• Total voters
No. He's defending terrorists by deflecting attention to the Jews. Why else would he ask who the savages were?

Well, demolishing established homes to make way for illegal settlers is pretty savage, especially when the Israeli savages kill so many unarmed civilians whilst they're doing it.
That doesn't defend any terrorist actions at all, just mentions there are a lot of Israeli terrorists as well.

The illegals were the Arab invaders from neighboring Arab countries. The land was designated as JEWISH łand.
Is there a website you get these bullshit fake cartoon maps from?
Many websites.
Why do some Jews feel entitled to steal Arab land and water in Palestine?

"Ethnic Cleansing Begins

"Ethnic cleansing in Palestine began with the idea that Palestinian Arabs would never consent to giving up lands for European Jews to settle on after World War II. 2

"From the outset, Israel’s first leader, David Ben-Gurion, made clear the intentions of Israel’s Zionist movement when he said in 1937: 'We must expel Arabs and take their place. But one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as war.' 3

"Once the plan was in place, Ben-Gurion admitted: 'Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take from them their country.'” 3

"After the 1947 war was over, Ben-Gurion declared:'The Arabs of the land of Israel have only one function left to them-to run away.' 3

"This has effectively been the policy of Zionist Israel to present day."

Check Muslim history to find out who the invaders, theives, rapists, intolerants, persecutors, and murderers are.
The poll stands...................31 to 11.

Seems this board STANDS WITH ISRAEL.

The poll stands...................31 to 11.

Seems this board STANDS WITH ISRAEL.

Check Muslim history to find out who the invaders, theives, rapists, intolerants, persecutors, and murderers are.
"Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, placed maximalist demands before the Paris Peace Conference in February 1919. He stated that he expected 70,000 to 80,000 Jewish immigrants to arrive each year in Palestine.

"When they became the majority, they would form an independent government and Palestine and would become: 'as Jewish as England is English'.

"Weizmann proposed that the boundaries should be the Mediterranean Sea on the west; Sidon, the Litani River, and Mount Hermon on the north; all of Transjordan west of the Hijaz railway on the east; and a line across Sinai from Aqaba to al-Arish on the south. He argued that:

"'the boundaries above outlined are what we consider essential for the economic foundation of the country. Palestine must have its natural outlet to the sea and control of its rivers and their headwaters. The boundaries are sketched with the general economic needs and historic traditions of the country in mind.'"

http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Palestine-Remembered/Story452.html#The Zionist Movement
Funny the idiot complains about "Hasbara" but he often quotes from bullshit and IslamoNazi sites like "Palestine remembered". Ha ha ha.
Funny the idiot complains about "Hasbara" but he often quotes from bullshit and IslamoNazi sites like "Palestine remembered". Ha ha ha
In which case, hasbara would have no difficulty refuting any of the content from Palestine Remembered?

Try this one:

"Weizmann proposed that the boundaries should be the Mediterranean Sea on the west; Sidon, the Litani River, and Mount Hermon on the north; all of Transjordan west of the Hijaz railway on the east; and a line across Sinai from Aqaba to al-Arish on the south.

"He argued that:Weizmann proposed that the boundaries should be the Mediterranean Sea on the west; Sidon, the Litani River, and Mount Hermon on the north; all of Transjordan west of the Hijaz railway on the east; and a line across Sinai from Aqaba to al-Arish on the south. He argued that:.."

http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Palestine-Remembered/Story452.html#The Zionist Movement
Palestinians = Bastard children of Islam and Nazism

First Saturday then Sunday

History of usage

According to a publication by the American Foreign Policy Council, the proverb in the form ‘After Saturday, Sunday’, was brandished as a popular slogan among supporters of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s faction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The message is reported to have meant that once the Jews had been driven out, the Christians would be expelled.

At that time, it is attested as a Lebanese Christian circles among the Maronite community, who read the Palestinian revolt against Great Britain as a foretaste of what they imagined might befall their community were Lebanese Muslims to gain ascendancy.

On the eve of the publication of the White Paper of 1939, in which Great Britain decided on a restriction on Jewish immigration to Palestine the Palestine Post reported. The Palestinian Christians were, the article continued, worried that their jobs might be axed. The correspondent then concluded:-

‘Apart from this consideration of enlightened self-interest, the Christians are anxious for their future as a minority under what will amount to Moslem rule. In fact, some Moslems have been tactless enough to point out to Christians that “after Saturday comes Sunday.”
First Saturday then Sunday

History of usage

According to a publication by the American Foreign Policy Council, the proverb in the form ‘After Saturday, Sunday’, was brandished as a popular slogan among supporters of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s faction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The message is reported to have meant that once the Jews had been driven out, the Christians would be expelled.
The Arab Revolt of 1936 had its roots in the claims made in "Palestine Remembered" regarding the Zionist plans for converting Palestine into a Jewish majority state made in December, 1918:
"Weizmann's policy was basically in accord with that of the leaders of the yishuv, who held a conference in December 1918 in which they formulated their own demands for the peace conference. The yishuv plan stressed that they must control appointments to the administrative services and that the British must actively assist their program to transform Palestine into a democratic Jewish state in which the Arabs would have minority rights. Although the peace conference did not explicitly allocate such extensive territories to the Jewish national home and did not support the goal of transforming all of Palestine into a Jewish state, it opened the door to such a possibility. More important, Weizmann's presentation stated clearly and forcefully the long-term aims of the movement.

