I remember a Golden Age before Obama when Americans were not so obsessed with race...

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other...
A terribly wasted opportunity, and really a shame.

Look at the conversation now: The Left isn't trying to actually improve race relations, they're just trying to "win".

This board is a perfect microcosm of it - of the thousands of posts by these people, how many are constructive? Any?

This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.


That again?

Yeah....Obama could have cured all bigots of their hate had he just been nicer to them. He wasted his opportunity to give vile racists a big hug and make them all think of black Americans in a different light.

What a tragedy!
Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other...
A terribly wasted opportunity, and really a shame.

Look at the conversation now: The Left isn't trying to actually improve race relations, they're just trying to "win".

This board is a perfect microcosm of it - of the thousands of posts by these people, how many are constructive? Any?

This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.


That again?

Yeah....Obama could have cured all bigots of their hate had he just been nicer to them. He wasted his opportunity to give vile racists a big hug and make them all think of black Americans in a different light.

What a tragedy!
Oh and that "birther" crap YOU were spewing. Did I say anything about birth idiot? No, but the documents showing his name change have NEVER been produced just like his school records and his medical records. Oh and let's NOT forget his travel records.
Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other...
A terribly wasted opportunity, and really a shame.

Look at the conversation now: The Left isn't trying to actually improve race relations, they're just trying to "win".

This board is a perfect microcosm of it - of the thousands of posts by these people, how many are constructive? Any?

This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.


That again?

Yeah....Obama could have cured all bigots of their hate had he just been nicer to them. He wasted his opportunity to give vile racists a big hug and make them all think of black Americans in a different light.

What a tragedy!
Oh and that "birther" crap YOU were spewing. Did I say anything about birth idiot? No, but the documents showing his name change have NEVER been produced just like his school records and his medical records. Oh and let's NOT forget his travel records.
My little stalker friend can't help himself. His thought processes are completely controlled by his obedient adherence to his hardcore partisan ideology.

He specializes in catty comments on the fringes, nothing to see here.

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other...
A terribly wasted opportunity, and really a shame.

Look at the conversation now: The Left isn't trying to actually improve race relations, they're just trying to "win".

This board is a perfect microcosm of it - of the thousands of posts by these people, how many are constructive? Any?

This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.


That again?

Yeah....Obama could have cured all bigots of their hate had he just been nicer to them. He wasted his opportunity to give vile racists a big hug and make them all think of black Americans in a different light.

What a tragedy!
Oh and that "birther" crap YOU were spewing. Did I say anything about birth idiot? No, but the documents showing his name change have NEVER been produced just like his school records and his medical records. Oh and let's NOT forget his travel records.

They're still harping over that. man oh man. they should call progressives=Regressives
Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other...
A terribly wasted opportunity, and really a shame.

Look at the conversation now: The Left isn't trying to actually improve race relations, they're just trying to "win".

This board is a perfect microcosm of it - of the thousands of posts by these people, how many are constructive? Any?

This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.


That again?

Yeah....Obama could have cured all bigots of their hate had he just been nicer to them. He wasted his opportunity to give vile racists a big hug and make them all think of black Americans in a different light.

What a tragedy!
Oh and that "birther" crap YOU were spewing. Did I say anything about birth idiot? No, but the documents showing his name change have NEVER been produced just like his school records and his medical records. Oh and let's NOT forget his travel records.

They're still harping over that. man oh man. they should call progressives=Regressives
If it's a clown avatar it's FULL retard!
Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other...
A terribly wasted opportunity, and really a shame.

Look at the conversation now: The Left isn't trying to actually improve race relations, they're just trying to "win".

This board is a perfect microcosm of it - of the thousands of posts by these people, how many are constructive? Any?

This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.


That again?

Yeah....Obama could have cured all bigots of their hate had he just been nicer to them. He wasted his opportunity to give vile racists a big hug and make them all think of black Americans in a different light.

What a tragedy!
Oh and that "birther" crap YOU were spewing. Did I say anything about birth idiot? No, but the documents showing his name change have NEVER been produced just like his school records and his medical records. Oh and let's NOT forget his travel records.

They're still harping over that. man oh man. they should call progressives=Regressives
If it's a clown avatar it's FULL retard!

that's what it says to me. oh and it screams. we are sheep in a herd and we are Democrats. baaaaa
Before Obama showed up, most Americans did not give a second thought toward race. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians got along just fine.

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other, spurred on by so-called "community organizing" by our President, who knows how to rile up black folks and make them hate white people.

I hope this ends when the next President takes over. But I somehow doubt it. Obama will still be on the sidelines, riling up black folks. Any Democrat president will have to kiss Obama's ass.

You seem upset.

Question: do you see "race" everywhere?
Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other...
A terribly wasted opportunity, and really a shame.

Look at the conversation now: The Left isn't trying to actually improve race relations, they're just trying to "win".

This board is a perfect microcosm of it - of the thousands of posts by these people, how many are constructive? Any?

This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.


That again?

Yeah....Obama could have cured all bigots of their hate had he just been nicer to them. He wasted his opportunity to give vile racists a big hug and make them all think of black Americans in a different light.

What a tragedy!
Oh and that "birther" crap YOU were spewing. Did I say anything about birth idiot? No, but the documents showing his name change have NEVER been produced just like his school records and his medical records. Oh and let's NOT forget his travel records.

They're still harping over that. man oh man. they should call progressives=Regressives
If it's a clown avatar it's FULL retard!

Oh, the sky is falling, the sky is falling!!

