I talked to dozens of black folks the last few days


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain
I rarely talk but I engaged at least 20 in 2 days to see inside their soul
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain

I kinda agree in the sense that all the times I've been to America and the different cities (maybe a dozen different cities in total some of them more than once) I've only had trouble with blacks once.

It was Harlem, New York. Coming out the metro and some black guy thought it was his God-given right to demand that I swiped him through the turnstile.

I'd have done it no problem if it wasn't for his aggressive, demanding, intimidating attitude "hey you, swipe me through" he said.

No chance I said. Then something happened that will live with me forever ...

We both approached each other as if we were going to fight and as we were head to head, the both of us just burst out laughing and hugged each other because we both realised we'd been a couple of idiots for no real reason.

Also in Harlem I took out an Air BNB (yes I know that's illegal in New York - as the mutants on Tripadvisor forums used to shout at me) but for my 5-nights there it was all I could afford on my budget. I just used Harlem as a base to get around New York as my flat was across from one of the main underground stations.

It was spot the white man (me) and I done something that I think helped me my first night I arrived. Them 99c pizza slice shops, there was a little black kid maybe 11/12 he had a hand full of change and was short for his x2 slices, I felt bad for the kid so I paid his slices.

As I sat down the black momma's were smiling and nodding over in approval and I seen the kid and I assume it was his brother hanging about a couple of the corners with older guys and everyone was fine with me. I might have imagined it but I think it bought me goodwill and a couple of dollars well spent.

Maybe some nutjob reading that will think I'm thinking I'm some sort of white saviour lmao - I'm not.

My problem with the blacks isn't so much the blacks on a personal level. They've never done me no harm and I've been a regular in some right dodgy all-black areas of Chicago, New York, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly and never had any of them as much as look at me in the wrong manner or try to intimidate me (other than the time at the start of this post) - my problem with them is that they are easily led. They allow themselves to be the left/Democrats little pets.

They are stupid perhaps too in that they would rather play victim than see the opportunities that they have in your great country. The Democrats and the left keep this myth going for their own gain. They are the real racists and it's a shame but they need to rise up - but rise up and channel it correctly - this BLM/white privilege/burn and loot everything to the ground is disgraceful but they are being led like puppets.

I have a lot more in common with decent black men who see this - Morgan Freeman, Denzil Washington etc than I do my fellow white person who's a left/Democrat. I'd much rather sit in the company of a decent black man than an idiot white.
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain

I kinda agree in the sense that all the times I've been to America and the different cities (maybe a dozen different cities in total some of them more than once) I've only had trouble with blacks once.

It was Harlem, New York. Coming out the metro and some black guy thought it was his God-given right to demand that I swiped him through the turnstile.

I'd have done it no problem if it wasn't for his aggressive, demanding, intimidating attitude "hey you, swipe me through" he said.

No chance I said. Then something happened that will live with me forever ...

We both approached each other as if we were going to fight and as we were head to head, the both of us just burst out laughing and hugged each other because we both realised we'd been a couple of idiots for no real reason.

Also in Harlem I took out an Air BNB (yes I know that's illegal in New York - as the mutants on Tripadvisor forums used to shout at me) but for my 5-nights there it was all I could afford on my budget. I just used Harlem as a base to get around New York as my flat was across from one of the main underground stations.

It was spot the white man (me) and I done something that I think helped me my first night I arrived. Them 99c pizza slice shops, there was a little black kid maybe 11/12 he had a hand full of change and was short for his x2 slices, I felt bad for the kid so I paid his slices.

As I sat down the black momma's were smiling and nodding over in approval and I seen the kid and I assume it was his brother hanging about a couple of the corners with older guys and everyone was fine with me. I might have imagined it but I think it bought me goodwill and a couple of dollars well spent.

Maybe some nutjob reading that will think I'm thinking I'm some sort of white saviour lmao - I'm not.

My problem with the blacks isn't so much the blacks on a personal level. They've never done me no harm and I've been a regular in some right dodgy all-black areas of Chicago, New York, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly and never had any of them as much as look at me in the wrong manner or try to intimidate me (other than the time at the start of this post) - my problem with them is that they are easily led. They allow themselves to be the left/Democrats little pets.

They are stupid perhaps too in that they would rather play victim than see the opportunities that they have in your great country. The Democrats and the left keep this myth going for their own gain. They are the real racists and it's a shame but they need to rise up - but rise up and channel it correctly - this BLM/white privilege/burn and loot everything to the ground is disgraceful but they are being led like puppets.

