I suggest an immediate poll of the Iranian people.

Here is an actual poll of the Iranian people.....taken back in May after the framework agreement was announced. The poll found that a strong majority of 57% of Iranians support the agreement, with only 15% in opposition and 28% unsure

Iranians optimistic about end to isolation says new poll World news The Guardian or New Poll finds Strong Iranian Support for a Nuclear Deal - NIAC

Death to America? Hardly. The Iranian people want what we want- peace.

Thank you for posting that. It's not the Iranian people who are the problem, and a bombing campaign would kill and maim the people.
Here is a link to the actual Poll

Iranian Public Opinion on the Nuclear Negotiations Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland

This is interesting--- Views on Nuclear Weapons
A large and growing majority of Iranians express opposition to nuclear weapons in various ways. Two thirds now say that producing nuclear weapons is contrary to Islam. Eight in ten approve of the NPT goal of eliminating nuclear weapons and establishing a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East. Consistent with these views, Iranians express opposition to chemical weapons, with nine in ten approving of Iran’s decision, during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, to not use chemical weapons in response to Iraq’s use of them.

Expectations About Positive Effects of a Deal
Iranians express high expectations that a nuclear deal would result in significant positive effects in the near term. Majorities say they would expect to see, within a year, better access to foreign medicines and medical equipment, significantly more foreign investment, and tangible improvement in living standards.

Relations with the U.S.
Views of the United States, especially the U.S. government, continue to be quite negative. Only four in ten believe that U.S. leaders genuinely believe that Iran is trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Asked why the U.S. is imposing sanctions on Iran, the most common answers portray the U.S. as seeking to confront and dominate Iran; very few mention concerns about nuclear weapons. However, a slight majority has a positive view of the American people.
I was as dead set as anyone about doing a deal with Iran, but after doing some research and learning a little bit about our past dealings with them, I think it is time we tried to approach the situation with Iran in a new way. We are giving them an opportunity to cooperate. That is what we are doing. I'm hopeful that we (as well as Israel) can try to find some kind of solution to make peace. It's the only way. You cannot kill ALL of the terrorists. The more we interfere over there with their lives, killing their families and their friends, the more we push them away from us and from the "modern world."
I also have to say that Mr. Obama has no skills when it comes to diplomacy. It seems to me that he has not really made much of an effort to get the American people behind his plan. He needs to be out there speaking about it, stating the facts, talking more about the Iranian PEOPLE and what they say they would like to see happen. He needs to sell his deal. This is just one reason why I think he is not a very good president.
no religion has done more killing in its name than Christianity. you are showcasing your ignorance here with your warmongering.

The difference, dumb-ass, is that the Christians ceased their barbaric activities about 4 or 5 centuries ago, and the Muslims are still engaged in them today. Beheadings, stoning of women, burning people alive, dropping them in cages into the sea. Animals.

And, dumb-ass, that our ancestors sometimes acted like barbarians 500 years ago, is not the slightest excuse for tolerating barbarians coming to our country...today...and killing Americans because fucking Muslims have declared us Infidels.


Kind of like killing doctors because fucking religious nuts have declared them baby killers (George Tiller), or killing gays because they have declared them an abomination (August Provost)?

Excuse me, I think you might have read and typed in the wrong Democrat Loon talking point. That's the "Abortion" talking point. You need to find the "Muslims are Just Misunderstood" talking point.

Nope. You claimed that Christians quit doing all that crap 500 years ago. I gave you some more recent examples. You couldn't understand that?
just because a few crackpots who claim to be Muslims are terrorists does not mean that everyone who believes in islam is a terrorist.
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
Here is a link to the actual Poll

Iranian Public Opinion on the Nuclear Negotiations Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland

This is interesting--- Views on Nuclear Weapons
A large and growing majority of Iranians express opposition to nuclear weapons in various ways. Two thirds now say that producing nuclear weapons is contrary to Islam. Eight in ten approve of the NPT goal of eliminating nuclear weapons and establishing a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East. Consistent with these views, Iranians express opposition to chemical weapons, with nine in ten approving of Iran’s decision, during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, to not use chemical weapons in response to Iraq’s use of them.

