I think Barney Frank is on to something...

National Mortgage News - MortgageWire Archive

October 8, 2002

Gramm Joining UBS; LaFalce to SEC Panel?
Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, a one-time chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, is joining UBS Warburg as its vice chairman. Sen. Gramm, who will retire early next year, co-authored the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which eliminated legal barriers that separated banks from securities firms. A frequent critic of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Bank System, Sen. Gramm will be joining a firm that has made quite a bit of money the past two years off the mortgage market, especially in regard to subprime lending/securitization. Meanwhile, the ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, Rep. John LaFalce, D-N.Y., is being considered for a seat on a newly created federal board to oversee the accounting industry. Rep. LaFalce, who is retiring, was contacted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is putting the panel together.
Barney Frank is among the greatest political posers in DC.

He will take an issue and grandstand it to death as is being done now with the AIG fiasco. I am certain Frank knew of these bonuses and did not give a rat's ass until it became a political hot potatoe that allowed him to rise up once again and pretend to be the protector of the poor wretched souls who are unable to fend for themselves.

Frank represents the very worst of the Democrat Party - a leftist liberal who represents a leftis liberal district, and as such, will be serve in Congress for as long as he desires.

There are a number of intelligent, honest, hard working Democrat politicians - Barney Frank is not among them.

Barney Frank is among the greatest political posers in DC.

He will take an issue and grandstand it to death as is being done now with the AIG fiasco. I am certain Frank knew of these bonuses and did not give a rat's ass until it became a political hot potatoe that allowed him to rise up once again and pretend to be the protector of the poor wretched souls who are unable to fend for themselves.

Frank represents the very worst of the Democrat Party - a leftist liberal who represents a leftis liberal district, and as such, will be serve in Congress for as long as he desires.

There are a number of intelligent, honest, hard working Democrat politicians - Barney Frank is not among them.


Name some
This mess was caused by deregulation and teh head of the SEC under Bush has said so himself.
Barney Frank is among the greatest political posers in DC.

He will take an issue and grandstand it to death as is being done now with the AIG fiasco. I am certain Frank knew of these bonuses and did not give a rat's ass until it became a political hot potatoe that allowed him to rise up once again and pretend to be the protector of the poor wretched souls who are unable to fend for themselves.

Frank represents the very worst of the Democrat Party - a leftist liberal who represents a leftis liberal district, and as such, will be serve in Congress for as long as he desires.

There are a number of intelligent, honest, hard working Democrat politicians - Barney Frank is not among them.


On my blog (indianaoracle.wordpress.com) I nominated Barney for Political Criminal #1 of 2009.

Much of what he has to say about this mess comes across to me as being pretty rich.
This mess was caused by deregulation and teh head of the SEC under Bush has said so himself.

name the two presidents that signed the deregulation bills.......

and for extra credit ....deregulation of what exactly......

Yse Clinton signed them and deserves part of the blame.

Now will you admitt Gramm and the entire republican platform for the last three decades is who has been touting deregulation as a panacea for all our problems?
On my blog (indianaoracle.wordpress.com) I nominated Barney for Political Criminal #1 of 2009.

Much of what he has to say about this mess comes across to me as being pretty rich.

what a load of shit.


and their buddies are better than Barmey?

what a load of sit
In my book Washington is chock full of political criminals, all parties. But Barney played a key role in the housing and banking debacle. That is a fact.

If any sanity is going to return to the public square, it has to start with people holding back from reflexive commentary. It accomplishes nothing.
Key role?


THe FMs did not create this problem you fool they were part of the victims who bought the bullshit the industry was selling.
Barney Frank is the biggest piece of shit in the history of piece's and shit. He wants the names of the AIG executives to grand stand even more. Never mind that the executives, their families and children have had threats to be executed by "piano wire around the neck". Do you think Barney Frank would take any responsibility if any one of these people were assaulted after Barney realeases the names ? He's a useless cocksucker, figuratively and literally .......
Oh poor little criminals who fucked our country.

Do you think they have enough money to protect themselves?
Oh poor little criminals who fucked our country.

Do you think they have enough money to protect themselves?

Them, their family members and children should be executed by piano strings around the neck huh ?

What should happen with Barney cocksucker and his cronies then ?
Taking a close look at what is going with the AIG theatre reveals a lot. The Congress and Fed crowd would be well advised to continue to keep the light where they have it right now.

They have used AIG to funnel money to foreign countries to make them whole, with the other hand they are forcing mortgage interest rate cramdowns, and then nothing substantive is done with GM. There appears to be a whole range of games being played that they do not want the public to know about. And with good reason.

Again, as I outline on the indianaoracle.wordpress site, not all are political criminals, but the majority most certainly is. And the Congress cannot manage a one-car funeral.
Oh poor little criminals who fucked our country.

Do you think they have enough money to protect themselves?

Them, their family members and children should be executed by piano strings around the neck huh ?

What should happen with Barney cocksucker and his cronies then ?

Where did I say that?

Every person in the public gets these kinds of threats.

Dont commit the crime if you sant stand the hot lights of public scrutiny
Oh poor little criminals who fucked our country.

Do you think they have enough money to protect themselves?

Them, their family members and children should be executed by piano strings around the neck huh ?

What should happen with Barney cocksucker and his cronies then ?

Where did I say that?

Every person in the public gets these kinds of threats.

Dont commit the crime if you sant stand the hot lights of public scrutiny

Who committed a crime besides the grandstanding dimwits, dimwit ?

Honoring a ratified contract is now a crime ? Flap your moonbat wings back to bizarro world.......
Oh poor little criminals who fucked our country.

Do you think they have enough money to protect themselves?

Them, their family members and children should be executed by piano strings around the neck huh ?

What should happen with Barney cocksucker and his cronies then ?

Where did I say that?

Every person in the public gets these kinds of threats.

Dont commit the crime if you sant stand the hot lights of public scrutiny

the people at aig in question did not commit a crime they were give retention bonuses as stipulated by contract wich they were told to by laws written and passed by congress .....

and now you assert they deserve to die for doing exactly what congress told them to do.....

yea this is much better than the bush administration......just the kind of change i was hoping for....
The Fuckers who ran this company fucked our country and the world and I would not be a bit surprized to find some illegal actions tied to their looting of America.

They are fucking criminals in my mind

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