I think the Atomwaffen SS or other extreme right groups sent the pipe bombs


Oct 11, 2018
The question that is on everyone's mind the last few days is who is behind the sending of the pipe bombs to Democratic officials. Certainly, whoever sent them wants us to think about this and point the finger at Trump supporters. But let's analyze the bomber's motives at a deeper level. Obviously, whoever committed this terrorist attack wants Trump to be blamed, and wants the Republican Party to lose the midterm elections.

So who wants the GOP to lose the midterms? Clearly moderate liberals and want the GOP to lose. But a moderate liberal isn't going to resort to actual threats of violence in order to achieve their political goals. Moderate liberals are those who voted for Clinton and Obama. They obviously wouldn't be sending bombs to the very politicians that they voted for a few years ago. So that leaves the extreme left. Who's on the extreme left. It can't be a democratic socialist or a Bernie supporter because Kamala Harris was among those that received a bomb in the mail. Again, these groups actively support Harris, and almost certainly wouldn't threaten a leader that represents their political beliefs and is one of the visible leaders of the movement.

That leaves Antifa. There's certainly a motive here. Antifa sees the Trump presidency and the base that supports him as leaning toward fascism if not fascism outright. By sending these bombs to Democratic politicians, and getting the public and the media to blame Trump supporters and the far right, they can increase the chances of a Democratic victory, and thereby stop what they see as a fascist administration. If the Democrats win Congress, either the House or the Senate or both, the wall either won't be built or it will be delayed at least two years. Fewer illegal immigrants would be deported, and so on. As for Antifa, they have committed acts of violence against persons and property, but these acts have thus far taken place only where another group that they perceive as fascist has gathered to demonstrate and express their views. In other words, Antifa is a reactive, not a proactive movement, or at least has been thus far. Antifa doesn't just show up and start demonstrating on their own where nobody else has done so. So if Antifa did it, it would be a marked change in their tactics. Organizations that have a long established pattern of operations rarely suddenly change in this manner, so I think it's safe to exclude Antifa. I believe that the organization that committed this act has already committed similar acts in the past.

We can also exclude moderate Trump supporters because they wouldn't act in such a way as to hurt their own chances for victory in the upcoming elections. This leaves the extreme right. Here is why I think the extreme right are behind this. By extreme right, I am referring to groups farther right than even the alt-right. Groups like Atomwaffen SS, whose members have already killed several people across the nation and are actively planning acts of terrorism around the country in order to overthrow the government and start an apocalyptic race war. There's a huge difference between believing that America should remain a majority white nation, and that all illegal immigrants should be deported and a wall should be built, on one hand, and actually killing people in order to achieve these goals. Trump supporters don't want revolution. They want the existing laws to be enforced, and enhanced border security. These far right groups want to overthrow the government and to start killing people now. If Trump and the GOP are blamed for this incident, and the Democrats win Congress, and the moderate reforms that regular Trump supporters are advocating for are blocked, then the hope is that these moderate Trump supporters will be radicalized, believing that all hopes for a political solution to the immigration issue have now been exhausted. But if Trump wins, and the moderate policies proposed by Trump end up passing in the next few years with a Republican congress, Trump supporters will have achieved their desired goals and will move away from radical solutions, which is exactly what groups like the Atomwaffen SS don't want.

This group and others on the extreme right see themselves as the vanguard for the alt-right movement. They are hoping that a critical mass of Trump supporters who are presently moderate and oppose revolution will be converted to their radical cause of overthrowing the government and replacing it with a Neo-Nazi "Fourth Reich." And the only way they can achieve this objective is for the Republican party to be defeated in the midterms. In other words, both the motive and the prior record of violence is there.

The problem is, the media isn't making a distinction between these extreme right groups and moderate Trump supporters. They are as different as a Bernie sanders supporter and the Weather Underground.

