"I saw a flying saucer!" - "No no, it was only Venus."


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)
I thought I saw Venus, but it turned out to be Uranus
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.

Plus if you're aliens flying around wishing to keep your presence secret having lights all over your ship would seem to be at odds with that desire. :)
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.

Plus if you're aliens flying around wishing to keep your presence secret having lights all over your ship would seem to be at odds with that desire. :)

Plus why would they travel light years to get here, pop up in the sky one night and then go home?
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.

Plus if you're aliens flying around wishing to keep your presence secret having lights all over your ship would seem to be at odds with that desire. :)

Plus why would they travel light years to get here, pop up in the sky one night and then go home?

Well once aliens have been here a little bit they'd notice our movies featuring aliens arriving, and since those rarely turn out well for the aliens, staying covert makes sense. :)
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.

Plus if you're aliens flying around wishing to keep your presence secret having lights all over your ship would seem to be at odds with that desire. :)

Plus why would they travel light years to get here, pop up in the sky one night and then go home?

My opinion is, we are indeed alone. If the universe is not devoid of other life we might as well be alone separated by time and space. At least for life as we know it.

Take water for an example, why do we on Earth have so much yet the Moon has relatively none and Mars little in comparison. Point being is that if not for the water there would not be life on Earth as we know it. Matter of fact so many things had to happen in precisely the way they did it seems to take chance out of the equation. The point being is that if things didn't line up exactly right then the Earth and the life on it would not have happened, the odds for it to happen more then once seems to be astronomically high against.
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.

Plus if you're aliens flying around wishing to keep your presence secret having lights all over your ship would seem to be at odds with that desire. :)

Plus why would they travel light years to get here, pop up in the sky one night and then go home?

My opinion is, we are indeed alone. If the universe is not devoid of other life we might as well be alone separated by time and space. At least for life as we know it.

Take water for an example, why do we on Earth have so much yet the Moon has relatively none and Mars little in comparison. Point being is that if not for the water there would not be life on Earth as we know it. Matter of fact so many things had to happen in precisely the way they did it seems to take chance out of the equation. The point being is that if things didn't line up exactly right then the Earth and the life on it would not have happened, the odds for it to happen more then once seems to be astronomically high against.

As we see on Earth, where ever's there's water there's also life. And where ever there's life, it exists in myriad forms. So since water is extremely common in the universe, it's reasonable to conclude so is life.

Since we already know the universe can give rise to life, even intelligent life (look in the mirror heh,) since nothing else in the universe is unique, wh would life be unique and on just 1 planet? Especially when as we now are discovering, planets tend to orbit stars more than a star exists without any planets. So given how many stars there are, and how there's even more planets than stars, even if life only existed on 1 planet per galaxy, with over 100 billion galaxies that's a lot of life.

I'd put the odds of there being intelligent life like our's or even more advanced at 100% minus .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% :) Roughly speaking. ;)
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.

Plus if you're aliens flying around wishing to keep your presence secret having lights all over your ship would seem to be at odds with that desire. :)

Plus why would they travel light years to get here, pop up in the sky one night and then go home?

My opinion is, we are indeed alone. If the universe is not devoid of other life we might as well be alone separated by time and space. At least for life as we know it.

Take water for an example, why do we on Earth have so much yet the Moon has relatively none and Mars little in comparison. Point being is that if not for the water there would not be life on Earth as we know it. Matter of fact so many things had to happen in precisely the way they did it seems to take chance out of the equation. The point being is that if things didn't line up exactly right then the Earth and the life on it would not have happened, the odds for it to happen more then once seems to be astronomically high against.

I would expect most life in the universe is some type of slime

The problem is not just an environment that fosters life, but avoiding the catastrophy that wipes it out
rightwinger said:
I would expect most life in the universe is some type of slime...

