I suggest an immediate poll of the Iranian people.

You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.

How so? Explain to me please. It seems to me that we interfered with their government way back, and replaced their leader with a person who cooperated with us and our needs but treated the people of Iran very badly. How would you feel if some foreign "invaders" came here to America and messed with us in such a way? That isn't using our brains. That is us being greedy and doing what is best for us.
Give me the name of a Muslim leader who has treated his people well...not counting your hero Saddam...

How would YOU feel if a foreign invader messed with our political system to the point of overthrowing out current POTUS and appointing their own for their own best interests? Do tell.
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.

I know. That's why republicans should let someone who actually has brains make the decisions. It's obvious you don't have enough.
Point is, we made a lot of mistakes in the past. I don't think we are "bad." I still love my country and everything it stands for, but there is nothing wrong with admitting that you've made errors and owning them and trying to change the way we do things. We should not be interfering with the governments over there or their problems.
I concur. They scream death to America, let America bring death to them.

Why was that asshole allowed to live here in the states considering his history? Political correctness means we must open our arms to those who come to destroy us. And I am willing to bet that the radicals in Iran celebrate every time one of their own idiots "submits to Allah" the way this guy did.

And Obama made that deal with Iran without considering the innocent prisoners in Iran. This is the same guy who traded 5 evil terrorists for a radical Muslim deserter. He apparently only makes deals with radicals.

This deal has made Iran happy and they continued their "Death to America" chant the whole time. No inspections of their nuclear facilities and they will do as they want. Only difference is that there are no more sanctions, which will help them as they go forth with their plans to eliminate infidels from the planet. And Obama is happy about this.

Heck, take a poll of liberals here in America, too, and see if they are willing to blame the right person over the shootings. They seem to think the NRA is more responsible that the hate-filled radical who committed the crimes.
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.

How so? Explain to me please. It seems to me that we interfered with their government way back, and replaced their leader with a person who cooperated with us and our needs but treated the people of Iran very badly. How would you feel if some foreign "invaders" came here to America and messed with us in such a way? That isn't using our brains. That is us being greedy and doing what is best for us.
Give me the name of a Muslim leader who has treated his people well...not counting your hero Saddam...

My hero? :lol: You're ignorant. Don't speak about that which you know nothing, like you always do.
You gave me no names.
Funny how this guy gets called a terrorist by the same crowd that called the conservative terrorist who shot up the church just some crazy loner.
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.

How so? Explain to me please. It seems to me that we interfered with their government way back, and replaced their leader with a person who cooperated with us and our needs but treated the people of Iran very badly. How would you feel if some foreign "invaders" came here to America and messed with us in such a way? That isn't using our brains. That is us being greedy and doing what is best for us.
Give me the name of a Muslim leader who has treated his people well...not counting your hero Saddam...




How would YOU feel if a foreign invader messed with our political system to the point of overthrowing out current POTUS and appointing their own for their own best interests? Do tell.

I'm beginning to think they just managed to trick us into electing one of their own. So many useful idiots were used to their advantage.

Overthrowing a nation with a strong military (well, we used to have one) and an armed population would be impossible. They didn't have strength enough to do that, or they would have, so instead they came up with a more clever plan. Obama bends over to them and that is better than changing us by force.
Funny how this guy gets called a terrorist by the same crowd that called the conservative terrorist who shot up the church just some crazy loner.


How would YOU feel if a foreign invader messed with our political system to the point of overthrowing out current POTUS and appointing their own for their own best interests? Do tell.

I'm beginning to think they just managed to trick us into electing one of their own. So many useful idiots were used to their advantage.