I'm a centrist who is trying to be objective and level-headed here. I think it's dangerous for Trump supporters and moderate Republicans to blame the left. Calling the bomb threat a "false flag" is offensive and only serves to fan the flames. Instead, the smart thing to do is for the GOP to dissociate itself with these extremists who have the motive and the will to carry out these acts. They are not Republicans, they are not Trump supporters, they want Trump to lose because they think it will radicalize moderate Republicans.
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Other than the hard left, everyone has pretty much accepted that the non working bombs are the work of one or more Democrats.
Other than the hard left, everyone has pretty much accepted that the non working bombs are the work of one or more Democrats.
And you're one foolish dumbass Trump piss drinker to repeat that! There is nothing but that absurd 'meme' hatched by RWnut operatives in your echo chambers spreading that bullshit! Note your lack of any substantial proof as your foundation for any such proposition, fool! Another useful idiot tagged!
And you're one foolish dumbass Trump piss drinker to repeat that! There is nothing but that absurd 'meme' hatched by RWnut operatives in your echo chambers spreading that bullshit! Note your lack of any substantial proof as your foundation for any such proposition, fool! Another useful idiot tagged!
Proof or no proof, he's entitled to his opinion, and in America, to state it as well. I agree with him. Looks like just another in a long line of Democrat schemes, to gin up votes for Democrats in November.
Other than the hard left, everyone has pretty much accepted that the non working bombs are the work of one or more Democrats.
And you're one foolish dumbass Trump piss drinker to repeat that! There is nothing but that absurd 'meme' hatched by RWnut operatives in your echo chambers spreading that bullshit! Note your lack of any substantial proof as your foundation for any such proposition, fool! Another useful idiot tagged!
It's been proven time and again that you shills don't accept any kind of proof. But I would not be surprised at all if loony dims did it. After all they are the ones calling of violence.
I think when they catch the MAGABomber(TM) we will find he's a right winger who spends all day listening to Hate Radio and watching Fox News.
there are no stamps over the stamps, therefore hand delivered

everyone knows these people don't open their own mail

who lets or has the guts to take a pic of what is supposed to be a bomb?

some group is playing a fucked up game.
there are no stamps over the stamps, therefore hand delivered

everyone knows these people don't open their own mail

who lets or has the guts to take a pic of what is supposed to be a bomb?

some group is playing a fucked up game.

Actually, they were mailed from Florida and the USPS is involved now with the MAGABomber(TM) case.
More people believe it is being done by the Left to cover for Hillary's open call for violence than they believe the Right is doing it.

White powder sent that is NOT biological ... Poorly-made 'bombs' that are incapable of detonating or that simply do not detonate ... all making it SEEM like all of this is for SHOW, not to actually hurt anyone...

I am NOT saying it is a staged ploy by the Left - it just SEEMS like it.

We'll see...
there are no stamps over the stamps, therefore hand delivered

everyone knows these people don't open their own mail

who lets or has the guts to take a pic of what is supposed to be a bomb?

some group is playing a fucked up game.

Actually, they were mailed from Florida and the USPS is involved now with the MAGABomber(TM) case.

6 stamps would not have been enough

there's no rubber stamp over the stamps

this was delivered by hand

and thanks for proving what a sheep you are with your magabomber lies.
More people believe it is being done by the Left to cover for Hillary's open call for violence than they believe the Right is doing it.

White powder sent that is NOT biological ... Poorly-made 'bombs' that are incapable of detonating or that simply do not detonate ... all making it SEEM like all of this is for SHOW, not to actually hurt anyone...

I am NOT saying it is a staged ploy by the Left - it just SEEMS like it.

We'll see...
some group is playing a fucked up game.

seriously, the post office would never get packages to arrive on the same day
I have no idea who's sending the clocks and pipe equipment for a bomb. I hope the investigators of these things that are being sent to members of the left are apprehended, and their sources for action are revealed for the truth that is behind this. I can't point a finger until I see irrefutable proof of who did this thing. If it is the DNC, I want to know it. If it is a criminal organization, I want to know it. I don't know how long it will take to unravel this problem, but coming into the time parameter of an election, someone was counting on paranoia at the polls.
I think when they catch the MAGABomber(TM) we will find he's a right winger who spends all day listening to Hate Radio and watching Fox News.
Democrats may come up with the sender, who poses as a Republican, then they manage to release him of all charges.
Nah...the DemNazis are desperate. The Polling is destroying their chances of a Blue Wave and just like The Real Nazis, they staged the PR Stunt to use it to gain political power and sympathy.

DemNazis same as Them Nazis.
Well, now that the MAGABomber has been caught, he really was one of yours... Anyone surprised?

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