I See Why Dylann Roof Was So Angry

Yep, we have a problem and no amount of one sided attacks on whites is going to fix it.

Blacks KILL 440 whites compared to less then half that for white on black murders.

Blacks murder, rape and commit violent crimes at 4-8 times that of whites against blacks.

Yet, all we here is how innocent blacks are and how we're a bunch of sick fucking racist for pointing out violence against us.

Fuck you liberals. You have blood on your hands. You people aren't solving shit and just making people angry.
Where are you getting your figures? Are you counting all the murders in the history of the US or are these hand picked stats? Fuck you white monkeys.
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Of course, you don't want to solve this and you expect the liberals to attack people that dare point it out...The truth is blacks kill twice as many whites every year...

I could post 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and it would still show the same thing.
Why didnt you post all the way back starting in the 1600's?

Because it doesn't matter as the only thing that matters is what is going on now. You can't change history, but you can the future.
It must matter. You claimed 2009 - 2012 were important. You are getting caught in your hypocrisy again.
Stop stoking the fires of racism before you consider all the facts..

And it works from all sides.
Take Ascleopatra for instance. He constantly shows disdain, ignorance, and complete disrespect for the white population. Mostly white males of course. He continually spreads mistruths about the accomplishments and history of the building of this nation by the white Europeans.
In fact, I would go so far as to say, he contributes to the existence of devils like the Charleston shooter, who if constantly fed by the words of this black person, would no doubt end up with a very negative feeling towards other black people.
I find it funny that you think your opinion that facts are "mistruths" has any credibility. If white male cowards cant take the truth that wont quiet me or other Blacks like me that know whats up.
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Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:

Simply, overwhelmingly shocking.
It is dumbfounding that someone with enough intelligence to write and post could do so in this manner.
What a country, what a society that could produce such a thing!
If this is at all typical, then we shouldn't be surprised by crimes such as these. What a failure of culture and education!
Cry, America!
Yep, we have a problem and no amount of one sided attacks on whites is going to fix it.

Blacks KILL 440 whites compared to less then half that for white on black murders.

Blacks murder, rape and commit violent crimes at 4-8 times that of whites against blacks.

Yet, all we here is how innocent blacks are and how we're a bunch of sick fucking racist for pointing out violence against us.

Fuck you liberals. You have blood on your hands. You people aren't solving shit and just making people angry.

And whites killed other whites a total of 2500 times. And what do you say about that?

Nothing, you step over 2500 bodies to cry about the importance of 400?
Yep, we have a problem and no amount of one sided attacks on whites is going to fix it.

Blacks KILL 440 whites compared to less then half that for white on black murders.

Blacks murder, rape and commit violent crimes at 4-8 times that of whites against blacks.

Yet, all we here is how innocent blacks are and how we're a bunch of sick fucking racist for pointing out violence against us.

Fuck you liberals. You have blood on your hands. You people aren't solving shit and just making people angry.

And whites killed other whites a total of 2500 times. And what do you say about that?

Nothing, you step over 2500 bodies to cry about the importance of 400?
Its the per capita argument again. They refuse to address their crime problem and instead parrot stuff given to them by their leaders. I'm still waiting to see if he can produce some proof regarding the numbers. Did 1K Black people commit all the interracial crimes or 100?
I condemn Woof storm as it isn't civilized and it makes our problems worse. We need a understanding and to work together in order to solve our problems.

I want PEACE!!!

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

It's amazing how you point to black murder as THE problem when whites kill just as many whites. If your rants aren't fueled by bias, if not outright hatred, then why characterize this in an adversarial manner as if it's white against black?
And yet six women were killed at a church meeting on June 17th, 2015. You folks keep prattling along about it being race-motivated solely and I'll keep scanning the killer's social media photos with a magnifying glass..

What he did was no better then the blacks that kill whites. It is condemnable and I hope they get justice. A lot of the black on white murders are probably racial in nature too and no better.

For a science guy ,your objectivity sucks.
I condemn Woof storm as it isn't civilized and it makes our problems worse. We need a understanding and to work together in order to solve our problems.

I want PEACE!!!

