I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

Good observation. Ailes is such a fascinating character as he goes far back into the Nixon era. Deaver was very much a California guy.
Indeed he did. Imagine handing over control of a supposed news organization to a former Repub party political operative! It tells us everything we need to know about Murdoch's intent for the station. From the beginning it was meant to deceive. After all these years they have gotten incredibly good at it.
Never before the covid plandemic did society QUARANTINE HEALTHY PEOPLE. The LOCK DOWNS were fucking POLITICAL and meant to damage the economy as THEY DID!!!!!
COVID included asymptomatic contagious people. Anybody, even those appearing to be healthy, could carry and spread it.
No one was calmed by Trump’s unhinged ramblings. In fact, we were very freaked out by his inability to act like a serious adult.
That's why governors panicked. They were on their own, and had to come up with measures, some rather harsh, because they were on their own.
Trump needed to keep the public calm and not freaking out
Lying to the public about the health risks COVID posed was not about keeping the public from freaking out. It was about downplaying the danger so the economy, which Trump lied about almost daily, would not be severely hurt.
Of course not. About a third of Jews admit they are Republicans. There are likely many more who don’t want to incur the wrath and contempt of intolerant liberal Jews, so they don’t come forward.

Betya Biden fails to capture half the Jews this time.
Meh, the Jewish vote always goes about 70% Democratic.

The biggest problem you have is that you think that most American Jews are devoted to Bibi and his policy of genocide as you are. The ones who are decent are probably as horrified as the rest of the world is.
Trump called Jewish people who vote for democrats people who hate their religion.

It’s the same sentiment that I’ve seen repeated often on the right. They’ll literally tell Jewish people they aren’t really Jewish if they vote democratic.

But it’s the liberal Jews that are the problem?
Sure. It’s the liberal Jews who care more about liberalism than they do Judaism, and vote for the Anti-Israel, Pro-Muslim Party. Some of them even march alongside those chanting ”Death to Jews!”

And the liberal Jews are HORRIBLE to Republican Jews. I had one of the intolerant leftists come up to me at my father’s own funeral and start attacking me for voting for Trump. That’s how nasty they can be.
More Fauci Flu deaths in Tater’s watch, Simp.
And I showed you why.

Trump voters (red) deaths went way up in 2021, while Biden voters (blue) deaths went way down in 2021

COVID included asymptomatic contagious people. Anybody, even those appearing to be healthy, could carry and spread it.
So fucking what? Covid is just another form of the COMMON COLD!!!!
It was WAAAAAAAAAY over-hyped!
And thank God for the plexiglass, THE PLEXIGLASS!!!!!!
Which specific policy of Trump caused any of that?

Link us up to the bills passed by Congress that Trump signed that caused those things to happen postman
Let’s just all admit, it took a global pandemic for the economy to look like a Obama or Xiden’s
Sure. It’s the liberal Jews who care more about liberalism than they do Judaism, and vote for the Anti-Israel, Pro-Muslim Party. Some of them even march alongside those chanting ”Death to Jews!”

And the liberal Jews are HORRIBLE to Republican Jews. I had one of the intolerant leftists come up to me at my father’s own funeral and start attacking me for voting for Trump. That’s how nasty they can be.
I didn't know you were Jewish!

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