I Still Never Figured Out How People Believe That The Election Of 2020 Was Legit

OJ was acquitted of killing his wife, but we all know he did it.
Just like we all know your blob is guilty of all of the felonies he’s accused of whether they are overturned on appeal/he’s found not guilty too, right?
Just like we all know your blob is guilty of all of the felonies he’s accused of whether they are overturned on appeal/he’s found not guilty too, right?

No, we don't know that. It's the Dems that have decided at this point of time to weaponize our legal system against their political enemies.

All to the cheers of the useful idiots such as yourself.
So Alabama should be allowed to ban abortions because a majority of them want to?

Do they? Was it ever put on a referendum, or did someone just realize giving human rights to popsicles was kind of a stupid idea.
They voted in people who want to do it, ergo, they want to do it.
So, no, they didn't want it, some guys who probably less than 20% of them voted for decided to do it.

I mean, this is a good reason why we should all know who our state reps are.
So, no, they didn't want it, some guys who probably less than 20% of them voted for decided to do it.

I mean, this is a good reason why we should all know who our state reps are.

Amazing you hold things you don't like to a higher standard, all on your own.

How about one no permits or licenses for firearms?
I'm sure that one wouldn't win, either... but let's put it on the ballot.

I'm guessing, though, that if you put most gun control measures on the ballot, they would win.
I'm sure that one wouldn't win, either... but let's put it on the ballot.

I'm guessing, though, that if you put most gun control measures on the ballot, they would win.

In Alabama, I'm guessing, you would be wrong.
The fraud was probably concentrated in only areas where 1) Dems controlled the election process and 2) where it would do the most good.
You never explained how the GOP gained seats. Why didn't all of this supposed fraud result in the Democrats picking up seats in the House instead of losing them?
Sure we do. At least those of us who are not in the cult.

LOL... thats hilarious. Especially considering the likes of Ken Paxton and others.

I’m happy when bad people fail.

Says the collectivist cheering on collectivist shenanigans.
You never explained how the GOP gained seats. Why didn't all of this supposed fraud result in the Democrats picking up seats in the House instead of losing them?

Did they gain seats in the jurisdictions where people think the cheating occurred?
Did they gain seats in the jurisdictions where people think the cheating occurred?
Yes. Michigan. They picked up a seat.

Again..please explain how this could happen. Please explain how the GOP kept so many senate seats...those were state wide elections.

Its your crazy theory...back it up.
Yes. Michigan. They picked up a seat.

Again..please explain how this could happen. Please explain how the GOP kept so many senate seats...those were state wide elections.

Its your crazy theory...back it up.

Did they pick up a seat in Detroit?

Explain how Dems won the Presidency when the GOP picked up seats in the House.
Did they pick up a seat in Detroit?
Explain how Dems won the Presidency when the GOP picked up seats in the House.
Its simple. Some People liked Biden. Many more people despised your blob. So they split their ticket.

Your turn....

What is your explanation? How....with all of this cheating that you said took place, how in the hell did the GOP pick up seats in the House and keep so many seats in the Senate?
I’ll expand on what I’ve written a couple dozen times, this time though, I’ll include an explanation on why I don’t believe it was stolen. I’ll focus on Georgia, my own state.

I was trained by the Army to be an Engineer. Engineers are awesome, and dangerous. Software Engineers are right now working on the keystone of our doom, Artificial Intelligence. The reason is Engineers spend their time trying to figure out how. Not if. They almost never ask if we should do something, but how we can do something.

So how could the election be stolen in Georgia? First, it would take someone with detailed knowledge of how elections work. Experience in the process. Ok, so you have that with the two women who were totally cleared in Atlanta. Sort of. They couldn’t do it all themselves.

Next you would need several dozen people. Hell you would need a couple hundred people. And here is why.

You couldn’t just have a computer spitting out ballots with Biden’s name checked. It wouldn’t pass inspection. It wouldn’t pass scrutiny. You would need people filling out the ballots. But how many? Ten thousand? If you manufactured a mere ten thousand, but were losing by eleven thousand, then you wouldn’t have enough to win would you?

So you would need access to polling data, detailed data, to figure out at the last minute how many ballots you would need, and then add some for safety right? I mean, if you manufactured eleven thousand, and were five hundred short, you would still lose right?

But here we get really into trouble. Georgia has a habit of dropping people from the voting rolls after they skip a couple elections, and of removing the dead from the rolls with some speed. So to avoid the tell tale of someone deciding to vote this time, who hadn’t voted last time, the conspirators would need to create bogus voter cards with real addresses to use in the system.

Now, we’re getting into it. Because the cards would have to have different IP addresses for those filled out online. I mean, if you had fifteen thousand voter registrations that all came from one IP address, that is sort of a red flag. So you would want to go with the handwritten forms. That means those hundreds of people we mentioned would have to fill out the cards, and get them submitted before the deadline.

Each card would need different handwriting, and the person forging the card would need a copy to keep an example of his writing so the signature would match right?

I said that I am trained to figure out how. So this is how the crime could be committed. And we aren’t even there yet. Yet the people running this are already Bond Villain level right? I mean a big building with a few hundred people working to create fake voters, so they could fill out mail in ballots, using different handwriting, different pens, and occasionally spilling something on the ballots like real people would right? To throw off suspicion they would need to do that right?

Where could they do this? In a big building? In a hollowed out volcano? I mean this is a huge thing. And none of these criminals have been caught doing anything else, and offered this stuff up as a part of a plea deal. A vast majority of criminal cases are concluded with plea deals. And criminals tend to continue committing crimes. I mean, you have gathered together a few hundred forgers to create the tens of thousands of bogus voter cards, and bogus ballots, to steal the election. Surely these forgers after being taught how to do their jobs better, wouldn’t stop forging would they?

They would move to checks, contracts, and other documents to get money right?

But none of them have been caught doing anything criminal, and offered up information in exchange for immunity? Who is running this thing? Blofeld? Doctor Evil? Doctor No?

Or did they execute all the forgers to insure they didn’t talk? Hundreds of dead bodies, and nobody has stumbled across one?

So by now, you see the reason. How would they commit this crime? The only answer I can come up with is an organization so vast it boggles the mind. It would cost tens of millions of dollars to arrange. It would take a cast of hundreds, or even thousands. None of whom have talked.

I’m not buying it. It’s easy to scream they brought in tens of thousands of fake ballots, it’s a lot harder to explain how they got the fake ballots, and that is a detail that none of the CT nuts who scream the election was stolen, ever explain.

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