I See Why Dylann Roof Was So Angry

The facts about black on white crime should make any white person angry
Mods, could you reinstate the rep system just for scum like this so that we can neg this sorry sack of shit into oblivion?
This 21 year old feral monkey is the best example of courage that white male racists can put forth. He had the courage to walk into a church where people were praying, sit for an hour or two, and shoot Black women. What a joke these monkeys are. They are afraid to bring the fight to where it would really matter.

This is the kind of talk that helps create the Roof's of the world.

Other than asslips obvious hatred of white people he makes a good point.
The little fucker is a coward of the worst sort. He should have targeted a crack house or a hiphop club if he wanted to do some actual good.
He should have started and ended with a bullet to his head. You should follow that same advice, you disgusting waste of oxygen.
The facts about black on white crime should make any white person angry
Mods, could you reinstate the rep system just for scum like this so that we can neg this sorry sack of shit into oblivion?
You seem like the type of person who if ever learned the truth about black violence, would act the same as Dylann Roof
The facts about black on white crime should make any white person angry
Mods, could you reinstate the rep system just for scum like this so that we can neg this sorry sack of shit into oblivion?
You seem like the type of person who if ever learned the truth about black violence, would act the same as Dylann Roof
Doubt that. You have to be a special kind of coward to do what Dylan did.
Mods, could you reinstate the rep system just for scum like this so that we can neg this sorry sack of shit into oblivion?
Let's not seek to suppress freedom of speech. Tank is entitled to express his opinion, just as you and I are.

If you don't like what he's saying a constructive argument would be interesting to read.
Mods, could you reinstate the rep system just for scum like this so that we can neg this sorry sack of shit into oblivion?
Let's not seek to suppress freedom of speech. Tank is entitled to express his opinion, just as you and I are.

If you don't like what he's saying a constructive argument would be interesting to read.
His hate-filled free speech deserves only ridicule
innocent white women and children and fathers are killed everyday by black scum. Tens of times more than any white person. But do we ever hear a peep about that?
That makes no sense given that over 80% of white murders are perpetrated by whites.
Grow up and pull your head from your ass.
innocent white women and children and fathers are killed everyday by black scum. Tens of times more than any white person. But do we ever hear a peep about that?
That makes no sense given that over 80% of white murders are perpetrated by whites.
Grow up and pull your head from your ass.

blacks kill whites more than the other way around by a 10 to 1 ratio....
innocent white women and children and fathers are killed everyday by black scum. Tens of times more than any white person. But do we ever hear a peep about that?
That makes no sense given that over 80% of white murders are perpetrated by whites.
Grow up and pull your head from your ass.

blacks kill whites more than the other way around by a 10 to 1 ratio....

That's not what you said.
And that ratio isn't accurate either.
Then give us the right ratio
Why is the ratio relevant when whites kill more whites than anyone else? Youre focusing on the smaller problem instead of the larger one. You must be a failure in your life because you tend to miss the big picture frequently and make poor decisions.
It's not just murders, this Dylann kid was angry about the overwhelming amount of black on white rape, shit has a white guy ever even raped a black woman?
It's not just murders, this Dylann kid was angry about the overwhelming amount of black on white rape, shit has a white guy ever even raped a black woman?
More whites have raped white women. Matter of fact white males are the single most dangerous race to white women. Mostly due to deep seated issues with insecurity in the white male.
Says you, it is by far the negro male who is most violent towards females, shit they rape babies to cure aids.

And why do you all have so much aids?

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