I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

Preventing transmission would be nice, but not necessary because it is and always was excellent at preventing death.
So it should be up to the people to decide if they want to lower their risk of death. Who are other people to say?
They helped New York. That decreased new COVID deaths, while Florida that rejected those measures, killed tens of thousands of people.
As you know, we (Florida) in Florida did great and our students didn't end up a year or more behind. Of course, we had a higher death rate per million. For heaven's sake, we're God's waiting room. From East of the Mississippi, where do folks want to go to retire?

More people died of COVID under Biden than Trump, and Biden had three vaccines, while Trump only had one for one month. Biden mandated masks and vaccines in fact, yet everyone got COVID anyway.

I seem to recall Dems closing businesses and declaring people's livelihoods "non-essential."
Hard pick, death or employment.
Unfortunately right wing politics has done some serious damage to the nation as a whole. The levels of distrust in societal institutions is a result of Trump’s leadership but also a larger undercurrent of right wing conspiracy adherence.

To right wingers, reality is whatever they want it to be and anything that doesn’t comport with their desired reality is labeled as part of a liberal bias.
🤦‍♂️ claiming men can get pregnant? Not sure that helps your argument.
True. Few can sustain that level of inveterate lying for so many years. But you have to admit it has become easier since the entire RWM cohort reinforces each others lies.
The left is so crazy Limbaugh never had to lie
Your bias is showing bigtime. Soros even admitted he grew up in a Jewish antisemitic family. And what antisemitic conspiracy theories have the right wing spread?

And the point is that antisemitism is so rampant on the left that Democrats in high positions are afraid to condemn it for fear of alienating their antisemitic base. Ivy League presidents won’t even condemn the calls among by their students to genocide the Jews!
What has Soros said that was antisemitic specifically?

The shitstorm in Ivy League schools comes from a letter from a student group that didn't call for genocide, but just blamed Israeli policy for the violence. The last time Republicans talked about colleges, they were demanding that colleges respect first amendment rights. Which is it?
The left is so crazy Limbaugh never had to lie
Really? What about his drug addition, and having his maid buy hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal prescription drugs on the street?

Limbaugh constantly lied about that.
Trump was the only ex-president not to be in their public service commercial for vaccination.

That's just a fact.
It's also a fact that you claimed:

"Trump told them to take hydroxychlotoquine, and ivermectin, instead of the COVID-19 shot."

You can't/won't source your claim, therefore it's null and void.
Which of them were experimental with no long-term testing?

Make that your argument, not that it was wrong to force those in the military to get a vaccine as we have long required that.
Stupidity noted.

In the old days a seatbelt ticket was not a moving violation even if you had a CDL. However, the laws have been changed and a seatbelt violation is now a moving violation. If you possess a CDL, even if you get court supervision, it will show up on your driving record as a "supervision conviction". Two convictions and you will have your CDL suspended.

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