Now, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ214, care to expatiate on those comments about "RETARD"?

You may not have noticed, but one use of that word, which I believe you generally mean as a worthless perjorative, is indeed very correct:

many of these wonderful clown avatars are completely flame-RETARDant!!

One of my son's friends is black, and my guess is he doesn't even know all this stuff is going on.

So it's not all blacks getting fired up,only a select few who make a big noise stealing flat screen TVs and burning down supermarkets.
Wow! You almost know someone black! Slow down there John Brown, you don't want to get too carried away.
You know what stupid? It's your kind that wants to dumb down tests so more Negro's pass them. I say test EQUAL because a brain knows NO color. And THAT as a point of FACT makes YOU a RACIST.

Yeah! 214 says the brain knows no color!
Yeah but all clown avatars ARE faggots.

Question: do you have lots and lots of experience with "faggots"?


It's the left that constantly obsesses with race and stokes tensions over it. Most people don't even think about it in their daily lives but the left can't seem to go five minutes without seeing a racial bogeyman somewhere.

Hmmm, interesting.

So, you are saying that Blackrook is a leftist?

Wow. Blackrook , say it isn't so?!?!?!?!?

Because blackrook started this zany thread.
You know what stupid? It's your kind that wants to dumb down tests so more Negro's pass them. I say test EQUAL because a brain knows NO color. And THAT as a point of FACT makes YOU a RACIST.


Test Your Color I.Q. Mental Floss

The human eye can distinguish between about 10 million colors, and this only happens because neural-synaptic communication to and from: THE BRAIN.

Oh, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, it's always a drunken adventure with you!!

White privilege is an invention of the left to make white people feel guilty for being white.

My Irish ancestors were never among the oppressors, they were oppressed.

But that matters not a bit to Obama's bloodhounds.

Any way, the past is unimportant.

I have never hurt or discriminated against any black person.

In a sane world that would be proof that I am not racist.

But liberals live in a topsy turvy world where facts don't matter.

"Obama's bloodhounds."


Oh, I see we are going to have many wonderful "lightning-rod" moments with you.

Question: did you eat the entire LSD paper, or are you saving some for later?
So anyone who opposes Obama for any reason is a racist according to you.

Hillary Clinton's people warned us. They were the first victims of Obama's tactics in calling everyone who opposes them "racist."

Uhm, no.

People who go out of their way to express racist phrases and then hurl them at the President, now, those are dyed-in-the-wool racists.

I know many a fine, and even intelligent, conservative, who are not racist. They disagree with his policies. But they don't bring up race, because is doesn't need to be brought up.

It's always the ones who start like 10-15 threads on race.... like, uhm, you.
White privilege is an invention of the left to make white people feel guilty for being white.

My Irish ancestors were never among the oppressors, they were oppressed.

But that matters not a bit to Obama's bloodhounds.

Any way, the past is unimportant.

I have never hurt or discriminated against any black person.

In a sane world that would be proof that I am not racist.

But liberals live in a topsy turvy world where facts don't matter.
You're not a racist? OK then, what reasonable explanation do have for the OP? Are you going to claim insanity, or maybe mental incompetence?
What's wrong with the OP? Hell I grew up in a Leave it to Beaver world.

Yes, we've noticed.
I don't think Barry Sorento can be president by law.


My Lord, you cannot even give the name of Ann Dunham's second husband, Lolo SOETORO, correctly.

President Obama never got his name changed to Soetoro, however.

This is fun.

Your massive IQ of 214 is not helping you very much right now.

Question: are you severly brain-damaged, or just drunk as a skunk?

Since Obama has been President, the races are fighting each other...
A terribly wasted opportunity, and really a shame.

Look at the conversation now: The Left isn't trying to actually improve race relations, they're just trying to "win".

This board is a perfect microcosm of it - of the thousands of posts by these people, how many are constructive? Any?

This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.


That again?

Yeah....Obama could have cured all bigots of their hate had he just been nicer to them. He wasted his opportunity to give vile racists a big hug and make them all think of black Americans in a different light.

What a tragedy!
Oh and that "birther" crap YOU were spewing. Did I say anything about birth idiot? No, but the documents showing his name change have NEVER been produced just like his school records and his medical records. Oh and let's NOT forget his travel records.

If you deny you are a racist, it is because you are enjoying white privilege.

And even if you aren't aware of white privilege, you still benefit from white privilege.

The very idea and application of white privilege is really telling of just how deeply racist some liberals can be. I once had a discussion with someone who took exception to my rejection of white privilege or that I was subject to it. She railed about how I just can't possibly understand the experiences of blacks and Hispanics, yadda yadda. Then, when I pointed out to her that I am Hispanic myself and reminded her of my name, she was dumbfounded for a moment. When she recovered, she proceeded to tell me how I didn't count as Hispanic. I tried to point out that her obliviousness to my race was the perfect example of how just how indifferent most people are when it comes to race, but she wasn't willing to understand it.

Now, this is what I don't understand....if nearly everyone I know can be 100% indifferent toward me about my race, why is it that the privileged white people apparently never enjoy the same benefit?
This doesn't improve until the right person (or more likely, people) are brave enough to force both "sides" to look in the mirror.

I disagree. Such a person will never come around. Society has "evolved" to the day of the internet echo chamber. You can't get through to this kind of stupidity anymore. I think the only solution we have in this day and age is to not give these people the attention they craze. Indifference, social isolation, and let them die their own natural deaths, ever remembered as the clowns they are.

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