I remember well that Democrats act like morons every time a Republican is elected President


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I remember well how Democrats completely lost their minds when Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II got elected President. The fact is, Democrats are sore losers and don't handle rejection well.
You sir , are delusional !

Dems worked with those prez . Same can't be said for the cons .
In all fairness they act like Morons when Dems are elected president too. I guess it's not an act though.
yup,,,then they claim it was stolen,,even though the rats are usually about 25% of all voters,,,and the rest are GOP and independants
What I find astounding is the blatant desire to be willingly blind. This was not just the general election, this was in every state and a broad acceptance of the Republican vision for the country.
What I find astounding is the blatant desire to be willingly blind. This was not just the general election, this was in every state and a broad acceptance of the Republican vision for the country.

No. It was rejection of the double vision.
Horseshit, this is not a Democrat/Republican phenomenon, this is a wingnutter phenomenon on both sides.

The way you gloss over reaction to Clinton and Obama from opposition is very telling.
I remember well that Democrats act like morons every time a Republican is elected President

And for those who don't remember, the Democrats willingly put on reminders of their petty hatred and temper tantrums every election.
I remember well how Democrats completely lost their minds when Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II got elected President. The fact is, Democrats are sore losers and don't handle rejection well.

Sorry. Just channeling Republican behavior during Nguyen Presidential addresses.
The last two republicans elected have been morons

Who are you calling morons?

Relative to your elected leaders the democrats look like geniuses, lol

Trump can't remember the briefing he had in the morning

And I doubt Jr. ever listened in the first place
I remember well how Democrats completely lost their minds when Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II got elected President. The fact is, Democrats are sore losers and don't handle rejection well.

You should be having a conniption fit right now you just got ROLLED, and it's hilarious.

So now Trump is for legalizing millions of illegals? Amazing how this works. If a Democrat would have said that Reich wingers would be shitting bricks right now--LOL

Trump's entire campaign was based on removing every illegal in this country, which is what attracted you and 99% of his supporters to him. His WALL isn't going to get built, congress will not appropriate money for a USELESS 1000 mile wall, that would have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it has soon as it's built. The other problem with the WALL is Indian Reservation land and private property rights.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

As I repeatedly told everyone throughout the primary. He was for a pathway to citizenship 3-1/2 years ago and blasted Mitt Romney for losing, citing the Republican party was too mean spirited toward illegals as the cause. You ignored that, as you have everything else about Trump.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Not that I am against Immigration reform, but I am wondering how this is sitting with his base. This is the biggest campaign lie I have ever witnessed in my old age. That was his entire platform. Continually campaigning on kicking all illegals out of this country (while his supporters were cheering him on.) And his very first address to the nation he set his supporters butt's on fire--:blowup:

Now let's get into
GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Did we forget about the 20 trillion deficit already? His proposal is to add 10% more in military spending, while cutting foreign aid to pay for it. He's is running head strong into Mitch McConnell and several other Republicans on this who strongly disagree with this plan. I doubt that's going to get through congress.

How do you cut taxes, increase spending and bring down the deficit--Anyone care to answer that?

OBAMACARE: They're not going to repeal and replace it. It's clear they don't even have a plan. The law has to be written & approved by both houses and then delivered to insurers by June 21st (this year) so they can write their policies for next year. Nothing is going to get done. Especially with Republicans getting at good look at their constituents in these town halls that have been kicking their ass's lately.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Wasn't there a campaign promise to cut funding to Planned Parenthood?--LOL Well after millions of women showed up for the Woman's march the day after the inauguration I guess that changed a few of their minds--LOL
Woman's march pictures


Who knows? Maybe Trump will get that other Obamacare type program passed that he proposed? Child care subsidies. With Democrats taking over both houses in 2018 he may have a real opportunity to get that done.
Details of Trump’s child-care plan
Democrats are supposed to be grown-ups, but they don't act like it.

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