Oh Lord, if there is a God, save us from this insanity. :rolleyes-41:

Look, I don't agree with the POTUS on everything either, however this angle is just pure paranoid delusional, IMO.
I was as dead set as anyone about doing a deal with Iran, but after doing some research and learning a little bit about our past dealings with them, I think it is time we tried to approach the situation with Iran in a new way. We are giving them an opportunity to cooperate. That is what we are doing. I'm hopeful that we (as well as Israel) can try to find some kind of solution to make peace. It's the only way. You cannot kill ALL of the terrorists. The more we interfere over there with their lives, killing their families and their friends, the more we push them away from us and from the "modern world."
EXACTLY MY POINT! the only way to end terrorism is to address its root causes. killing is the most efficient way to make more terrorists. the Iranian people are ready and eager to become part of the global community, and this deal gives them that opportunity.
Don't trip over your flowers when you're dancing...
you, sir, are an ignorant bigoted warmonger incapable of considering points of view other than your own who has been brainwashed by far-right extremists to examine only the superficial appearance of an issue
I concur. They scream death to America, let America bring death to them.

Why was that asshole allowed to live here in the states considering his history? Political correctness means we must open our arms to those who come to destroy us. And I am willing to bet that the radicals in Iran celebrate every time one of their own idiots "submits to Allah" the way this guy did.

And Obama made that deal with Iran without considering the innocent prisoners in Iran. This is the same guy who traded 5 evil terrorists for a radical Muslim deserter. He apparently only makes deals with radicals.

This deal has made Iran happy and they continued their "Death to America" chant the whole time. No inspections of their nuclear facilities and they will do as they want. Only difference is that there are no more sanctions, which will help them as they go forth with their plans to eliminate infidels from the planet. And Obama is happy about this.

Heck, take a poll of liberals here in America, too, and see if they are willing to blame the right person over the shootings. They seem to think the NRA is more responsible that the hate-filled radical who committed the crimes.

Hey, I'm all for limitations on immigration until this sort of stuff dies down, but it will NEVER die down as long as we keep interfering over there. That is the bottom line here.
How would YOU feel if a foreign invader messed with our political system to the point of overthrowing out current POTUS and appointing their own for their own best interests? Do tell.

I'm beginning to think they just managed to trick us into electing one of their own. So many useful idiots were used to their advantage.

Oh Lord, if there is a God, save us from this insanity. :rolleyes-41:

Look, I don't agree with the POTUS on everything either, however this angle is just pure paranoid delusional, IMO.
pick your fights. don't bother arguing with the people who you know will refuse to listen.
I was as dead set as anyone about doing a deal with Iran, but after doing some research and learning a little bit about our past dealings with them, I think it is time we tried to approach the situation with Iran in a new way. We are giving them an opportunity to cooperate. That is what we are doing. I'm hopeful that we (as well as Israel) can try to find some kind of solution to make peace. It's the only way. You cannot kill ALL of the terrorists. The more we interfere over there with their lives, killing their families and their friends, the more we push them away from us and from the "modern world."
EXACTLY MY POINT! the only way to end terrorism is to address its root causes. killing is the most efficient way to make more terrorists. the Iranian people are ready and eager to become part of the global community, and this deal gives them that opportunity.
Don't trip over your flowers when you're dancing...
you, sir, are an ignorant bigoted warmonger incapable of considering points of view other than your own who has been brainwashed by far-right extremists to examine only the superficial appearance of an issue

Exactly. You have to be able to look below the surface to what is the actual issue and what is the driving force.
I'm thru with the garden...it 100 degrees outside...stumbled into a gin and tonic...now a vodka tonic with home grown limes...fucking amazing.

My point in all of this is that the arc of humanity has not changed in 50000 years. Embrace it. Face your enemies with your strength before you lose it. Tell them what their choice is. Then act. Get on with it.
You know, this isn't about "courage." It's about being smarter than your "enemy." It's about not sinking to their level. It's about showing the people that, no, despite what your crazy leaders might say, we Americans do NOT hate you and do not want to kill you or your way of life. Brains before brawn is sometimes a good idea. No?
We have tried brains for almost 70 years...hasn't worked.
They are still mad that we overthrew their elected government and gave them a US-backed police state. Damn ungrateful bastards...
How come the Egyptians are not ungrateful?

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