That's a wee bit cynical, don't you think? I see no reason to expect that the majority of extraterrestrial life would mimic the lifeforms that have so prolifically infested certain corners of Washington DC.
rightwinger said:
I would expect most life in the universe is some type of slime...

That's a wee bit cynical, don't you think? I see no reason to expect that the majority of extraterrestrial life would mimic the lifeforms that have so prolifically infested certain corners of Washington DC.

The simplest forms of life is the most probable
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.

Plus if you're aliens flying around wishing to keep your presence secret having lights all over your ship would seem to be at odds with that desire. :)

Plus why would they travel light years to get here, pop up in the sky one night and then go home?

My opinion is, we are indeed alone. If the universe is not devoid of other life we might as well be alone separated by time and space. At least for life as we know it.

Take water for an example, why do we on Earth have so much yet the Moon has relatively none and Mars little in comparison. Point being is that if not for the water there would not be life on Earth as we know it. Matter of fact so many things had to happen in precisely the way they did it seems to take chance out of the equation. The point being is that if things didn't line up exactly right then the Earth and the life on it would not have happened, the odds for it to happen more then once seems to be astronomically high against.
That Mars once had abundant water is pretty well "settled science".

I don't for a second doubt there is abundant life out there in the Universe; distance and logic dictate we may never be in contact with it.
That exchange happens a lot when no video or photographic evidence is offered. But seeing Venus myself the past few evenings, while very large and bright and easily mistaken for a plane's white lights, after observing it just a few moments you notice it isn't moving (perceptibly anyway) so it's hard to imagine how someone saying they saw a UFO could mistake an aeril aircraft of some type for Venus. Venus is a large pinpoint of white light. Not something moving around that makes you think "That's really weird." :)

I assume the point you are making is that Venus can't be a reason for dismissing UFO sightings?

My opinion, as soon as someone says bright lights then it is something other then a extraterrestrial craft. Producing light takes energy and it would be wasted energy, in my opinion. Of course a extraterrestrial craft might have lights like any airplane to avoid collision but just being a bright light, doubtful.

Maybe those who see Venus and think it is moving are in a vehicle, plane or car and Venus appears to be moving.

Plus if you're aliens flying around wishing to keep your presence secret having lights all over your ship would seem to be at odds with that desire. :)

Plus why would they travel light years to get here, pop up in the sky one night and then go home?

My opinion is, we are indeed alone. If the universe is not devoid of other life we might as well be alone separated by time and space. At least for life as we know it.

Take water for an example, why do we on Earth have so much yet the Moon has relatively none and Mars little in comparison. Point being is that if not for the water there would not be life on Earth as we know it. Matter of fact so many things had to happen in precisely the way they did it seems to take chance out of the equation. The point being is that if things didn't line up exactly right then the Earth and the life on it would not have happened, the odds for it to happen more then once seems to be astronomically high against.
That Mars once had abundant water is pretty well "settled science".

I don't for a second doubt there is abundant life out there in the Universe; distance and logic dictate we may never be in contact with it.

According to this site about as much as in the arctic ocean. NASA Research Suggests Mars Once Had More Water than Earth s Arctic Ocean NASA

Apparently water can escape Mar's gravity and be lost in space.
It was around 1994 or 1995. I was living in a yurt way out in the hills of Humboldt County with my girlfriend. I went outside to take a piss in the middle of the night. The whole garden lit up as a low-flying craft came overhead. It was definitely a craft, making a jet-engine type loud noise and shining brightly with artificial light. It continued for many miles past the horizon and then we heard the sound of a crash, like the rumbling of an explosion.

Tuned into KMUD community radio and lots of people were calling in with reports. My girlfriend was freaked out and thought we were under attack. She wanted to drive to town to find safety in numbers. The next day in the paper, the official report was a "disturbance in the atmosphere". That's bullshit. I saw what I saw. I'm not saying it was aliens. It might have been a military experiment, like maybe a first generation drone or something. What it meant to me is that the news can be controlled.

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