I think I have the hot mic thing figured out...

Why so much outrage from the libtards over Trumps remarks ??? Then it hit me. Libtards watch CNN and MSNBC and the major networks. Trumpeters watch Fox. Megan Kelly vs Maureen Dowd. Get the picture? Libtards have forgotten what pussy looks like. All they have is Anderson Cooper.

Check your local channel guide.

Oh they are just trying to distract from the avalanche of Wikileaks that expose them for the frauds they are.

Wikileaks: Debate Moderator John Harwood Emailed Podesta — Often

John Harwood of CNBC and the New York Times, who moderated one of the Republican presidential primary debates last year, corresponded often with Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, even congratulating her on primary wins, according to emails released by Wikileaks.

Wikileaks: Debate Moderator John Harwood Emailed Podesta -- Often
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Why so much outrage from the libtards over Trumps remarks ??? Then it hit me. Libtards watch CNN and MSNBC and the major networks. Trumpeters watch Fox. Megan Kelly vs Maureen Dowd. Get the picture? Libtards have forgotten what pussy looks like. All they have is Anderson Cooper.

Check your local channel guide.

Oh they are just trying to distract from the avalanche of Wikileaks that expose them for the frauds they are.

Wikileaks: Debate Moderator John Harwood Emailed Podesta — Often

John Harwood of CNBC and the New York Times, who moderated one of the Republican presidential primary debates last year, corresponded often with Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, even congratulating her on primary wins, according to emails released by Wikileaks.

Wikileaks: Debate Moderator John Harwood Emailed Podesta -- Often
Any bets on whether Harwood gets fired or not?
Why so much outrage from the libtards over Trumps remarks ??? Then it hit me. Libtards watch CNN and MSNBC and the major networks. Trumpeters watch Fox. Megan Kelly vs Maureen Dowd. Get the picture? Libtards have forgotten what pussy looks like. All they have is Anderson Cooper.

Check your local channel guide.

Note to deltard. It's the GOP that is outraged. Liberals figured out Trump long ago.
So you don't care what they report, as long as they have big titties? That's one of the main ideas in the fox business plan.

So where did Greta fit in that "plan"? Rachael Madcow is more your speed now that Candy Crowley finally ate her way out of a job at CNN. Feast your eyes....HOT eh?

So you don't care what they report, as long as they have big titties? That's one of the main ideas in the fox business plan.

So where did Greta fit in that "plan"? Rachael Madcow is more your speed now that Candy Crowley finally ate her way out of a job at CNN. Feast your eyes....HOT eh?


Smart is hot. Of course a fox viewer has never had the chance to realize that.
Why so much outrage from the libtards over Trumps remarks ???
Wow. You are baffled that people are angry over Donald Trump being a predator? And you think it has something to do with which TV networks they watch?

Are you saying the networks you watch are okay with sexual assault?

Jill Harth Speaks Out, Stands by Story of Being Sexually Assaulted by Donald Trump

Jill Harth met Trump in 1992, when she and her then-fiance, George Houraney, were beauty pageant promoters wanting to do business with him. But starting with their very first meeting, she said, Trump sexually harassed her — and he kept harassing her over a period of years, culminating in a sexual assault at his Palm Beach estate.

Their business deal fell apart, and Harth and Houraney filed separate civil lawsuits. He sued for breach of contract and she alleged attempted rape. Trump settled with Houraney, and as a condition of the settlement, Harth withdrew her case.

"I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."
Why so much outrage from the libtards over Trumps remarks ??? Then it hit me. Libtards watch CNN and MSNBC and the major networks. Trumpeters watch Fox. Megan Kelly vs Maureen Dowd. Get the picture? Libtards have forgotten what pussy looks like. All they have is Anderson Cooper.

Check your local channel guide.

Adults who actually get pussy don't have to talk about like a teenage boy.

Your epiphany was the wet dreams of an 8th grader.
Why so much outrage from the libtards over Trumps remarks ??? Then it hit me. Libtards watch CNN and MSNBC and the major networks.

If THAT is what finally "hit you", it is confirmation of just how dumb you are.....(what a dolt !!!)
Trump settled his attempted rape case about the same time Bill Clinton was being accused of sexually assaulting women. This explains why The Donald came to Bill's defense back then, going on TV to call Bill's accusers ugly and losers.

Birds of a feather flock together, you see.

Now Donald is acting all schizo. His predatory behavior and sexual assaults on women are becoming public again, and he's trying to throw his buddy Bill under the Access Hollywood bus with him.
But deltex was just baffled about all this, and now he thinks he has it all figured out. It must have to do with what TV shows you watch!


Women voters are going to kick Trump's balls over the moon. And the whining and gnashing of teeth by Trump's Chumps will be pleasing to my ears.
deltex is correct, of course. If you watch Fox News, you bleev Trump's sexual assaults on women are no big deal or just an illusion. It was just "locker room talk". Jill Harth and all those other women who have been coming forward for a very long time are all imaginary.
Smart is hot. Of course a fox viewer has never had the chance to realize that.

Being a communist in 2016 doesn't have anything to do with "smart" and Fox buries all your leftist trash sites in the same landfill.
deltex is correct, of course. If you watch Fox News, you bleev Trump's sexual assaults on women are no big deal or just an illusion. It was just "locker room talk". Jill Harth and all those other women who have been coming forward for a very long time are all imaginary.

Bawdy talk ain't "sexual assault" as your dirtbag hero Willy Jeff knows all too well. Watching his daughter squirming in her seat next to him at the debate was testimony to what he is and what you are.
deltex is correct, of course. If you watch Fox News, you bleev Trump's sexual assaults on women are no big deal or just an illusion. It was just "locker room talk". Jill Harth and all those other women who have been coming forward for a very long time are all imaginary.

Bawdy talk ain't "sexual assault" as your dirtbag hero Willy Jeff knows all too well. Watching his daughter squirming in her seat next to him at the debate was testimony to what he is and what you are.
See? The Chumps think Donald's boasting was just talk, and not testimony to his actual behaviors.

Of course, all those women who have been telling the world for a while now about Trump's sexual assaults and predation put the lie to the Chumps' delusions. Trump's tape validated those women. Big time.


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