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

It's amazing how you point to black murder as THE problem when whites kill just as many whites. If your rants aren't fueled by bias, if not outright hatred, then why characterize this in an adversarial manner as if it's white against black?
Mathew is fooling no one. He is a racist feral monkey, make no mistake about it.
I condemn Woof storm as it isn't civilized and it makes our problems worse. We need a understanding and to work together in order to solve our problems.

I want PEACE!!!

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
If you want peace then advocate for everyone to get their piece.

Where in your stats does it say those crimes are committed by 2 Black people or a 2M Black people?

The media and many within the black community certainly don't. Any white on black murder is promoted 24 hours per day, 7 days a week as murderers on cnn, msnbc, nbc, cbs, etc and it doesn't lead to peace as it generalizes us all as monsters.

The leftist media cries about the innocent victims killed by one whites savage. WEll, that one white savage MATTERS!!! But, I can't point out the twice as many black on white murders every year as it will somehow have a worse effect on making peace?

This can't be one sided and the 400+ dead whites need to be talked about and it must end for us to have peace. If you do not fix this and the larger problem of black on black violence then blacks have no chance in climbing the ladder.
I condemn Woof storm as it isn't civilized and it makes our problems worse. We need a understanding and to work together in order to solve our problems.

I want PEACE!!!

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

It's amazing how you point to black murder as THE problem when whites kill just as many whites. If your rants aren't fueled by bias, if not outright hatred, then why characterize this in an adversarial manner as if it's white against black?
Mathew is fooling no one. He is a racist feral monkey, make no mistake about it.

And this is how you answer real statistics. No wonder some whites are pissed. Oh'yess, we're a bunch of liars and monkeys.
There's plenty reason to be angry that there are many places in this country where a white person could not safely walk down the street.
Let's face it, there are neighborhoods that a white male likely would not be able to walk through unscathed or murdered.

However, that does not excuse what this evil little weakling prick has done.
He was so amazingly stupid, other than shooting up a black daycare, he couldn't have chosen a more innocent group of people. If he wanted to make a statement, all's he accomplished was making himself look pathetic and disgusting.
So, if he had shot up some other location with black people there (besides a day care or church) that would have been ok?
I condemn Woof storm as it isn't civilized and it makes our problems worse. We need a understanding and to work together in order to solve our problems.

I want PEACE!!!

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
If you want peace then advocate for everyone to get their piece.

Where in your stats does it say those crimes are committed by 2 Black people or a 2M Black people?

The media and many within the black community certainly don't. Any white on black murder is promoted 24 hours per day, 7 days a week as murderers on cnn, msnbc, nbc, cbs, etc and it doesn't lead to peace as it generalizes us all as monsters.

The leftist media cries about the innocent victims killed by one whites savage. WEll, that one white savage MATTERS!!! But, I can't point out the twice as many black on white murders every year as it will somehow have a worse effect on making peace?

This can't be one sided and the 400+ dead whites need to be talked about and it must end for us to have peace. If you do not fix this and the larger problem of black on black violence then blacks have no chance in climbing the ladder.
Now youre reduced to pouting and deflecting. Answer my question.
Yep, we have a problem and no amount of one sided attacks on whites is going to fix it.

Blacks KILL 440 whites compared to less then half that for white on black murders.

Blacks murder, rape and commit violent crimes at 4-8 times that of whites against blacks.

Yet, all we here is how innocent blacks are and how we're a bunch of sick fucking racist for pointing out violence against us.

Fuck you liberals. You have blood on your hands. You people aren't solving shit and just making people angry.
Where are you getting your figures? Are you counting all the murders in the history of the US or are these hand picked stats? Fuck you white monkeys.
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Of course, you don't want to solve this and you expect the liberals to attack people that dare point it out...The truth is blacks kill twice as many whites every year...

I could post 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and it would still show the same thing.
Why didnt you post all the way back starting in the 1600's?

Because it doesn't matter as the only thing that matters is what is going on now. You can't change history, but you can the future.
It must matter. You claimed 2009 - 2012 were important. You are getting caught in your hypocrisy again.

Where is the time machine so we can go back and fix it??? No one deserves to die because of hatred and that can only be changed in the present leading into the future.
I condemn Woof storm as it isn't civilized and it makes our problems worse. We need a understanding and to work together in order to solve our problems.

