I Still Never Figured Out How People Believe That The Election Of 2020 Was Legit

Oh I do. I have stated the truth about how I won't vote for either party anymore. Take that to the bank. I strongly believe both sides cheat. Your issue is you will refute that.

Truly honest citizen voters don’t cheat and won’t allow it. They tend to be forced to vote R despite the fact 90% of State and FED R are actually Uniparty working only to enrich themselves. Honest Voting ended in 2020 forever. I don’t see anyway this Police State will walk away now.//
Truly honest citizen voters don’t cheat and won’t allow it. They tend to be forced to vote R despite the fact 90% of State and FED R are actually Uniparty working only to enrich themselves. Honest Voting ended in 2020 forever. I don’t see anyway this Police State will walk away now.//
I'm not as out there as you but you are entitled to you're belief. My belief is that letting only wealthy people in elected positions is a huge mistake.
I'm not as out there as you but you are entitled to you're belief. My belief is that letting only wealthy people in elected positions is a huge mistake.

AOC went from roomates fighting over bar tips in jar to juggling tens of millions overnight. She’s one of the worst. Each case is different. In general any of them willing to join the Marxist DEMs are immoral Criminally challenged. Probably 90% of the R are there to cash checks and work for the Marxist when needed, no easy answers are available. They party in DC and we work to fund it all.
Not hundred of Ballots per person per dropoff you dumb OX. You’re slipping old commee stooge. One Ballot per legal citizen Voter.
Okay, since we only had 66% of legal voters actually cast votes in 2020, that doesn't seem to be a problem.

Now, if we had 101% of legal voters casting votes, you MIGHT have an issue.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
It wasn't legitimate....
AOC went from roomates fighting over bar tips in jar to juggling tens of millions overnight. She’s one of the worst. Each case is different. In general any of them willing to join the Marxist DEMs are immoral Criminally challenged. Probably 90% of the R are there to cash checks and work for the Marxist when needed, no easy answers are available. They party in DC and we work to fund it all.

AOC knows what it's like to work for a living.

The reason she won was the Democratic Party operative she beat almost never came back to the district.
How can elections be '"ligit" (sic) when the duopoly has every state rigged for only their candidates?
That must be frustrating....having so much proof and nobody will listen to you or believe you. Man...sucks to be you.

What sucks is useful idiot cheerleaders like you being OK with it because you got what you wanted.
What sucks is useful idiot cheerleaders like you being OK with it because you got what you wanted.
I'm okay with it because it was what the people wanted.

Unlike 2016, where the people said no to Trump and we got stuck with him anyway.
I'm okay with it because it was what the people wanted.

Unlike 2016, where the people said no to Trump and we got stuck with him anyway.

Once again thinking people win baseball games by having the most hits, not the most runs.

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