I think USMB is unhealthy for me....

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Use the zoom function, gramps! :D

Touch your index finger and thumb together on the screen and then splay them out. Zoom function.

Yeah, unfortunately the Note 3 doesn't have the "fit text to screen" function when you zoom making it a real pain to use with one hand. Older phones I've had did this perfectly but this is currently the only phone that works with my watch.
I use the zoom function to read emails and such, but yeah, those little screens are pretty much impossible.

Its a trade. My iPhone is big enough. I don't want anything bigger.

Heck, I still yearn for the days of the little tiny flip phones. I mean, those were the coolest little gadgets to come along in a long long time.

You could always buy stronger reading glasses but then you have to hunt for them and you need to be wearing stronger reading glasses in order to find your stronger reading glasses.

On the plus side, it tends to keep posts short.

I use Thera Tears for eye lubricant, when I am online often. Grampa...try to stay conscious of blinking often. Not doing so, drys eyes out, I have read. You might Google "Dry eye" or" Computer Eye". You will find the advice I have just given you. Fish and flax oil also helps with eyes drying because of concentrated computer use for long periods.
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I use the zoom function to read emails and such, but yeah, those little screens are pretty much impossible.

Its a trade. My iPhone is big enough. I don't want anything bigger.

Heck, I still yearn for the days of the little tiny flip phones. I mean, those were the coolest little gadgets to come along in a long long time.

You could always buy stronger reading glasses but then you have to hunt for them and you need to be wearing stronger reading glasses in order to find your stronger reading glasses.

On the plus side, it tends to keep posts short.


The StarTac was my favorite.
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I use Thera Tears for eye lubricant, when I am online often. Grampa...try to stay conscious of blinking often. Not doing so, drys eyes out, I have read. You might Google "Dry eye" or" Computer Eye". You will find the advice I have just given you. Fish and flax oil also helps with eyes drying because of concentrated computer use for long periods.

I'll have to try that. Thanks
I've read that internet users don't blink as often - if I remember right, something like 7 times a minute as opposed to more than twice that.

Also, meds can cause dry eyes and dry mouth. I was on a drug that made mine so dry, I would wake in the night not being able to even open my eyes. I kept eye drops next to the bed and would instil during the night. Just ridiculous.

Happily, I'm not taking that drug any longer.
Phones are not good for the sort of reading/posting we do here. Bigger is better. I won't be going smaller than a laptop for this sort of stuff.

Phones are good to check in with.
I agree with Koshergrl on this one.

Also, multi-tasking while internetting is a good thing, I think. I have a rule where I get up about every 5 minutes and do another task for a couple of minutes before sitting back down to type or read again. Stuff like make a business call, go get the mail, take the dog for a walk, put the dishes in the machine...anything to get away from the computer for a number of minutes. I'm rarely on and doing USMB exclusively.
Whatever it is you enjoy doing, it's always important to mind your health and take a break at times. The Nintendo 3DS for example is very fun, and it's easy to while away the hours knocking out Goombas, but it's important to get up, give your body a break, and walk. :smiliehug:
...every now and then you have to take a dump!..and eat...and sleep...and figger out--what I am spoze to be doin'..AHH! USMB!
I try to wait 'til I'm at work.
That way I'm on a bigger screen AND I'm not wasting the day.
I use Thera Tears for eye lubricant, when I am online often. Grampa...try to stay conscious of blinking often. Not doing so, drys eyes out, I have read. You might Google "Dry eye" or" Computer Eye". You will find the advice I have just given you. Fish and flax oil also helps with eyes drying because of concentrated computer use for long periods.

You cannot say enough about good lubrication.

I dunno. I suspect eyestrain is among the least damaging effects of our nasty little habit.

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