I See Why Dylann Roof Was So Angry

It's not just murders, this Dylann kid was angry about the overwhelming amount of black on white rape, shit has a white guy ever even raped a black woman?
More whites have raped white women. Matter of fact white males are the single most dangerous race to white women. Mostly due to deep seated issues with insecurity in the white male.
FALSE! IF more white men have raped white women more than blacks have raped white women, perhaps that's simply because >>

1) there are so many more white men than black men, AND

2) white men are in the proximity of white women so much more than black men are.

Thus this is NOTHING at all about race, or "issues". Think before you post.

I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers were counted PER CAPITA, in places with equal populations of both races, that they would show that black men are more prone to raping white women than white men are.
It's not just murders, this Dylann kid was angry about the overwhelming amount of black on white rape, shit has a white guy ever even raped a black woman?
More whites have raped white women. Matter of fact white males are the single most dangerous race to white women. Mostly due to deep seated issues with insecurity in the white male.
FALSE! Faulty premise. If more white men have raped whit e women more than blacks have raped white women, perhaps that''s simply because 1) there are so many more white men than black men AND 2) white men are in the proximity of white women so much more than black men are. Thus NOTHING at all about race or "issues". Think before you post.

I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers were counted PER CAPITA, in places with equal populations of both races, that they would show that black men are more prone to raping white women than white men are.
Do you ever read your posts and realize how stupid you are and get embarrassed? :laugh:
But Why do you monkey people have so much aids?
You lied, but why do you money people have all that aids all over the world
Show me where more white women have died by Blacks than white women have died by White males?
Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:


Oh, so you see why Trevon Martin, who clearly lost the battle of his life with another gun toting coward and the rape of white women, who flock to black meat like fly's flock to shit were an inspiration to shoot 9 unarmed blacks in a church minding their own business? Of the 9, 5 were female seniors? And you get it?

FBI, please track this nut down and put him away...I see another shooting.
Show me where more white women have died by Blacks than white women have died by White males?

I live in the south and trust me, the rape of white women is a non issue, the last thing a black can do is forcible take a ww, just smile at one and her panties are off, like give me a frickin break.
The interracial coupling of ww and bm are really whats pissin off white cops, white young boys, white men period and no matter how inviting Bob is with Becky and Mandigo walking around with each other, he along with the rest of his white neighbors really harbor issue over it. Obama is just a reminder and that's why so much visceral hatred is aimed at him.
Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:


Oh, so you see why Trevon Martin, who clearly lost the battle of his life with another gun toting coward and the rape of white women, who flock to black meat like fly's flock to shit were an inspiration to shoot 9 unarmed blacks in a church minding their own business? Of the 9, 5 were female seniors? And you get it?

FBI, please track this nut down and put him away...I see another shooting.
Tanks harmless. I was in his city and he was afraid to meet up with me. I doubt he comes out of his moms basement other than to go work at an old folks home where he is in charge of wiping asses. :laugh:
Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:

I see why he was angry as well. Matter of fact he said why. He was upset white women act like Black men are catnip and that Black people are taking over the country. When are Black people going to learn that a large portion of white males have major insecurity issues?

Exactly..they'll never come out and admit it, but a lot of white people, despite the smile in your face, got some serious issues with interracial dating, they just do. Its really the big elephant in the room that no one wants to address or talk about. Clarence Thomas is the poster child for how people really feel about him and his white wife....I read a story where none of the sitting judges interact with him nor his wife, he's pretty much a loner. Harold Ford, running for the senate...the minute he shows up with a white woman, his chances went to ZERO.
Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:


Oh, so you see why Trevon Martin, who clearly lost the battle of his life with another gun toting coward and the rape of white women, who flock to black meat like fly's flock to shit were an inspiration to shoot 9 unarmed blacks in a church minding their own business? Of the 9, 5 were female seniors? And you get it?

FBI, please track this nut down and put him away...I see another shooting.
Tanks harmless. I was in his city and he was afraid to meet up with me. I doubt he comes out of his moms basement other than to go work at an old folks home where he is in charge of wiping asses. :laugh:

Just about everyone here is harmless.....I'm so thankful to be alive to live in a country where the internet allows us all to say what we want to say and do it all under cover and without retribution.
All races don't like interracial dating with the blacks
Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:

I see why he was angry as well. Matter of fact he said why. He was upset white women act like Black men are catnip and that Black people are taking over the country. When are Black people going to learn that a large portion of white males have major insecurity issues?

