. Tea Party and Republican leaders were willing to address crowds that contained this kind of racist filth. Non of them had the fortitude or class to refuse to participate as speakers or supporters unless the racist were removed. They green lighted racism.
Above all, he's a Communist Organizer. He'll always be a Communist Organizer. The goal is to Divide & Conquer. It's what the Democratic Party is all about. Keep em angry, bitter, and ignorant. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals', for anyone who's interested.
So anyone who opposes Obama for any reason is a racist according to you.

Hillary Clinton's people warned us. They were the first victims of Obama's tactics in calling everyone who opposes them "racist."

Uhm, no.

People who go out of their way to express racist phrases and then hurl them at the President, now, those are dyed-in-the-wool racists.

I know many a fine, and even intelligent, conservative, who are not racist. They disagree with his policies. But they don't bring up race, because is doesn't need to be brought up.

It's always the ones who start like 10-15 threads on race.... like, uhm, you.
I know many a fine, and even intelligent, conservatives, who are not racist, in my personal life, but they're few and far between on this site.

And the racist liberals on this site are easy to find.
So anyone who opposes Obama for any reason is a racist according to you.

Hillary Clinton's people warned us. They were the first victims of Obama's tactics in calling everyone who opposes them "racist."

Uhm, no.

People who go out of their way to express racist phrases and then hurl them at the President, now, those are dyed-in-the-wool racists.

I know many a fine, and even intelligent, conservative, who are not racist. They disagree with his policies. But they don't bring up race, because is doesn't need to be brought up.

It's always the ones who start like 10-15 threads on race.... like, uhm, you.
I know many a fine, and even intelligent, conservatives, who are not racist, in my personal life, but they're few and far between on this site.

And the racist liberals on this site are easy to find.
I actually look on what you're recognizing as positive. White Wine Liberals need to know that their side of the street isn't clean either.

After the Ferguson incident, I was at work, and walked up on a group of black friends talking about it, and they treated me like I had no business being part of that conversation. These are people I like, and have shared good times with outside of work. At that moment I was being unfairly excluded based solely on race, and not my opinion.

I get all that.

We need to start talking about racism in all forms.

That conversation has been stifled since 1980, because whites have been in the penalty box for past racial atrocities too long.
I remember a Golden Age before Obama when there were no illegals here and we didn't have to pay any taxes.
I know...right!!?

Everybody was getting along fine.

Phil Robertson said it best, when he said before the hippies came along, blacks and whites in the south didn't have any real racial hostilities. Blacks back then liked being separate but equal
Before Obama showed up, most Americans did not give a second thought toward race. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians got along just fine.

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other, spurred on by so-called "community organizing" by our President, who knows how to rile up black folks and make them hate white people.

I hope this ends when the next President takes over. But I somehow doubt it. Obama will still be on the sidelines, riling up black folks. Any Democrat president will have to kiss Obama's ass.
Another one of those alternative history stories?
"I remember a Golden Age before Obama when Americans were not so obsessed with race..."

Yes, and these days I have a better understanding of what Jackie Robinson lived through.
Before Obama showed up, most Americans did not give a second thought toward race. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians got along just fine.

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other, spurred on by so-called "community organizing" by our President, who knows how to rile up black folks and make them hate white people.

I hope this ends when the next President takes over. But I somehow doubt it. Obama will still be on the sidelines, riling up black folks. Any Democrat president will have to kiss Obama's ass.
You been drinkin' cracka?
A stupid response. Please go back to your crack house or camp under a bridge and let the normal people discuss this issue.
In six years Obozo has destroyed five decades of work. People like MLK who gave their lives have had their work smeared and tarnished. What WAS working is now rotting fragments and memories.
More revisionist history I see.
This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.

I disagree. Such a person will never come around. Society has "evolved" to the day of the internet echo chamber. You can't get through to this kind of stupidity anymore. I think the only solution we have in this day and age is to not give these people the attention they craze. Indifference, social isolation, and let them die their own natural deaths, ever remembered as the clowns they are.
Can't argue, and that's definitely my fear.

Always hopeful, but I don't see it right now.

Before Obama showed up, most Americans did not give a second thought toward race. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians got along just fine.

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other, spurred on by so-called "community organizing" by our President, who knows how to rile up black folks and make them hate white people.

I hope this ends when the next President takes over. But I somehow doubt it. Obama will still be on the sidelines, riling up black folks. Any Democrat president will have to kiss Obama's ass.
Republicans are 90% white for a reason. You must have lived in the land of milk and cookies. It's where all the inhabitants are delusional. But you have to admit, making GOP racism Obama's fault is hilarious.
Before Obama showed up, most Americans did not give a second thought toward race. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians got along just fine.

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other, spurred on by so-called "community organizing" by our President, who knows how to rile up black folks and make them hate white people.

I hope this ends when the next President takes over. But I somehow doubt it. Obama will still be on the sidelines, riling up black folks. Any Democrat president will have to kiss Obama's ass.
Imagine getting mileage out of this piece of shit.
The leftist lie is this:

Everyone who is white is a racist.

If you deny you are a racist, it is because you are enjoying white privilege.

And even if you aren't aware of white privilege, you still benefit from white privilege.

You can't win in this zero-sum game.

What is the end game? I still haven't figured it out, but whatever is coming, it will be BIG.

Tell us more about what these imaginary Leftist people believe.
One of my son's friends is black, and my guess is he doesn't even know all this stuff is going on.

So it's not all blacks getting fired up,only a select few who make a big noise stealing flat screen TVs and burning down supermarkets.
Wow! You almost know someone black! Slow down there John Brown, you don't want to get too carried away.
My brother and sister both married people who are not white. No in the family had any problem with that. What the fuck are after, calling me a racist?
And some of my best friends and relatives are straight. What's your point?
White privilege is an invention of the left to make white people feel guilty for being white.

My Irish ancestors were never among the oppressors, they were oppressed.

But that matters not a bit to Obama's bloodhounds.

Any way, the past is unimportant.

I have never hurt or discriminated against any black person.

In a sane world that would be proof that I am not racist.

But liberals live in a topsy turvy world where facts don't matter.
You're not a racist? OK then, what reasonable explanation do have for the OP? Are you going to claim insanity, or maybe mental incompetence?
So anyone who opposes Obama for any reason is a racist according to you.

Hillary Clinton's people warned us. They were the first victims of Obama's tactics in calling everyone who opposes them "racist."
No...he did not say that. It's just your false strawman argument.

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