I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

Fauci was in charge and downplayed it
Fauci was in charge of the CDC, Trump was in charge of releasing the intelligence he got. Trump was briefed since December 2019 how bad COVID was.
Trump was probably shown pictures of Wuhan (classified satellite photos) showing ambulance, hospital and morgue activity. As well as ELINT of phone calls between Wuhan and Beijing about the situation.

And Trump chose not to share that information with Fauci. Ot the American people.

It was no worse than the flu. It would go away by itself. No need to change your lifestyle.
I remember America’s best citizens were unified like never before
I remember leftist heads exploding daily as they felt compelled to be and do better
I remember $2 fuel
I remember 3.5% interest rates
I remember cheap groceries
I remember Trump taught dark people how to lace up work-boots
I remember a record high stock market
I remember sky-rocketing home values
I remember a tightly sealed border
I remember a remain in Mexico policy
I remember 10 million less brown cockroaches from our south
I remember no wars being fought and peace in the Middle East
I remember jungle savages looting Nike stores and burning down their own shitholes
Quite an interesting memory, expressly just like the line( the best citizens united)
Now that we find many of those best people are unemployed felons.
Calling Jewish people antisemitic is a bit of a stretch if you ask me.
Soros is, for sure. And the Jews marching with the Palestinians as they shout “Death to Jews!” are helping to advance Jew-hate.
Because Trumps base is anti-government. Which made them anti-vax.

So Trump couldn't lose supporters by showing them he got vaccinated.
No, the vast majority were/are not anti-vax, as you well know. We are against MANDATED jabs with an experimental drug.
Indeed he did. Imagine handing over control of a supposed news organization to a former Repub party political operative! It tells us everything we need to know about Murdoch's intent for the station. From the beginning it was meant to deceive. After all these years they have gotten incredibly good at it.
TO be fair, FOX was started as a news organization. A news organization that was built on Ailes' former idea(s) during the Reagan era. Ailes was asking questions and proposing a media strategy to report things from a conservative (rightwing?) perspective -- narratives.

"Deceive?" I don't subscribe to that view. Ideological debates, political party views, partisanship...? Back in the 1980s, a healthy number of conservatives were in both major political parties.

So you’re claiming the jab stops you from getting covid? From spreading Covid? Or dying from Covid? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The cult is strong in this one!
There are no magic bullets. Science does its best when its not pushed to stop the deaths, as fast as it can. Better some problems than Hundred thousand more deaths. THERE STILL dying, but its a trickle not a flood.
Soros is, for sure. And the Jews marching with the Palestinians as they shout “Death to Jews!” are helping to advance Jew-hate.
I've not seen Soros say anything antisemitic. I've seen the right wing spread antisemitic conspiracies about him. Antisemitism isn't hard to find on the right either. Hell, that's why Candace Owens was fired.

I've seen leftists object to certain policies of Israel, specifically Netanyahu, but that's not antisemitic. Its just a disagreement about how to address the Palestinian state and not wanting to see widespread death against innocents.
I've not seen Soros say anything antisemitic. I've seen the right wing spread antisemitic conspiracies about him. Antisemitism isn't hard to find on the right either. Hell, that's why Candace Owens was fired.

I've seen leftists object to certain policies of Israel, specifically Netanyahu, but that's not antisemitic. Its just a disagreement about how to address the Palestinian state and not wanting to see widespread death against innocents.
Your bias is showing bigtime. Soros even admitted he grew up in a Jewish antisemitic family. And what antisemitic conspiracy theories have the right wing spread?

And the point is that antisemitism is so rampant on the left that Democrats in high positions are afraid to condemn it for fear of alienating their antisemitic base. Ivy League presidents won’t even condemn the calls among by their students to genocide the Jews!

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