I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

How about stopping your lying BS. You scum are destroying this country and we WILL stop you. There is no compromise with you scum, none!

We don't try to force everyone to live or believe the way we do, YOU do! Everyday you scum are destroying someones life over different opinions. We do believe in freedom, for all, you try to limit it.
What is it like to live in a constant state of existential terror?

I don't, I'd spit in your face and laugh kid. You DON'T want a Civil War.
Never met a conservative yet that was not ridiculously easy to scare.
Try it in person sometime.
I've lived in the rural south all my life surrounded by ..........the people you find in the rural south. I've made many of them shut up and sit down.

Come make me.
How about stopping your lying BS. You scum are destroying this country and we WILL stop you. There is no compromise with you scum, none!

We don't try to force everyone to live or believe the way we do, YOU do! Everyday you scum are destroying someones life over different opinions. We do believe in freedom, for all, you try to limit it.
What is it like to live in a constant state of existential terror?

I don't, I'd spit in your face and laugh kid. You DON'T want a Civil War.
Never met a conservative yet that was not ridiculously easy to scare.
Try it in person sometime.
I've lived in the rural south all my life surrounded by ..........the people you find in the rural south. I've made many of them shut up and sit down.
So you were doing it with dogs..............your one sick liberal......

Ok...........I'm ready...........guess the mission in Mexifornia.................All we need are a few boxes of matches..........anbody got a light............LOL

No bullets needed............
We are being Invaded and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer knowingly are allowing this invasion.

Border rancher: 'We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal'

Your problem with that is it's a lie and you're nothing but a liar.

Politfact investigated it and rated it the worse type of lie. PANTS ON FIRE.

You believe things without any proof as long as it fits your hate and bigotry.

From Politfact:

Our ruling

Dewhurst said "prayer rugs have recently been found" in brush on the Texas side of the U.S.-Mexico border.

This claim is weakened because it’s not backed up by sourced-by-name witnesses nor did any authority confirm such a find when we inquired. If prayer rugs were showing up to someone’s alarm, we think there'd be legitimate photographs and the rugs themselves available for inspection.

Another hole: While people of the Muslim faith surely cross the Mexico-Texas border – that’s not at issue in this fact check – it’s unreasonable to presume the presence of prayer rugs means individuals carrying them intend to commit violent acts on U.S.soil, an implication of Dewhurst’s declaration.

In the end, we find his statement incorrect and ridiculous. Rugs (we mean Pants) on Fire!

David Dewhurst says prayer rugs found in Texas brush near Mexico border

"Another hole: While people of the Muslim faith surely cross the Mexico-Texas border – that’s not at issue in this fact check – it’s unreasonable to presume the presence of prayer rugs means individuals carrying them intend to commit violent acts on U.S.soil, an implication of Dewhurst’s declaration."

You not a bright one are you? "Politifact" made an assumption....one NOT backed up by facts. Dumbass.

You have that backwards.

Politifact is saying that the claim by that rancher isn't backed by facts.

Where are those rugs? If they were left there and she found them, where are they? She didn't produce them. Not even a photo of them.

So it's exactly backwards. There is no proof that she found any rugs.

She's lying.
We are being Invaded and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer knowingly are allowing this invasion.

Border rancher: 'We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal'

Your problem with that is it's a lie and you're nothing but a liar.

Politfact investigated it and rated it the worse type of lie. PANTS ON FIRE.

You believe things without any proof as long as it fits your hate and bigotry.

From Politfact:

Our ruling

Dewhurst said "prayer rugs have recently been found" in brush on the Texas side of the U.S.-Mexico border.

This claim is weakened because it’s not backed up by sourced-by-name witnesses nor did any authority confirm such a find when we inquired. If prayer rugs were showing up to someone’s alarm, we think there'd be legitimate photographs and the rugs themselves available for inspection.

Another hole: While people of the Muslim faith surely cross the Mexico-Texas border – that’s not at issue in this fact check – it’s unreasonable to presume the presence of prayer rugs means individuals carrying them intend to commit violent acts on U.S.soil, an implication of Dewhurst’s declaration.

