I see polls on CNN suggesting that the majority of people are against the tax cuts. Huh?

The fear is that these tax cuts being mostly for the rich and also raising tax on some categories of taxpayers such as middle class with many kids, that in addition it will trigger cuts in Medicaid.

Medicaid is Federal payments of health costs for the poor.

Yep, then after the cuts to Medicaid which states won't be able to make up - Ryan and the rest of his ilk will go after Medicare and Social Security because you cannot "grow" yourself out of 1.5 trillion in new deficit spending.
Over $400 billion lost to government waste and fraud just this year. $2 trillion dollars stolen from the Social Security trust fund, spent, with no way of paying us back our money. In the private sector that gets you a 4x8 concrete cell with bars.

$2 trillion has not been stolen from the SS trust.

Where do you get this utter nonsense?

Go ahead tell us how congress will pay us back our $2 trillion dollars, hold a bake sale?

It hasn’t been “stolen,” Einstein.

They stole it and gave us worthless IOU's they can't pay. Now they want to screw us out of OUR money by raising the retirement age hoping most people will just die before they can collect of dime of OUR money. Or in some cases stiffing people altogether, after FORCING them to pay into this slush fund for decades just shaft them and say well you are well off you don't need YOUR money so government will keep it and you get nothing.
Why the hell does it take 420 pages to out line cutting the corp tax from 35% to 21%.

Because a large majority of all businesses are NOT C corps that get that corporate tax rate cut. Most businesses file as pass-through businesses and pay taxes at the individual tax return rates so they had to deal with that problem, otherwise C corps would get a big tax cut and the majority of businesses would get nothing.

Also look closely, if you are referring to the Conference bill a great many pages are simply stating what was in the House bill, what was in the Senate bill, and the conference compromise so 3x the pages for many items. For example all the tax rate tables for the House bill, and the Senate bill, and the conference bill are in there.
We could have spent the $1.5 trillion on infrastructure, tax relief exclusively for the middle class, our schools etc but the GOP’s donors put down their feet and ordered them to get it passed or else.
And they obediently obeyed.

Successful people should be punished by excluding them? Successful people the group that actually generates net new wealth and grows the economy creating new higher paying jobs we should punish them? That's about the most retarded thing I have seen posted in a month.
Shit. You don't think millionaires and billionaires aren't rewarded enough in this country? They are getting along just fine and don't need any more largess, especially if this adds anywhere from 1.5 to 4 Trillion dollars to the debt.

Allowing the 'rich' to keep their own damn money they earned is not a reward you mooching deadbeat, get a job pay your own damn bills.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
Sorry not only CNN.
Most Americans Think the Tax Bill Will Benefit the Wealthy, Not the Middle Class

It always amazes me how little you Trump whores know.

The only people that think this are you and the radical fringe libs.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
There are many Americans who don't feel that taxes are too high, who think that, even though government spending can be inefficient and misdirected at times, they'd rather err on the side of social stability than have a few more bucks in their pocket.

Wealth inequality continues to expand, and the GOP clearly doesn't understand the social aspect of this.

I feel the govt should do without for a few decades.
Some people do not think a temporary tax cut is worth the minimum of 1.5 trillion that this one bill adds to the deficit.

I know it is hard to belie that people care about the future, but it seems a least a few still do

What's "temporary" about a TEN YEAR tax cut? Oh...you didn't know that's what the bill says did you...shame about that.

Temporary means not permanent, so something that ends in 10 years is temporary. Weird how that works.

Enough said.

Plus, every other poll.
Every poll said Trump was going to lose too.

Leftist propaganda.

He did. Since every national poll only reflected the popular vote.
CNN also said Flynn had agreed to testify against Trump about his 'criminal Collusion with Russia'.... :p
We could have spent the $1.5 trillion on infrastructure, tax relief exclusively for the middle class, our schools etc but the GOP’s donors put down their feet and ordered them to get it passed or else.
And they obediently obeyed.

Successful people should be punished by excluding them? Successful people the group that actually generates net new wealth and grows the economy creating new higher paying jobs we should punish them? That's about the most retarded thing I have seen posted in a month.
Shit. You don't think millionaires and billionaires aren't rewarded enough in this country? They are getting along just fine and don't need any more largess, especially if this adds anywhere from 1.5 to 4 Trillion dollars to the debt.

Allowing the 'rich' to keep their own damn money they earned is not a reward you mooching deadbeat, get a job pay your own damn bills.
Fuck off. I've got a job. I'm 61 and I've been working since I was 15. I pay my own bills. I pay my own taxes. Why should I have to pay more so the Paris Hilton's of the world can have yet another break.

Enough said.

Plus, every other poll.
Every poll said Trump was going to lose too.

Leftist propaganda.

He did. Since every national poll only reflected the popular vote.
Only leftist morons have never heard how the Presidential elections work.


And only partisan hacks with their head up Trumps ass have never heard how poll works.

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Enough said.

Plus, every other poll.
Every poll said Trump was going to lose too.

Leftist propaganda.

He did. Since every national poll only reflected the popular vote.
View attachment 166825

Reminds me of what the ESPN page was saying about the Patriots about 3/4 of the way through the last Super Bowl.
lol........and people wonder why CNN has about 143 viewers/night.:up: They pulled all the fake news stuff for months before the election last year and it only fooled the real dim among us. One thing you gotta give CNN.....they have made a calculated business decision to make sure to bring in the same finite number of suckers every night......enough to just pay the bills.:spinner:
We could have spent the $1.5 trillion on infrastructure, tax relief exclusively for the middle class, our schools etc but the GOP’s donors put down their feet and ordered them to get it passed or else.
And they obediently obeyed.

Successful people should be punished by excluding them? Successful people the group that actually generates net new wealth and grows the economy creating new higher paying jobs we should punish them? That's about the most retarded thing I have seen posted in a month.
Shit. You don't think millionaires and billionaires aren't rewarded enough in this country? They are getting along just fine and don't need any more largess, especially if this adds anywhere from 1.5 to 4 Trillion dollars to the debt.

Allowing the 'rich' to keep their own damn money they earned is not a reward you mooching deadbeat, get a job pay your own damn bills.
Fuck off. I've got a job. I'm 61 and I've been working since I was 15. I pay my own bills. I pay my own taxes. Why should I have to pay more so the Paris Hilton's of the world can have yet another break.

That's it lib, let your dripping envy of others flow.
I wouldn't put much stock into the polls.

Obamacare was very unpopular, even though it promised a $2500 per year cut in insurance premiums. Year later, it is impossible to get rid of Obamacare even though it actually increased premiums by a greater percentage than the promised cut! Instead of going down by $2500, mine is up by $5000, a $7500 swing.

I run a small business and it looks like this might plan might actually save me about $3,000 per year. That offsets some of the extra money I am paying for health insurance costs.

I think many people are going to like this bill once they see extra cash in their pockets.

Time will tell

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