Expectations About Positive Effects of a Deal
Iranians express high expectations that a nuclear deal would result in significant positive effects in the near term. Majorities say they would expect to see, within a year, better access to foreign medicines and medical equipment, significantly more foreign investment, and tangible improvement in living standards.

Relations with the U.S.
Views of the United States, especially the U.S. government, continue to be quite negative. Only four in ten believe that U.S. leaders genuinely believe that Iran is trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Asked why the U.S. is imposing sanctions on Iran, the most common answers portray the U.S. as seeking to confront and dominate Iran; very few mention concerns about nuclear weapons. However, a slight majority has a positive view of the American people.




I was as dead set as anyone about doing a deal with Iran, but after doing some research and learning a little bit about our past dealings with them, I think it is time we tried to approach the situation with Iran in a new way. We are giving them an opportunity to cooperate. That is what we are doing. I'm hopeful that we (as well as Israel) can try to find some kind of solution to make peace. It's the only way. You cannot kill ALL of the terrorists. The more we interfere over there with their lives, killing their families and their friends, the more we push them away from us and from the "modern world."
EXACTLY MY POINT! the only way to end terrorism is to address its root causes. killing is the most efficient way to make more terrorists. the Iranian people are ready and eager to become part of the global community, and this deal gives them that opportunity.
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.
no religion has done more killing in its name than Christianity. you are showcasing your ignorance here with your warmongering.

The difference, dumb-ass, is that the Christians ceased their barbaric activities about 4 or 5 centuries ago, and the Muslims are still engaged in them today. Beheadings, stoning of women, burning people alive, dropping them in cages into the sea. Animals.

And, dumb-ass, that our ancestors sometimes acted like barbarians 500 years ago, is not the slightest excuse for tolerating barbarians coming to our country...today...and killing Americans because fucking Muslims have declared us Infidels.

just because a few Muslims are terrorists does not mean they all are. besides, le largest difference between christianity and islam is that they call their gods different names

Pretty sure you should have intelligence before philosophy....just sayin.
good philosophy arises as a result of intellignece
I was as dead set as anyone about doing a deal with Iran, but after doing some research and learning a little bit about our past dealings with them, I think it is time we tried to approach the situation with Iran in a new way. We are giving them an opportunity to cooperate. That is what we are doing. I'm hopeful that we (as well as Israel) can try to find some kind of solution to make peace. It's the only way. You cannot kill ALL of the terrorists. The more we interfere over there with their lives, killing their families and their friends, the more we push them away from us and from the "modern world."
EXACTLY MY POINT! the only way to end terrorism is to address its root causes. killing is the most efficient way to make more terrorists. the Iranian people are ready and eager to become part of the global community, and this deal gives them that opportunity.
Don't trip over your flowers when you're dancing...
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.
They are still mad that we overthrew their elected government and gave them a US-backed police state. Damn ungrateful bastards...
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.

How so? Explain to me please. It seems to me that we interfered with their government way back, and replaced their leader with a person who cooperated with us and our needs but treated the people of Iran very badly. How would you feel if some foreign "invaders" came here to America and messed with us in such a way? That isn't using our brains. That is us being greedy and doing what is best for us.
no religion has done more killing in its name than Christianity. you are showcasing your ignorance here with your warmongering.

The difference, dumb-ass, is that the Christians ceased their barbaric activities about 4 or 5 centuries ago, and the Muslims are still engaged in them today. Beheadings, stoning of women, burning people alive, dropping them in cages into the sea. Animals.