In the end, we find his statement incorrect and ridiculous. Rugs (we mean Pants) on Fire!

David Dewhurst says prayer rugs found in Texas brush near Mexico border

"Another hole: While people of the Muslim faith surely cross the Mexico-Texas border – that’s not at issue in this fact check – it’s unreasonable to presume the presence of prayer rugs means individuals carrying them intend to commit violent acts on U.S.soil, an implication of Dewhurst’s declaration."

You not a bright one are you? "Politifact" made an assumption....one NOT backed up by facts. Dumbass.

You have that backwards.

Politifact is saying that the claim by that rancher isn't backed by facts.

Where are those rugs? If they were left there and she found them, where are they? She didn't produce them. Not even a photo of them.

So it's exactly backwards. There is no proof that she found any rugs.

She's lying.

Sorry honey, that's not what it says. But hey, when the next Westerner dies at the hand of terrorism let's hope it's someone you love.
What is it like to live in a constant state of existential terror?

I don't, I'd spit in your face and laugh kid. You DON'T want a Civil War.
Never met a conservative yet that was not ridiculously easy to scare.
Try it in person sometime.
I've lived in the rural south all my life surrounded by ..........the people you find in the rural south. I've made many of them shut up and sit down.

Come make me.
Everyone is brave on the internet, even pussies like you. Do you know what the actual courageous don't do? They don't run around hiding their cowardice behind a bunch of hostility.
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
You're two bricks short of a load dude....seriously.

What other way is there to solve the problems when two factions cannot agree on anything? seriously, dude.

You don't agree with someone so you want to kill them. Then destroy everything this nation is about to create your own conservative theocratic fascist state.


How about just accepting people as they are and learning to live and let live?

How about stop trying to force everyone to believe and live the way you do?

How about returning to the principles of the founders of our nation. That being freedom.

It seems to me conservatives republicans believe that freedom means that you're free to force everyone else to live as you do. If they don't. Kill them.
How about stopping your lying BS. You scum are destroying this country and we WILL stop you. There is no compromise with you scum, none!

We don't try to force everyone to live or believe the way we do, YOU do! Everyday you scum are destroying someones life over different opinions. We do believe in freedom, for all, you try to limit it.

Oh really?

Why do you want to have a civil war?

I don't see any liberal calling to have a war to kill their fellow American to turn this nation into something our founders didn't create and wrote a constitution to prevent.

Why do I see posts from conservatives calling to kill people who don't agree with them?

Why do conservatives pass laws that take rights from people?

Why do conservatives try to force their religious beliefs on our nation?

Why won't conservatives allow people the freedom to live as they choose?

Why do you want to change the constitution to outlaw homosexuals from being able to get married, to repeal a woman's right to vote, to repeal birthright citizenship, to outlaw reproductive freedom?

I can go on and on with all the ways conservatives try to force their way of life on our nation.

You're even going as far as some of you calling for a civil war.

Stop lying it doesn't work with me.

Why not just try to live and let live? Why are you so concerned with what total strangers are doing with their own lives?
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
Yes I think it’s civil war time. This guy just called anyone who doesn’t want to build a wall a traitor.

Bring it on Nazis
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

Oh brother; this shit again; a conservative idiot proposing we go to war with one another. How many threads have you guys made about this, 50?

Having a black man as your President has given you guys a condition. Get some help.
You know, I have a question...........................if there are so many Islamic terrorists crossing over the border because of all the prayer rugs the rancher claims she has found out in the desert, how come she's able to find so many on the southern border, when soldiers (fighting actual Muslims in Islamic countries), rarely (if ever), find them out on the battle field?

Because she's a liar.

She didn't find any prayer rugs. She never produced them or even images of them. If she actually found them she would have held them up for everyone to see or she would have had images whether video or stills of them. She didn't and the reason why is she's lying through her teeth.

Politfact investigated it and found it a total lie so much that they rated it PANTS ON FIRE.
Talk about suspending belief....to fall for the lie that someone would bring a prayer rug all that way with them because IT'S IMPORTANT...and then leave it on the ground at the border.....have to be a special kind of stupid to fall for that.



It works.

Too bad conservatives have no concept of logic.