I have a lot more in common with decent black men who see this - Morgan Freeman, Denzil Washington etc than I do my fellow white person who's a left/Democrat. I'd much rather sit in the company of a decent black man than an idiot white.
That was a great post. Thank you for sharing that. The divisions between us are driven from the top. They are not inherent within us for the most part. Since I retired I have had a lot more time to spend time at the golf course. I have met many seniors like myself. I can say honestly that the friendliest most interesting men I've met are Black. I've had more in depth conversations with old Black men than anyone else. They are like philosophers. The old White guys are a mixed bag at best. Some of them are great and I consider them friends and some are straight up assholes.
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain

I kinda agree in the sense that all the times I've been to America and the different cities (maybe a dozen different cities in total some of them more than once) I've only had trouble with blacks once.

It was Harlem, New York. Coming out the metro and some black guy thought it was his God-given right to demand that I swiped him through the turnstile.

I'd have done it no problem if it wasn't for his aggressive, demanding, intimidating attitude "hey you, swipe me through" he said.

No chance I said. Then something happened that will live with me forever ...

We both approached each other as if we were going to fight and as we were head to head, the both of us just burst out laughing and hugged each other because we both realised we'd been a couple of idiots for no real reason.

Also in Harlem I took out an Air BNB (yes I know that's illegal in New York - as the mutants on Tripadvisor forums used to shout at me) but for my 5-nights there it was all I could afford on my budget. I just used Harlem as a base to get around New York as my flat was across from one of the main underground stations.

It was spot the white man (me) and I done something that I think helped me my first night I arrived. Them 99c pizza slice shops, there was a little black kid maybe 11/12 he had a hand full of change and was short for his x2 slices, I felt bad for the kid so I paid his slices.

As I sat down the black momma's were smiling and nodding over in approval and I seen the kid and I assume it was his brother hanging about a couple of the corners with older guys and everyone was fine with me. I might have imagined it but I think it bought me goodwill and a couple of dollars well spent.

Maybe some nutjob reading that will think I'm thinking I'm some sort of white saviour lmao - I'm not.

My problem with the blacks isn't so much the blacks on a personal level. They've never done me no harm and I've been a regular in some right dodgy all-black areas of Chicago, New York, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly and never had any of them as much as look at me in the wrong manner or try to intimidate me (other than the time at the start of this post) - my problem with them is that they are easily led. They allow themselves to be the left/Democrats little pets.

They are stupid perhaps too in that they would rather play victim than see the opportunities that they have in your great country. The Democrats and the left keep this myth going for their own gain. They are the real racists and it's a shame but they need to rise up - but rise up and channel it correctly - this BLM/white privilege/burn and loot everything to the ground is disgraceful but they are being led like puppets.

I have a lot more in common with decent black men who see this - Morgan Freeman, Denzil Washington etc than I do my fellow white person who's a left/Democrat. I'd much rather sit in the company of a decent black man than an idiot white.
Same here. Last year while I was on vacation (I work as a bus driver in my city, and damn proud of it), I had an encounter with one of the BLM "protestors" at City Hall. So we got to talking a bit and when I mentioned that skin color does not mean anything to me I am more interested in the character of a person, he accused me of being a racist? Really? That's adopting King's vision and philosophy! Later, I went and got some lunch at a McD's and got to talking with another black gentleman. So we got to talking about this issue and I found we have much more in common than we think. For those who obsess over race, you really need to get over yourselves and grow up.
Yes, it is clearly divide and conquer. If the black and whites come together, it is all over for the globalists.
I rarely talk but I engaged at least 20 in 2 days to see inside their soul
Most whites don't like blacks and most blacks don't like whites. You honkeys can't dance, you suck at sports, your music is nasty.
As far as racism goes we are racist as well. We don't like whites. But hey, I am not racist, as I have letters from my Ancestors thanking the
white man for bringing us from Africa and allowing us to work, and start a family in America. We are grateful that the Republican Abe Lincoln set us free.
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain
Why do you blame yourself for what the left doesn't do like you, talk trash about black folks and then one day try to play like you are their best budz...Don't get any faker than pretending what you are not.
I rarely talk but I engaged at least 20 in 2 days to see inside their soul
Most whites don't like blacks and most blacks don't like whites. You honkeys can't dance, you suck at sports, your music is nasty.
As far as racism goes we are racist as well. We don't like whites. But hey, I am not racist, as I have letters from my Ancestors thanking the
white man for bringing us from Africa and allowing us to work, and start a family in America. We are grateful that the Republican Abe Lincoln set us free.
This honkey made a living dancing so I don't know what you mean, the black guy I was friends with and a dancer is just like any human, they have wants and needs..I don't see color I see character and sexual magnetism, not a character judgment to whether they are worthy humans or not
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain

Where was this? Out in the mostly white Burbs, and with blacks who fled there for the same reasons whites did?
For one, anybody who claims they 'don't see color' is a liar, and for two, it's not a disease, so why act like it is? For three, blacks have seriously violent and mentally ill sub-cultures that are self-inflicted, and they pretty much run their own neighborhoods and schools and entire cities, so no need to run these idiot Pity Parties for them. The current nonsense is all about getting Free Money From White People, encouraged by many of those rich white people who won't be paying a dime in taxes, they will extract it from the working poor, as always.
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain
Blacks are humans!!! A shocking discovery! Does anyone else on the Right know about this?
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain
Why do you blame yourself for what the left doesn't do like you, talk trash about black folks and then one day try to play like you are their best budz...Don't get any faker than pretending what you are not.
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain

I kinda agree in the sense that all the times I've been to America and the different cities (maybe a dozen different cities in total some of them more than once) I've only had trouble with blacks once.

