I Still Never Figured Out How People Believe That The Election Of 2020 Was Legit

WOW! So, why and how did they cheat on the absentee ballots for Trump and not cheat for the other federal seats to give Biden power?

Geebus Marty..... You're really doing some twisting to satisfy yourself in your own head.

No one cheated to change Trump votes to Biden votes while not changing Republican senator or representative's vote to the Democratic candidates. No one harvested or dumped ballots of dead people they filled out for Biden and not fill out the down ballot seats as well for democrats.... If someone is gonna take the huge felonious chance to cheat, to put Biden in power, they will also cheat to give Biden power by voting his party candidates in to office as well.

Never Trumpers, voted for Biden, and then voted for Republicans down ballot seats because....the never Trumpers are Republicans.....it was Trump who they were against, not their own republican party candidates.

The cheating was probably a flood of fugazi absentee ballots, harvested in high Biden Support areas.
WOW! So, why and how did they cheat on the absentee ballots for Trump and not cheat for the other federal seats to give Biden power?

Geebus Marty..... You're really doing some twisting to satisfy yourself in your own head.

No one cheated to change Trump votes to Biden votes while not changing Republican senator or representative's vote to the Democratic candidates. No one harvested or dumped ballots of dead people they filled out for Biden and not fill out the down ballot seats as well for democrats.... If someone is gonna take the huge felonious chance to cheat, to put Biden in power, they will also cheat to give Biden power by voting his party candidates in to office as well.

Never Trumpers, voted for Biden, and then voted for Republicans down ballot seats because....the never Trumpers are Republicans.....it was Trump who they were against, not their own republican party candidates.

None of them can answer the question except to suggest the completely illogical. He actually indicated that the GOP picking up seats was proof of Democratic voter fraud.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕

What's your point?

I'm pretty sure Biden ran a campaign. Had something like 20+ opponents in the primaries.

And I'm pretty sure Biden won the swing states.
The trick was to engage in so many fraudulent activities that it could be argued that no single one of them would have decided the election. But even beyond that, the 2020 Presidential election was the most irregular in American history: Early and late voting allowed, mass ballot mail outs, and no verification of those which were returned. It is likely that Trump would have been reelected under regular election procedures, but we will never know.

The trick was, we convinced more voters to vote for our guy than MAGA voters voting for Orange Julius.
You seem confused. Team Trump had every opportunity to question and challenge the results. Surely you heard of the mountain of failed court cases.
I questioned the election, and lost 2 accounts on twitter, spent time in facebook jail, and to this day deal with unhinged leftists for daring to question the results of the 2020 election. To me, that says questioning the election is not allowed.

'but but but'
Let's see, this thread is now in conspiracy theories. Who could have possibly predicted this? *Looks at Spaz *
thats cause the only people that still say that are paid shills for the DNC,we got lots of them on here with socks.

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