Or even common sense.
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
You're two bricks short of a load dude....seriously.

What other way is there to solve the problems when two factions cannot agree on anything? seriously, dude.

You don't agree with someone so you want to kill them. Then destroy everything this nation is about to create your own conservative theocratic fascist state.


How about just accepting people as they are and learning to live and let live?

How about stop trying to force everyone to believe and live the way you do?

How about returning to the principles of the founders of our nation. That being freedom.

It seems to me conservatives republicans believe that freedom means that you're free to force everyone else to live as you do. If they don't. Kill them.
How about stopping your lying BS. You scum are destroying this country and we WILL stop you. There is no compromise with you scum, none!

We don't try to force everyone to live or believe the way we do, YOU do! Everyday you scum are destroying someones life over different opinions. We do believe in freedom, for all, you try to limit it.

Oh really?

Why do you want to have a civil war?

I don't see any liberal calling to have a war to kill their fellow American to turn this nation into something our founders didn't create and wrote a constitution to prevent.

Why do I see posts from conservatives calling to kill people who don't agree with them?

Why do conservatives pass laws that take rights from people?

Why do conservatives try to force their religious beliefs on our nation?

Why won't conservatives allow people the freedom to live as they choose?

Why do you want to change the constitution to outlaw homosexuals from being able to get married, to repeal a woman's right to vote, to repeal birthright citizenship, to outlaw reproductive freedom?

I can go on and on with all the ways conservatives try to force their way of life on our nation.

You're even going as far as some of you calling for a civil war.

Stop lying it doesn't work with me.

Why not just try to live and let live? Why are you so concerned with what total strangers are doing with their own lives?

Because they're unhappy. They feel powerless, like the country is slipping away from them, so they want to take it back by any means, not realizing that the world, and indeed the U.S. majority, pretty much left them behind a long time ago. It would be sad if they weren't such hateful bastards (not all conservatives mind you, but the ones like the OP and the other fools in his clown car).
I don't, I'd spit in your face and laugh kid. You DON'T want a Civil War.
Never met a conservative yet that was not ridiculously easy to scare.
Try it in person sometime.
I've lived in the rural south all my life surrounded by ..........the people you find in the rural south. I've made many of them shut up and sit down.

Come make me.
Everyone is brave on the internet, even pussies like you. Do you know what the actual courageous don't do? They don't run around hiding their cowardice behind a bunch of hostility.

Son you are nothing more than a child pretending to know what he/she is talking about. I'm not "brave", just unafraid. Unfortunately for me I've seen and done too much to worry about what you think. You've been invited to make me sit down. Are you declining that offer?
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
You're two bricks short of a load dude....seriously.

What other way is there to solve the problems when two factions cannot agree on anything? seriously, dude.

You don't agree with someone so you want to kill them. Then destroy everything this nation is about to create your own conservative theocratic fascist state.


How about just accepting people as they are and learning to live and let live?

How about stop trying to force everyone to believe and live the way you do?

How about returning to the principles of the founders of our nation. That being freedom.

It seems to me conservatives republicans believe that freedom means that you're free to force everyone else to live as you do. If they don't. Kill them.
How about stopping your lying BS. You scum are destroying this country and we WILL stop you. There is no compromise with you scum, none!

We don't try to force everyone to live or believe the way we do, YOU do! Everyday you scum are destroying someones life over different opinions. We do believe in freedom, for all, you try to limit it.

Oh really?

Why do you want to have a civil war?

I don't see any liberal calling to have a war to kill their fellow American to turn this nation into something our founders didn't create and wrote a constitution to prevent.

Why do I see posts from conservatives calling to kill people who don't agree with them?

Why do conservatives pass laws that take rights from people?

Why do conservatives try to force their religious beliefs on our nation?

Why won't conservatives allow people the freedom to live as they choose?

Why do you want to change the constitution to outlaw homosexuals from being able to get married, to repeal a woman's right to vote, to repeal birthright citizenship, to outlaw reproductive freedom?

I can go on and on with all the ways conservatives try to force their way of life on our nation.

You're even going as far as some of you calling for a civil war.

Stop lying it doesn't work with me.