I want PEACE!!!

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

It's amazing how you point to black murder as THE problem when whites kill just as many whites. If your rants aren't fueled by bias, if not outright hatred, then why characterize this in an adversarial manner as if it's white against black?
Mathew is fooling no one. He is a racist feral monkey, make no mistake about it.

And this is how you answer real statistics. No wonder some whites are pissed. Oh'yess, we're a bunch of liars and monkeys.
Youre still deflecting. Answer my question.
Where are you getting your figures? Are you counting all the murders in the history of the US or are these hand picked stats? Fuck you white monkeys.
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Of course, you don't want to solve this and you expect the liberals to attack people that dare point it out...The truth is blacks kill twice as many whites every year...

I could post 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and it would still show the same thing.
Why didnt you post all the way back starting in the 1600's?

Because it doesn't matter as the only thing that matters is what is going on now. You can't change history, but you can the future.
It must matter. You claimed 2009 - 2012 were important. You are getting caught in your hypocrisy again.

Where is the time machine so we can go back and fix it??? No one deserves to die because of hatred and that can only be changed in the present leading into the future.
You dont need a time machine to fix it. You simple need to pay what you owe as a white person. Advocate for the lost wages and investment Blacks put into this country. My guess is you want no parts of that.
I condemn Woof storm as it isn't civilized and it makes our problems worse. We need a understanding and to work together in order to solve our problems.

I want PEACE!!!

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
If you want peace then advocate for everyone to get their piece.

Where in your stats does it say those crimes are committed by 2 Black people or a 2M Black people?

The media and many within the black community certainly don't. Any white on black murder is promoted 24 hours per day, 7 days a week as murderers on cnn, msnbc, nbc, cbs, etc and it doesn't lead to peace as it generalizes us all as monsters.

The leftist media cries about the innocent victims killed by one whites savage. WEll, that one white savage MATTERS!!! But, I can't point out the twice as many black on white murders every year as it will somehow have a worse effect on making peace?

This can't be one sided and the 400+ dead whites need to be talked about and it must end for us to have peace. If you do not fix this and the larger problem of black on black violence then blacks have no chance in climbing the ladder.
Now youre reduced to pouting and deflecting. Answer my question.

Simply, do not expect peace as long as you slaughter twice as many whites each year and laugh in our faces as you do it. This injustice isn't one sided as you may think!

The media isn't serving you well lying and having a giant double standard. I condemn woof storm as he is uncivilized but I see very little condemning of the black community for the same behavior....The behavior that makes all of your lives utterly worthless.

Do you honestly expect me to shut up and support your false narrative that isn't supported by facts?
I condemn Woof storm as it isn't civilized and it makes our problems worse. We need a understanding and to work together in order to solve our problems.

I want PEACE!!!

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
If you want peace then advocate for everyone to get their piece.

Where in your stats does it say those crimes are committed by 2 Black people or a 2M Black people?

The media and many within the black community certainly don't. Any white on black murder is promoted 24 hours per day, 7 days a week as murderers on cnn, msnbc, nbc, cbs, etc and it doesn't lead to peace as it generalizes us all as monsters.

The leftist media cries about the innocent victims killed by one whites savage. WEll, that one white savage MATTERS!!! But, I can't point out the twice as many black on white murders every year as it will somehow have a worse effect on making peace?

This can't be one sided and the 400+ dead whites need to be talked about and it must end for us to have peace. If you do not fix this and the larger problem of black on black violence then blacks have no chance in climbing the ladder.
Now youre reduced to pouting and deflecting. Answer my question.

Simply, do not expect peace as long as you slaughter twice as many whites each year and laugh in our faces as you do it. This injustice isn't one sided as you may think!

The media isn't serving you well lying and having a giant double standard. I condemn woof storm as he is uncivilized but I see very little condemning of the black community for the same behavior....The behavior that makes all of your lives utterly worthless.

Do you honestly expect me to shut up and support your false narrative that isn't supported by facts?
I didnt slaughter any whites any year. I asked you to clarify your stats. Stop stalling.

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