"These aims were based on certain fundamental tenets of Zionism:

  1. The movement was seen not only as inherently righteous, but also as meeting an overwhelming need among European Jews.
  2. European culture was superior to indigenous Arab culture; the Zionists could help civilize the East.
  3. External support was needed from a major power; relations with the Arab world were a secondary matter.
  4. Arab nationalism was a legitimate political movement, but Palestinian nationalism was either illegitimate or nonexistent.
  5. Finally, if the Palestinians would not reconcile themselves to Zionism, force majeure, not compromise, was the only feasible response"
http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Palestine-Remembered/Story452.html#The Zionist Movement
Let's just stick with source documentation from official archives, no partisan sites no propaganda sites. The UN archives, for example, which demonstrate that as early as 1920, the British knew that the Jews intended to dispossess the indigenous people of Palestine.



  • General Assembly

2 October 1947


The following letter has been received from the United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations:

United Kingdom Delegation to the
United Nations, New York
18 August 1947


I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency herewith a memorandum by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom entitled "Political History of Palestine under British Administration".

This memorandum constitutes His Majesty's Government's account of their administration of the league of Nations mandate in Palestine, and is sent to you in accordance with the undertaking given in my note of 2nd April, in which I had the honour to request that the problem of Palestine should be placed on the Agenda of the General Assembly at its next regular session. I shall be grateful, therefore, if you will arrange for this document to be issued as an Assembly document in connexion with Item 21 of the Provisional Agenda of the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly, which was circulated on the 18th July last..........

12. Foremost among the exponents of Zionism at that time was Dr. Weizmann. When a Zionist delegation appeared at the Peace Conference in 1919, the American Secretary of State (Mr. Lansing) asked them exactly what was meant by the phrase, a Jewish national home. Dr. Weizmann answered him as follows:-

  • “The Zionist organization did not want an autonomous Jewish Government, but merely to establish in Palestine, under a mandatory Power, an administration not necessarily Jewish, which would render it possible to send into Palestine 70 to 80,000 Jews annually. The Zionist Association would require to have permission at the same time to build Jewish schools, where Hebrew would be taught, and in that was to build up gradually a nationality which would be as Jewish as the French nation was French and the British nation British. Later on, when the Jews formed the large majority, they would be ripe to establish such a Government as would answer to the state of the development of the country and to their ideals.”

    13. The King-Crane Commission, touring Palestine later in the same years, found that the Jewish colonists were similarly looking to a radical transformation of the country:

    • “The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives, that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine......."

      A AC.14 8 of 2 October 1947
Let's just stick with source documentation from official archives, no partisan sites no propaganda sites. The UN archives, for example, which demonstrate that as early as 1920, the British knew that the Jews intended to dispossess the indigenous people of Palestine.



  • General Assembly

2 October 1947


The following letter has been received from the United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations:

United Kingdom Delegation to the
United Nations, New York
18 August 1947


I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency herewith a memorandum by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom entitled "Political History of Palestine under British Administration".

This memorandum constitutes His Majesty's Government's account of their administration of the league of Nations mandate in Palestine, and is sent to you in accordance with the undertaking given in my note of 2nd April, in which I had the honour to request that the problem of Palestine should be placed on the Agenda of the General Assembly at its next regular session. I shall be grateful, therefore, if you will arrange for this document to be issued as an Assembly document in connexion with Item 21 of the Provisional Agenda of the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly, which was circulated on the 18th July last..........

12. Foremost among the exponents of Zionism at that time was Dr. Weizmann. When a Zionist delegation appeared at the Peace Conference in 1919, the American Secretary of State (Mr. Lansing) asked them exactly what was meant by the phrase, a Jewish national home. Dr. Weizmann answered him as follows:-

  • “The Zionist organization did not want an autonomous Jewish Government, but merely to establish in Palestine, under a mandatory Power, an administration not necessarily Jewish, which would render it possible to send into Palestine 70 to 80,000 Jews annually. The Zionist Association would require to have permission at the same time to build Jewish schools, where Hebrew would be taught, and in that was to build up gradually a nationality which would be as Jewish as the French nation was French and the British nation British. Later on, when the Jews formed the large majority, they would be ripe to establish such a Government as would answer to the state of the development of the country and to their ideals.”

    13. The King-Crane Commission, touring Palestine later in the same years, found that the Jewish colonists were similarly looking to a radical transformation of the country:

    • “The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives, that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine......."

