I survived

And it was like a cold huh...

And so it was like a cold for my sister, my nephews, a co-worker, her kids and her grandkids who all got COVID and NEVER had any kind of "vaccine". They were sick for about two weeks, got over it and are all healthy, alive, and kicking.

So much for your DementiacRat brainwashed propaganda!!!
And so it was like a cold for my sister, my nephews, a co-worker, her kids and her grandkids who all got COVID and NEVER had any kind of "vaccine". They were sick for about two weeks, got over it and are all healthy, alive, and kicking.

So much for your DementiacRat brainwashed propaganda!!!
It was a cold when I had it. Survived it without the kill shot.

My niece had a little five year old drop dead on her school bus, just a couple days after getting the jab.
If you are SICK and decided to get the jab, that is understandable.
WHY anybody would get the jab that is NOT sick, is complete ignorance.

I'm one of those supposedly on the "high risk" list..........over 50, pre-existing medical conditions, low immune level, blah, blah, blah.

I've been in and out of doctors offices, I've been in contact with many, MANY healthcare workers, I've been in crowded stores where most people have not worn masks, I've hugged my friend who supposedly still has COVID (and is not getting the jab, and isn't sick from it nor a carrier apparently), I've been "handled" by medical staff that have told me they had COVID but they had to get the jab to keep their jobs.............

All in all, I've been "around" and I'm supposedly the most "high risk" person that can easily catch COVID, yet I have not. But the super healthy people I know HAVE caught it. And aside from the medical staff that got the jab to keep their jobs, nobody else I know has gotten any "vaccines" for this scamdemic bullshit propaganda, and all claimed it wasn't any worse than a head cold. And are ALL still alive and kicking, with NO lingering effects of any kind.

And today, I am fine. I am not sick. I don't feel sick. I take the COVID test once a month, and have always come up clean.

So...........................either I'm fucking SUPERMAN, or this scamdemic is complete BULLSHIT DementiacRat propaganda!!! Take your pick.

And as long as you feel good, don't feel sick, and don't have any indications of being sick, why should you?

I have heart failure. Three cardiac arrests over the last couple of years, as a consequence of hyperthyroid. Have undergone a couple of rounds of radiation. Had thyroid storm. Some other dumb stuff in there I'm probably forgetting.

I deed nawt comply vis zee decree, nawt because I didn't have any health problems, I deed not comply vis zee decree because fuck zee decree, zat's vhy.

"Just powers'' uhnd vutnawt...
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