Why not just try to live and let live? Why are you so concerned with what total strangers are doing with their own lives?
Conservatives trying to force their way of life on the nation ? You mean trying to defend 200 years of history that ultimately formed and built this nation ?? You have it backwards on who is NOW attempting to force it's way of thinking or life on this country.
You're two bricks short of a load dude....seriously.

What other way is there to solve the problems when two factions cannot agree on anything? seriously, dude.

You don't agree with someone so you want to kill them. Then destroy everything this nation is about to create your own conservative theocratic fascist state.


How about just accepting people as they are and learning to live and let live?

How about stop trying to force everyone to believe and live the way you do?

How about returning to the principles of the founders of our nation. That being freedom.

It seems to me conservatives republicans believe that freedom means that you're free to force everyone else to live as you do. If they don't. Kill them.
How about stopping your lying BS. You scum are destroying this country and we WILL stop you. There is no compromise with you scum, none!

We don't try to force everyone to live or believe the way we do, YOU do! Everyday you scum are destroying someones life over different opinions. We do believe in freedom, for all, you try to limit it.

Oh really?

Why do you want to have a civil war?

I don't see any liberal calling to have a war to kill their fellow American to turn this nation into something our founders didn't create and wrote a constitution to prevent.

Why do I see posts from conservatives calling to kill people who don't agree with them?

Why do conservatives pass laws that take rights from people?

Why do conservatives try to force their religious beliefs on our nation?

Why won't conservatives allow people the freedom to live as they choose?

Why do you want to change the constitution to outlaw homosexuals from being able to get married, to repeal a woman's right to vote, to repeal birthright citizenship, to outlaw reproductive freedom?

I can go on and on with all the ways conservatives try to force their way of life on our nation.

You're even going as far as some of you calling for a civil war.

Stop lying it doesn't work with me.

Why not just try to live and let live? Why are you so concerned with what total strangers are doing with their own lives?

Because they're unhappy. They feel powerless, like the country is slipping away from them, so they want to take it back by any means, not realizing that the world, and indeed the U.S. majority, pretty much left them behind a long time ago. It would be sad if they weren't such hateful bastards (not all conservatives mind you, but the ones like the OP and the other fools in his clown car).
:desk: How did they get left behind so long ago ??? Please explain in detail how that actually happened. Thanks . :popcorn:
What other way is there to solve the problems when two factions cannot agree on anything? seriously, dude.

You don't agree with someone so you want to kill them. Then destroy everything this nation is about to create your own conservative theocratic fascist state.


How about just accepting people as they are and learning to live and let live?

How about stop trying to force everyone to believe and live the way you do?

How about returning to the principles of the founders of our nation. That being freedom.

It seems to me conservatives republicans believe that freedom means that you're free to force everyone else to live as you do. If they don't. Kill them.
How about stopping your lying BS. You scum are destroying this country and we WILL stop you. There is no compromise with you scum, none!

We don't try to force everyone to live or believe the way we do, YOU do! Everyday you scum are destroying someones life over different opinions. We do believe in freedom, for all, you try to limit it.

Oh really?

Why do you want to have a civil war?

I don't see any liberal calling to have a war to kill their fellow American to turn this nation into something our founders didn't create and wrote a constitution to prevent.

Why do I see posts from conservatives calling to kill people who don't agree with them?

Why do conservatives pass laws that take rights from people?

Why do conservatives try to force their religious beliefs on our nation?

Why won't conservatives allow people the freedom to live as they choose?

Why do you want to change the constitution to outlaw homosexuals from being able to get married, to repeal a woman's right to vote, to repeal birthright citizenship, to outlaw reproductive freedom?

I can go on and on with all the ways conservatives try to force their way of life on our nation.

You're even going as far as some of you calling for a civil war.

Stop lying it doesn't work with me.

Why not just try to live and let live? Why are you so concerned with what total strangers are doing with their own lives?