Exactly..they'll never come out and admit it, but a lot of white people, despite the smile in your face, got some serious issues with interracial dating, they just do. Its really the big elephant in the room that no one wants to address or talk about. Clarence Thomas is the poster child for how people really feel about him and his white wife....I read a story where none of the sitting judges interact with him nor his wife, he's pretty much a loner. Harold Ford, running for the senate...the minute he shows up with a white woman, his chances went to ZERO.
I didnt even know Thomas had a white wife. I should have known that was right up his alley though with all the step n fetch it routines he participates in. When I was dating white women I sure pissed off a lot of white guys. I could tell they were upset because their necks would start getting red and it would travel up their necks until their entire face was red. :laugh:
Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:

I see why he was angry as well. Matter of fact he said why. He was upset white women act like Black men are catnip and that Black people are taking over the country. When are Black people going to learn that a large portion of white males have major insecurity issues?

Exactly..they'll never come out and admit it, but a lot of white people, despite the smile in your face, got some serious issues with interracial dating, they just do. Its really the big elephant in the room that no one wants to address or talk about. Clarence Thomas is the poster child for how people really feel about him and his white wife....I read a story where none of the sitting judges interact with him nor his wife, he's pretty much a loner. Harold Ford, running for the senate...the minute he shows up with a white woman, his chances went to ZERO.
I didnt even know Thomas had a white wife. I should have known that was right up his alley though with all the step n fetch it routines he participates in. When I was dating white women I sure pissed off a lot of white guys. I could tell they were upset because their necks would start getting red and it would travel up their necks until their entire face was red. :laugh:

All I'm saying is the days of June Cleaver and Wally, the Beave, are over....this nation need to stop making Becky the poster child of purity....ww are just as messy as the rest of. Thomas wife is hard core Tea Bag follower.
Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:

I see why he was angry as well. Matter of fact he said why. He was upset white women act like Black men are catnip and that Black people are taking over the country. When are Black people going to learn that a large portion of white males have major insecurity issues?

Exactly..they'll never come out and admit it, but a lot of white people, despite the smile in your face, got some serious issues with interracial dating, they just do. Its really the big elephant in the room that no one wants to address or talk about. Clarence Thomas is the poster child for how people really feel about him and his white wife....I read a story where none of the sitting judges interact with him nor his wife, he's pretty much a loner. Harold Ford, running for the senate...the minute he shows up with a white woman, his chances went to ZERO.
I didnt even know Thomas had a white wife. I should have known that was right up his alley though with all the step n fetch it routines he participates in. When I was dating white women I sure pissed off a lot of white guys. I could tell they were upset because their necks would start getting red and it would travel up their necks until their entire face was red. :laugh:

All I'm saying is the days of June Cleaver and Wally, the Beave, are over....this nation need to stop making Becky the poster child of purity....ww are just as messy as the rest of. Thomas wife is hard core Tea Bag follower.
Trust me I know. The reason so many Black men date them is because they require no work at all. They are way more "impure" than any other race of women in my experience. They give it away easily and often.
Can you blame him, the facts are overwhelming:

In line with that reasoning don't you think he should have focused his rage on a more appropriate category of subjects? He should have taken a walk through a neighborhood where a lot of badass niggas hang out, wait to be accosted -- and do the world a favor with his Glock .45. Instead he picked on a gathering of decent, good-natured, church-going people who harm no one.

That's why I have absolutely no sympathy for this merciless punk. He deserves whatever punishment is imposed on him.
Yep, it's funny how people who have serious beef with blacks show their stones by taking out women and children--and those with their back turned. I don't recall any news, ever, of these kind of people showing up in the wrong neighborhood and trying this shit. It's best to go the non-violence route toward race relations, IMO. But, if one is so inclined to show what one is made of, killing women and kids really doesn't forward one's cause. :thup:
If White women are so easy, why do black women have the highest rates of all STD's?
White people have built up stronger immunity to STD's. Its relatively new to Black people. Why do you think the government experimented on Blacks with syphilis? They knew white people had it for so long it no longer was a sure thing they would contract it.

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