      A AC.14 8 of 2 October 1947

Funny, Jews never dispossessed anybody, while Muslim history is full of invasions, ethnic cleansing, rape, looting, and murder. And that's exactly what the Nazi Mufti of Palestine had in mind, to create and Islamic Nazi state, according to his own documented statements.
Let's just stick with source documentation from official archives, no partisan sites no propaganda sites. The UN archives, for example, which demonstrate that as early as 1920, the British knew that the Jews intended to dispossess the indigenous people of Palestine.



  • General Assembly

2 October 1947


The following letter has been received from the United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations:

United Kingdom Delegation to the
United Nations, New York
18 August 1947


I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency herewith a memorandum by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom entitled "Political History of Palestine under British Administration".

This memorandum constitutes His Majesty's Government's account of their administration of the league of Nations mandate in Palestine, and is sent to you in accordance with the undertaking given in my note of 2nd April, in which I had the honour to request that the problem of Palestine should be placed on the Agenda of the General Assembly at its next regular session. I shall be grateful, therefore, if you will arrange for this document to be issued as an Assembly document in connexion with Item 21 of the Provisional Agenda of the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly, which was circulated on the 18th July last..........

12. Foremost among the exponents of Zionism at that time was Dr. Weizmann. When a Zionist delegation appeared at the Peace Conference in 1919, the American Secretary of State (Mr. Lansing) asked them exactly what was meant by the phrase, a Jewish national home. Dr. Weizmann answered him as follows:-

  • “The Zionist organization did not want an autonomous Jewish Government, but merely to establish in Palestine, under a mandatory Power, an administration not necessarily Jewish, which would render it possible to send into Palestine 70 to 80,000 Jews annually. The Zionist Association would require to have permission at the same time to build Jewish schools, where Hebrew would be taught, and in that was to build up gradually a nationality which would be as Jewish as the French nation was French and the British nation British. Later on, when the Jews formed the large majority, they would be ripe to establish such a Government as would answer to the state of the development of the country and to their ideals.”

    13. The King-Crane Commission, touring Palestine later in the same years, found that the Jewish colonists were similarly looking to a radical transformation of the country:

    • “The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives, that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine......."

      A AC.14 8 of 2 October 1947

Funny, Jews never dispossessed anybody, while Muslim history is full of invasions, ethnic cleansing, rape, looting, and murder. And that's exactly what the Nazi Mufti of Palestine had in mind, to create and Islamic Nazi state, according to his own documented statements.

You make things up and I post actual source documents. Who would anyone believe among us two?
Let's just stick with source documentation from official archives, no partisan sites no propaganda sites. The UN archives, for example, which demonstrate that as early as 1920, the British knew that the Jews intended to dispossess the indigenous people of Palestine.



  • General Assembly

2 October 1947


The following letter has been received from the United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations:

United Kingdom Delegation to the
United Nations, New York
18 August 1947


I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency herewith a memorandum by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom entitled "Political History of Palestine under British Administration".

This memorandum constitutes His Majesty's Government's account of their administration of the league of Nations mandate in Palestine, and is sent to you in accordance with the undertaking given in my note of 2nd April, in which I had the honour to request that the problem of Palestine should be placed on the Agenda of the General Assembly at its next regular session. I shall be grateful, therefore, if you will arrange for this document to be issued as an Assembly document in connexion with Item 21 of the Provisional Agenda of the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly, which was circulated on the 18th July last..........

12. Foremost among the exponents of Zionism at that time was Dr. Weizmann. When a Zionist delegation appeared at the Peace Conference in 1919, the American Secretary of State (Mr. Lansing) asked them exactly what was meant by the phrase, a Jewish national home. Dr. Weizmann answered him as follows:-

  • “The Zionist organization did not want an autonomous Jewish Government, but merely to establish in Palestine, under a mandatory Power, an administration not necessarily Jewish, which would render it possible to send into Palestine 70 to 80,000 Jews annually. The Zionist Association would require to have permission at the same time to build Jewish schools, where Hebrew would be taught, and in that was to build up gradually a nationality which would be as Jewish as the French nation was French and the British nation British. Later on, when the Jews formed the large majority, they would be ripe to establish such a Government as would answer to the state of the development of the country and to their ideals.”

    13. The King-Crane Commission, touring Palestine later in the same years, found that the Jewish colonists were similarly looking to a radical transformation of the country:

    • “The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives, that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine......."

      A AC.14 8 of 2 October 1947

Funny, Jews never dispossessed anybody, while Muslim history is full of invasions, ethnic cleansing, rape, looting, and murder. And that's exactly what the Nazi Mufti of Palestine had in mind, to create and Islamic Nazi state, according to his own documented statements.

Anyone can Google History of Jihad and see what the Muslims have been up to down through the ages. The sad thing is that the descendents of the people whom they invaded can't even practice their religion in peace these days.
Funny, Jews never dispossessed anybody, w
"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة‎, "al-Nakbah", lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1]occurred when more than 700,000Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2] The term 'nakba' also refers to the period of war itself and events affecting Palestinians from December 1947 to January 1949."
1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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