I Think I Might Have The Mexico Paying For The Wall Deal Figured Out


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
After the wall is there we can charge Mexicans by the head as they cross into the US
After the wall is there we can charge Mexicans by the head as they cross into the US
We'll have to refund them for the ladders and excavating equipment they will purchase in order to get here. Nah, actually we won't, because there isn't going to be any wall.
After the wall is there we can charge Mexicans by the head as they cross into the US
here's a thought... heroin is backing up on the mexican side as we speak.
President's not afraid to use the military for this. then it's on to chicago to sort out that mess.
After the wall is there we can charge Mexicans by the head as they cross into the US
We'll have to refund them for the ladders and excavating equipment they will purchase in order to get here. Nah, actually we won't, because there isn't going to be any wall.
interestingly they used the name "iron curtain" this wall will be very sophisticated technologically. it will be a blend of physical and virtual, drones laser... high tech. we should build a new guard camp every 100 miles, have the home state in charge, the other states would share the duty and rotate in. people forget, once we secure the border, really secure the border, soon after, people will stop trying to escape into the US. then we can move on to canada... heh
another thing people are misinformed about is that the wall will be good for mexico on down to tierra del fuego. strong fences make good neighbors.

"Mending Wall" is a polemic against building walls that separate us from ourneighbors—the poem opens with the line,"Something there is that doesn't love a wall" and goes on to describe the narrator's attempts to talk his neighbor out of putting one up. Here he quotes Robert Frost. "Good fences make good neighbors."May 25, 2010
another thing people are misinformed about is that the wall will be good for mexico on down to tierra del fuego. strong fences make good neighbors.

"Mending Wall" is a polemic against building walls that separate us from ourneighbors—the poem opens with the line,"Something there is that doesn't love a wall" and goes on to describe the narrator's attempts to talk his neighbor out of putting one up. Here he quotes Robert Frost. "Good fences make good neighbors."May 25, 2010

Good fences might make good neighbors for anti-social folks. I like it wide open myself.

1) I don't have anything to hide

2) I don't want to waste my time with folks who do

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