I See Why Dylann Roof Was So Angry

Look what this Roof guy did was sickening, but that does not take away from the fact that blacks commit a lot of violence against whites
If you were a vindictively retributive Jew during the Pogrom would you look to assassinate any Germans, including clergy and religious observants, or would you seek out Nazi party members?
It was a provocative act.

It was intended to hurt even more than to kill.

That is what makes it rational, not crazy.
This 21 year old feral monkey is the best example of courage that white male racists can put forth. He had the courage to walk into a church where people were praying, sit for an hour or two, and shoot Black women. What a joke these monkeys are. They are afraid to bring the fight to where it would really matter.
Stop stoking the fires of racism before you consider all the facts..

And it works from all sides.
Take Ascleopatra for instance. He constantly shows disdain, ignorance, and complete disrespect for the white population. Mostly white males of course. He continually spreads mistruths about the accomplishments and history of the building of this nation by the white Europeans.
In fact, I would go so far as to say, he contributes to the existence of devils like the Charleston shooter, who if constantly fed by the words of this black person, would no doubt end up with a very negative feeling towards other black people.
I find it funny that you think your opinion that facts are "mistruths" has any credibility. If white male cowards cant take the truth that wont quiet me or other Blacks like me that know whats up.

I rest my case.

Thank you for proving me right.
Gives a fuck what you rest. Not my issue you think your fables constitute facts.

You're delusional.
This 21 year old feral monkey is the best example of courage that white male racists can put forth. He had the courage to walk into a church where people were praying, sit for an hour or two, and shoot Black women. What a joke these monkeys are. They are afraid to bring the fight to where it would really matter.

This is the kind of talk that helps create the Roof's of the world.
This 21 year old feral monkey is the best example of courage that white male racists can put forth. He had the courage to walk into a church where people were praying, sit for an hour or two, and shoot Black women. What a joke these monkeys are. They are afraid to bring the fight to where it would really matter.

This is the kind of talk that helps create the Roof's of the world.

Other than asslips obvious hatred of white people he makes a good point.
The little fucker is a coward of the worst sort. He should have targeted a crack house or a hiphop club if he wanted to do some actual good.
Stop stoking the fires of racism before you consider all the facts..

And it works from all sides.
Take Ascleopatra for instance. He constantly shows disdain, ignorance, and complete disrespect for the white population. Mostly white males of course. He continually spreads mistruths about the accomplishments and history of the building of this nation by the white Europeans.
In fact, I would go so far as to say, he contributes to the existence of devils like the Charleston shooter, who if constantly fed by the words of this black person, would no doubt end up with a very negative feeling towards other black people.
I find it funny that you think your opinion that facts are "mistruths" has any credibility. If white male cowards cant take the truth that wont quiet me or other Blacks like me that know whats up.

I rest my case.

Thank you for proving me right.
Gives a fuck what you rest. Not my issue you think your fables constitute facts.

You're delusional.
Youre easily duped.
This 21 year old feral monkey is the best example of courage that white male racists can put forth. He had the courage to walk into a church where people were praying, sit for an hour or two, and shoot Black women. What a joke these monkeys are. They are afraid to bring the fight to where it would really matter.

This is the kind of talk that helps create the Roof's of the world.
Bullshit. Monkeys dont need any talk to appear. Its in your genes.
There's plenty reason to be angry that there are many places in this country where a white person could not safely walk down the street.
Let's face it, there are neighborhoods that a white male likely would not be able to walk through unscathed or murdered.

Black strangers visitors or decent locals would be just as vulnerable; or, didn't you notice the high black on black crime rate? Whites are more likely to be killed or assaulted by one of their own kind.
This 21 year old feral monkey is the best example of courage that white male racists can put forth. He had the courage to walk into a church where people were praying, sit for an hour or two, and shoot Black women. What a joke these monkeys are. They are afraid to bring the fight to where it would really matter.

This is the kind of talk that helps create the Roof's of the world.

Other than asslips obvious hatred of white people he makes a good point.
The little fucker is a coward of the worst sort. He should have targeted a crack house or a hiphop club if he wanted to do some actual good.
If he had targeted a crack house or hip hop club he would have gotten a lot of white people.
That didn't answer my question, but I get it that you are a racist asshole glad that a white man shot and killed 9 black people.
I'm not glad that these people were killed what happened was sickening, but when you look at the amount of rape and violence blacks commit against whites the anger is understandable

But why do you justify Roof's means of channeling that anger against the wrong target?: Church going black conservatives.

Please explain. I really want to know?
I wrote that his anger is understandable, not his actions

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