And, dumb-ass, that our ancestors sometimes acted like barbarians 500 years ago, is not the slightest excuse for tolerating barbarians coming to our country...today...and killing Americans because fucking Muslims have declared us Infidels.

just because a few Muslims are terrorists does not mean they all are. besides, le largest difference between christianity and islam is that they call their gods different names

Pretty sure you should have intelligence before philosophy....just sayin.
good philosophy arises as a result of intellignece

And there you have it folks...
Here is a link to the actual Poll

Iranian Public Opinion on the Nuclear Negotiations Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland

This is interesting--- Views on Nuclear Weapons
A large and growing majority of Iranians express opposition to nuclear weapons in various ways. Two thirds now say that producing nuclear weapons is contrary to Islam. Eight in ten approve of the NPT goal of eliminating nuclear weapons and establishing a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East. Consistent with these views, Iranians express opposition to chemical weapons, with nine in ten approving of Iran’s decision, during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, to not use chemical weapons in response to Iraq’s use of them.

Expectations About Positive Effects of a Deal
Iranians express high expectations that a nuclear deal would result in significant positive effects in the near term. Majorities say they would expect to see, within a year, better access to foreign medicines and medical equipment, significantly more foreign investment, and tangible improvement in living standards.

Relations with the U.S.
Views of the United States, especially the U.S. government, continue to be quite negative. Only four in ten believe that U.S. leaders genuinely believe that Iran is trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Asked why the U.S. is imposing sanctions on Iran, the most common answers portray the U.S. as seeking to confront and dominate Iran; very few mention concerns about nuclear weapons. However, a slight majority has a positive view of the American people.





You're a nutjob. Please get help.
I concur. They scream death to America, let America bring death to them.

You are fucking nuts. How sad that any of you would think this is a good thing.
I concur. They scream death to America, let America bring death to them.

You are fucking nuts. How sad that any of you would think this is a good thing.
you should come over to "the Iranian nuclear deal: a deeper look", read my essay, and help convince the right wing extremists who oppose this deal.
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.

How so? Explain to me please. It seems to me that we interfered with their government way back, and replaced their leader with a person who cooperated with us and our needs but treated the people of Iran very badly. How would you feel if some foreign "invaders" came here to America and messed with us in such a way? That isn't using our brains. That is us being greedy and doing what is best for us.
Give me the name of a Muslim leader who has treated his people well...not counting your hero Saddam...
Well, regardless of what happened in the past, the point is most of the Iranian people also want to see some change. I think they made that clear a few years back when they had their own version of a "spring" uprising. The problem is not so much with the Iranian people as it is with the current governing body of Iran. They are the ones who make the rules.
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.

How so? Explain to me please. It seems to me that we interfered with their government way back, and replaced their leader with a person who cooperated with us and our needs but treated the people of Iran very badly. How would you feel if some foreign "invaders" came here to America and messed with us in such a way? That isn't using our brains. That is us being greedy and doing what is best for us.
Give me the name of a Muslim leader who has treated his people well...not counting your hero Saddam...

My hero? :lol: You're ignorant. Don't speak about that which you know nothing, like you always do.
Here is a link to the actual Poll

Iranian Public Opinion on the Nuclear Negotiations Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland

This is interesting--- Views on Nuclear Weapons
A large and growing majority of Iranians express opposition to nuclear weapons in various ways. Two thirds now say that producing nuclear weapons is contrary to Islam. Eight in ten approve of the NPT goal of eliminating nuclear weapons and establishing a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East. Consistent with these views, Iranians express opposition to chemical weapons, with nine in ten approving of Iran’s decision, during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, to not use chemical weapons in response to Iraq’s use of them.

Expectations About Positive Effects of a Deal
Iranians express high expectations that a nuclear deal would result in significant positive effects in the near term. Majorities say they would expect to see, within a year, better access to foreign medicines and medical equipment, significantly more foreign investment, and tangible improvement in living standards.

Relations with the U.S.
Views of the United States, especially the U.S. government, continue to be quite negative. Only four in ten believe that U.S. leaders genuinely believe that Iran is trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Asked why the U.S. is imposing sanctions on Iran, the most common answers portray the U.S. as seeking to confront and dominate Iran; very few mention concerns about nuclear weapons. However, a slight majority has a positive view of the American people.





You're a nutjob. Please get help.




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