I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

Only on dead people.
Your ignorance of the subject is not surprising.

COVID Lessons Learned
A Retrospective After Four Years
By Scott W. Atlas, Steve H. Hanke, Philip G. Kerpen, and Casey B. Mulligan

Executive Summary

This report reviews the major policy errors and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic from a balanced perspective that includes health, economic, educational, and civil liberty considerations.

We outline ten key lessons that must be learned to avoid mistaken policy responses to future pandemics and other crises.

Lesson #1: Leaders Should Calm Public Fears, Not Stoke Them

Lesson #2: Lockdowns Do Not Work to Substantially Reduce Deaths
or Stop Viral Circulation

Lesson #3: Lockdowns and Social Isolation Had Negative Consequences that Far Outweighed Benefits

Lesson #4: Government Should Not Pay People More Not to Work

Lesson #5: Shutting Down Schools Was a Major Policy Mistake With
Tragic Effects on Children, Especially the Poor

Lesson #6: Masks Were of Little or No Value and Possibly Harmful

Lesson #7: Government Should Not Suppress Dissent or Police the Boundaries of Science

Lesson #8: The Real Hospital Story Was Underutilization

Lesson #9: Protect the Most Vulnerable

Lesson #10: Warp Speed: Deregulate But Don’t Mandate

COVID Lessons Learned

Has link to entire PDF file
Lessons Learned from the COVID Pandemic: ‘There Needs to Be an Honest Discussion’
No libs are LYING, intentionally. Okay maybe there are some lib sheeple without a brain who are too stupid and uninformed to know what's going on. They are exceptionally dumb. :eusa_think:
No, the libs who are lying are the elected Democrats, but the regular Democrat voters just know they’re bringing in $150,000 or so on a govt salary, don’t even have to go to the office, and are guaranteed raises that match inflation.
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
Presidents do not bring diseases to America. Matter of fact the first cases to America came by a ship that docked at Alameda, CA.
Trump rushed two hospital ships to victims. 1 landed at NY City and the other at San Diego, CA.

Governors and state legislatures are why so many were told to go home. Stay home. My grandson works for Facebook from his home. As he has since CV19 came to California.

Don't try and deflect blame, Biden hasn't done a damn thing to bring down inflation.
His green new deal is nothing but a drunk sailors spending spree.
Biden's multi trillion dollar spending spree is a backdoor tax on 401ks and IRA's via his devaluating the dollar with debt and inflation.
No one was calmed by Trump’s unhinged ramblings. In fact, we were very freaked out by his inability to act like a serious adult.
Well, you were a TDS infected liberal, who would expect you to be calm from whatever Trump said? :rolleyes-41:
No, the libs who are lying are the elected Democrats, but the regular Democrat voters just know they’re bringing in $150,000 or so on a govt salary, don’t even have to go to the office, and are guaranteed raises that match inflation.
Your typical democrat relies on the press and if it says jump 100 feet up, they obey the press.
I guess you would have preferred slightly less inflation and a recession instead? I wouldn't.

Inflation happened because of COVID and what we did to fight COVID.
Inflation is up over 18% since Brandon took over, I laugh at those who tout that inflation is down to 3+%
And starting to rise again.
He created a problem then brags how it's come down. Just priceless, I tell ya'
Idiot did the same with gas prices.
No, the libs who are lying are the elected Democrats, but the regular Democrat voters just know they’re bringing in $150,000 or so on a govt salary, don’t even have to go to the office, and are guaranteed raises that match inflation.
You must have really low expectations in life.
Fauci was in charge of the CDC, Trump was in charge of releasing the intelligence he got. Trump was briefed since December 2019 how bad COVID was.
Trump was probably shown pictures of Wuhan (classified satellite photos) showing ambulance, hospital and morgue activity. As well as ELINT of phone calls between Wuhan and Beijing about the situation.

And Trump chose not to share that information with Fauci. Ot the American people.

It was no worse than the flu. It would go away by itself. No need to change your lifestyle.
I literally just posted where Fauci said different, Democrats were out saying not to change anything, Nancy Piglosi said go to Chinatown!
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
And then more died under Biden the next year. Thread closed for abject stupidity.

Don't try and deflect blame, Biden hasn't done a damn thing to bring down inflation.
His green new deal is nothing but a drunk sailors spending spree.
It went from 3.1% to 3.2%.

To an extent. But Biden is making it worse with his trillions of dollars of spending. Why in the midst of lifetime-record inflation, is he printing more money?

The government workers don’t care. Very average people are making well over $100,000, with COLA guaranteed. They’re in a cocoon!
Spending to keep the economy going, preventing recession.

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