I think dems reckless speech and actions have pissed the supreme court off royally

This is what raw communist stupid looks like.

Nothing but insults and idiocy. That's all YOU ever have. The moment you refer to a leftist as a "commie", you wave your idiot flag.

Leftist nations are doing a WHOLE lot better financially than the USA. And NONE of them are "communist" in any way whatsoever.

People live longer, healthier and happier lives. We all have lower crimes rates, lower murder rates, lower abortion rates, and lower murder rates than the USA. And higher wages.
When Chuck Schumer stood on the Supreme Court steps and violently threatened Kavanaugh and Gorsuch by name, then dispatched a terrorist to attempt to assassinate Kavanaugh, he had to know there was going to be a reaction.

Chuck Schumer did nothing of the kind. Brett Kavenaugh lied to the Senate to get himself appointed just to overturn Roe v. Wade. He should be impeached for lying to the Senate. And then there's the cover-up of his abuse of women.

Saying that Kavenaugh would "reap the whirlwind" is hardly threatening the lying piece of shit. When Republicans push people like Kavenaugh and ACB down the throats of Americans to overturn settled law, Republicans set up a situation where people lose respect for the Court.

Mitch McConnell and the Republicans have highjacked the Supreme Court to over-rule the will of the people. The people will not let it stand. And Republicans have no one to blame but themselves for whatever happens next.
Nothing but insults and idiocy. That's all YOU ever have. The moment you refer to a leftist as a "commie", you wave your idiot flag.

Leftist nations are doing a WHOLE lot better financially than the USA. And NONE of them are "communist" in any way whatsoever.

People live longer, healthier and happier lives. We all have lower crimes rates, lower murder rates, lower abortion rates, and lower murder rates than the USA. And higher wages.
well maybe so, since the leftist took over the united states
I don't expect this Supreme Court to have much, if any power soon. It's become necessary to rid the court of political appointments and the influence of the Federalist Society. When potential justices lie at their confirmation hearings in the hopes of overturning stated established law, the Court is no longer free of bias.

The Court is no longer representing the interests of the American people, but rather are pandering to conservative interests, placing religious rights above all. The actions of the dark money funded Federalist Society in funding and "grooming" candidates for the court, needs to end.

The rulings of this particular conservative court serve the interests of a narrow number of citizens, to the great detriment of minorities and those that religious people claim to be "sinners".

Want a tissue?
I don't think you have any idea how absolutely horrendous this would be if true. A judge, let alone a SC judge is supposed to interpret the constitution to the best of his ability. What you are suggesting is that instead, these judges let their decision be ruled by their personal feelings. If that were true they are wholly unqualified for their position.

What I think is going on is that this decision is a direct result of the type of people the federalist society has put forth to the SC. The originalist idea of the constitution has a major flaw in the sense that it interprets the constitution so narrowly. Interpreting something on the narrow basis of what is in a document written over 250 years ago has by definition the flaw that the writers of the constitution couldn't fathom every issue arising in the future. This leads to the SC judges making decisions that are so out of whack with what is right that they will cause harm. "A strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means." Thomas Jefferson.

So instead of owning up to the fact that the Republicans want these kind of justices on the Supreme Court that will make decisions that will be unpopular to the point that the public might actively vote for Democrats. You are trying to put the blame for these decisions on Democrats.

You rather claim a judge is unqualified than take responsibility for putting them up in the first place.
Basically that’s exactly what I’m sayin
I don't expect this Supreme Court to have much, if any power soon. It's become necessary to rid the court of political appointments and the influence of the Federalist Society. When potential justices lie at their confirmation hearings in the hopes of overturning stated established law, the Court is no longer free of bias.

The Court is no longer representing the interests of the American people, but rather are pandering to conservative interests, placing religious rights above all. The actions of the dark money funded Federalist Society in funding and "grooming" candidates for the court, needs to end.

The rulings of this particular conservative court serve the interests of a narrow number of citizens, to the great detriment of minorities and those that religious people claim to be "sinners".
Define what a woman is.
I don't expect this Supreme Court to have much, if any power soon. It's become necessary to rid the court of political appointments and the influence of the Federalist Society. When potential justices lie at their confirmation hearings in the hopes of overturning stated established law, the Court is no longer free of bias.

The Court is no longer representing the interests of the American people, but rather are pandering to conservative interests, placing religious rights above all. The actions of the dark money funded Federalist Society in funding and "grooming" candidates for the court, needs to end.

The rulings of this particular conservative court serve the interests of a narrow number of citizens, to the great detriment of minorities and those that religious people claim to be "sinners".
Slavery was also "established law" according to the Dred Scott decision. How did that turn out, dragon breath.

Mitch McConnell and the Republicans have highjacked the Supreme Court to over-rule the will of the people. The people will not let it stand. And Republicans have no one to blame but themselves for whatever happens next.
Listen up, dumbass leftie fucktard foreigner

The Supreme Court does not respond to the will of the people. That's not it's job.

It responds only to the Constitution. Not the whims of lefties

You do not speak for the People of America. Get your grubby little nose out of our politics
I don't expect any dem legislation on gun control to be upheld constitutionally

I think underneath kavanaugh is just seething and others might be also over they way some sc justices are being treated.

"shall not be infringed" perhaps may go beyond intended bounds, but eh, that's what ya get dems for letting someone threaten you and letting em stomp all over your peonies.
And we are dancing in the gun grabbers' STUPID FACES!!!
The most important reason Trump HAD TO BE ELECTED is showing why it was SO IMPORTANT NOW. They thought they had it in the bag with the HAG HILLARY.


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