It was Harlem, New York. Coming out the metro and some black guy thought it was his God-given right to demand that I swiped him through the turnstile.

I'd have done it no problem if it wasn't for his aggressive, demanding, intimidating attitude "hey you, swipe me through" he said.

No chance I said. Then something happened that will live with me forever ...

We both approached each other as if we were going to fight and as we were head to head, the both of us just burst out laughing and hugged each other because we both realised we'd been a couple of idiots for no real reason.

Also in Harlem I took out an Air BNB (yes I know that's illegal in New York - as the mutants on Tripadvisor forums used to shout at me) but for my 5-nights there it was all I could afford on my budget. I just used Harlem as a base to get around New York as my flat was across from one of the main underground stations.

It was spot the white man (me) and I done something that I think helped me my first night I arrived. Them 99c pizza slice shops, there was a little black kid maybe 11/12 he had a hand full of change and was short for his x2 slices, I felt bad for the kid so I paid his slices.

As I sat down the black momma's were smiling and nodding over in approval and I seen the kid and I assume it was his brother hanging about a couple of the corners with older guys and everyone was fine with me. I might have imagined it but I think it bought me goodwill and a couple of dollars well spent.

Maybe some nutjob reading that will think I'm thinking I'm some sort of white saviour lmao - I'm not.

My problem with the blacks isn't so much the blacks on a personal level. They've never done me no harm and I've been a regular in some right dodgy all-black areas of Chicago, New York, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly and never had any of them as much as look at me in the wrong manner or try to intimidate me (other than the time at the start of this post) - my problem with them is that they are easily led. They allow themselves to be the left/Democrats little pets.

They are stupid perhaps too in that they would rather play victim than see the opportunities that they have in your great country. The Democrats and the left keep this myth going for their own gain. They are the real racists and it's a shame but they need to rise up - but rise up and channel it correctly - this BLM/white privilege/burn and loot everything to the ground is disgraceful but they are being led like puppets.

I have a lot more in common with decent black men who see this - Morgan Freeman, Denzil Washington etc than I do my fellow white person who's a left/Democrat. I'd much rather sit in the company of a decent black man than an idiot white.

I have had many tun

Can’t we all just get along ??
I rarely talk but I engaged at least 20 in 2 days to see inside their soul
Most whites don't like blacks and most blacks don't like whites. You honkeys can't dance, you suck at sports, your music is nasty.
As far as racism goes we are racist as well. We don't like whites. But hey, I am not racist, as I have letters from my Ancestors thanking the
white man for bringing us from Africa and allowing us to work, and start a family in America. We are grateful that the Republican Abe Lincoln set us free.
Ok ??
Some of the greatest athletes and musicians are white
Most were very nice . They’re most nice if you engage first !!
This whole notion of blacks being ( feral , blood thirsty demons and rogue homicidal rampaging monsters ) is false

They are humans and have the same hopes and dreams as anyone

Their culture is more aggressive and loud than I am used to but good folks In every race .

It’s the white leftist filth that has caused this fake wedge ( race war ) in the nation and our the ones creating false narratives for personal gain
Blacks are humans!!! A shocking discovery! Does anyone else on the Right know about this?
Not that I can tell..
I rarely talk but I engaged at least 20 in 2 days to see inside their soul
Most whites don't like blacks and most blacks don't like whites. You honkeys can't dance, you suck at sports, your music is nasty.
As far as racism goes we are racist as well. We don't like whites. But hey, I am not racist, as I have letters from my Ancestors thanking the
white man for bringing us from Africa and allowing us to work, and start a family in America. We are grateful that the Republican Abe Lincoln set us free.
Abe never actually intended to set you free until later in the war as he had to keep UK and France out
For one, anybody who claims they 'don't see color' is a liar, and for two, it's not a disease, so why act like it is? For three, blacks have seriously violent and mentally ill sub-cultures that are self-inflicted, and they pretty much run their own neighborhoods and schools and entire cities, so no need to run these idiot Pity Parties for them. The current nonsense is all about getting Free Money From White People, encouraged by many of those rich white people who won't be paying a dime in taxes, they will extract it from the working poor, as always.

In more gentle terms, of course everyone notices color and instantly processes that fact.

People who say they do not are, well, fibbing.

If one is walking down the street and sees four young gentlemen approaching, one will immediately (and unconsciously if one is a self-professed liberal) size up the one who might be the most dangerous: The African American? The Asian? The Caucasian? The Latinx?

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