Because they're unhappy. They feel powerless, like the country is slipping away from them, so they want to take it back by any means, not realizing that the world, and indeed the U.S. majority, pretty much left them behind a long time ago. It would be sad if they weren't such hateful bastards (not all conservatives mind you, but the ones like the OP and the other fools in his clown car).
:desk: How did they get left behind so long ago ??? Please explain in detail how that actually happened. Thanks . :popcorn:

You tell me, buddy. Why is it that Western society, and indeed the world in general, just keeps getting more and more liberal?
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

Are you looking forward to killing people or just making America great?

do you put the names of your enemies on your bullets?

Seems like every other week some conservative posts his desire to start killing liberals.
Hopefully it will be that everyone works to make America great again together, without anyone thinking that an actual war would or should take place, but one wonders has things gotten to far out of hand ??

Keeping a healthy balance in society is paramont, so who more than anyone else has gotten the balance so out of balance now or these days ?

It's time for people to really get down to the nuts and bolts of this thing, and to finally figure out who exactly is it that is constantly attacking this country, it's diverse history, It's diverse cultures, it's religion's (those that are, and have always been compatible and peaceful in this country).

Where ever they raise their flags of disrespect, anti-patriotism, anti-Americanism, hate for their fellow Americans, their disdain for everything American, then this country should take notice of these things more so than ever now.

Once figure this out, it should be that the justice system in this country should begin a rightful, righteous, and fair investigation into the situation, and those deemed to be anti-American, and are found to be engaging constantly in the undermining of this nation, then they should be stripped of their power, and be made to work a regular job just like anyother American, and be banned from holding power in government or any job that has influential power over the citizenry of this country.

It's time to find out where real America is again, and quit allowing anti-Americans to undermine this nation in every way that they can. Color or race is always excluded in these observations and investigations of course.

Character is of the utmost importance these days, more so than color, status, education and/or more.

Just saw on the news where Mrs. Pence is being attacked now for teaching in a Christian school. Unbelievable.
Very few people give a darn about mrs. Pence, that is just your hate and DS character assassination propaganda machine at work again, super duper. That's the main thing wrong with the United States now, 30 to 40% believe GOP garbage propaganda.
Never met a conservative yet that was not ridiculously easy to scare.
Try it in person sometime.
I've lived in the rural south all my life surrounded by ..........the people you find in the rural south. I've made many of them shut up and sit down.

Come make me.
Everyone is brave on the internet, even pussies like you. Do you know what the actual courageous don't do? They don't run around hiding their cowardice behind a bunch of hostility.

Son you are nothing more than a child pretending to know what he/she is talking about. I'm not "brave", just unafraid. Unfortunately for me I've seen and done too much to worry about what you think. You've been invited to make me sit down. Are you declining that offer?
You do not even realize how pathetic you sound talking like a tough guy on the internet. Quit talking like a puss. Conservatism is built on being scared and being angry that you are scared. Nothing to be ashamed of. Seems people are just born that way.
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
Spoken like a McCarthy era reactionary. What are you doing outside your grave?
what if George Bush had said after 9/11: i believe Bin Laden when he said he didnt do it. that would have lead to civil war. thats why Bush is such a great president, he averted civil war!
I would be in favor of breaking into different countries. We are no longer united. Why keep pretending?

It does seem we are delaying the inevitable.

I can see the US breaking up and forming 5 maybe 6 distinct countries. We could have a shared defense pact I suppose,
Never happen. It's a stupid movie of the week idea dreamed up by a meth addict.

Why not? We are no longer a united people, the people in different parts of the country have little to nothing in common with people in other parts of the country.

That's BS.
Try it in person sometime.
I've lived in the rural south all my life surrounded by ..........the people you find in the rural south. I've made many of them shut up and sit down.

Come make me.
Everyone is brave on the internet, even pussies like you. Do you know what the actual courageous don't do? They don't run around hiding their cowardice behind a bunch of hostility.

Son you are nothing more than a child pretending to know what he/she is talking about. I'm not "brave", just unafraid. Unfortunately for me I've seen and done too much to worry about what you think. You've been invited to make me sit down. Are you declining that offer?
You do not even realize how pathetic you sound talking like a tough guy on the internet. Quit talking like a puss. Conservatism is built on being scared and being angry that you are scared. Nothing to be ashamed of. Seems people are just born that way.
Lying and trolling...2 points.

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