I think when the dust settles Trump and the Republicans will win big and then the Democrat will be like "shit, now what?"

Lol, the real folks are out on the streets now. I doubt very seriously if 800,000 people wanted to see trump. If that was the case he could set up a rally on a big field instead of that venue..
Lol, the real folks are out on the streets now. I doubt very seriously if 800,000 people wanted to see trump. If that was the case he could set up a rally on a big field instead of that venue..
It's well over 800k now! Biden is doomed.

Lol, the real folks are out on the streets now. I doubt very seriously if 800,000 people wanted to see trump. If that was the case he could set up a rally on a big field instead of that venue..
Do those "real folks" actually vote though? I think it will be interesting to see if they re-elect the same people that nod their heads in agreement about the need to abolish or reform the police while voting to form "blue ribbon" commissions to study the impact of future police reforms. Sounds like a lot of bullshit being handed down to placate activists.
Lol, the real folks are out on the streets now. I doubt very seriously if 800,000 people wanted to see trump. If that was the case he could set up a rally on a big field instead of that venue..
It's well over 800k now! Biden is doomed.

Lol! The gatewaypundit is a bullshit right wing fiction site. Biden is now up 14 points in polling. We'll see if that's how it turns out but it sure shows how weak trump is if he's getting beat like this by a guy according to toilet crust like you, who is hiding in his basement.
Lol, the real folks are out on the streets now. I doubt very seriously if 800,000 people wanted to see trump. If that was the case he could set up a rally on a big field instead of that venue..
It's well over 800k now! Biden is doomed.

Lol! The gatewaypundit is a bullshit right wing fiction site. Biden is now up 14 points in polling. We'll see if that's how it turns out but it sure shows how weak trump is if he's getting beat like this by a guy according to toilet crust like you, who is hiding in his basement.
The polling is false, just like when Hillary ran. Gateway Pundit is a beacon of truth. Also always remember, White Power Matters!
^Wtf is this election year shill madness? :kicks this motherfucker in the ass: GTFO here!
In the 2016 election, everyone was saying Hillary would have the election sewn up by 8:30. I kept saying, but look at the numbers of her rallies and the numbers of Trump rallies. Big difference. That's what I am waiting to see. Let's wait to see the Tulsa numbers and Biden's numbers if he ever has a rally. Then I'll make my prediction. Showing up for a rally means they will likely show up to vote.
That's my prediction.

800,000 people want to see Trump and only 20,000 fit in the stadium.

The real folks are angry.
If Trump wins the November election, the left will simply continue its campaign of "Orange Man Bad," as they continue from Trump Derangement Syndrome. All they have been doing for three years is complaining about him, yet can't point to specifics as to why. They call him a racist, yet can't point to what he has said or done that was racist. They claimed that he colluded with Russia and Schiff publicly stated that they had "direct evidence of him colluding with Russia) but 40 million dollars, 2800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants later, found there was no collusion. They claimed he was racist by saying that people coming over our southern border were all rapists, thieves and murderers, yet when you listen to his speeches, he says, "some of those coming over the border illegally, are bad (a factual statement). They claim quid-pro-quo, in his conversation with Ukraine's president. Ukraine's president says there was no quid-pro-quo and the president says there was no quid-pro-quo. Despite this, they impeach him. Yet, Biden who clearly did a quid-pro-quo, with the former Ukrainian president, gets a pass. And, Biden has too close ties with the adversarial Chinese government, getting millions from them. There's collusion to be looked at. This is all for two reasons:
1. Clinton lost the election
2. Marxism is on the rise and a threat to our very Constitution and its freedoms.
Democommiecrats have already telegraphed their intentions when Trump wins. They will declare the election stolen and illegitimate. They will announce that Biden is the true winner and make their move to get Trump out of the White House.

Democrats lie. They lie about everything. They might actually believe that the military will back them. They might believe that they can put together an overwhelming force and burn the White House to the ground,
Obviously, time will tell. But, I doubt that they'll get that idiotic. I think they will just continue to whine and try to find some other way to impeach him.
Democommiecrats have already telegraphed their intentions when Trump wins. They will declare the election stolen and illegitimate. They will announce that Biden is the true winner and make their move to get Trump out of the White House.

Democrats lie. They lie about everything. They might actually believe that the military will back them. They might believe that they can put together an overwhelming force and burn the White House to the ground,
They tried recently and 50 secret service were injured. These pieces of shit are insurgents in America. They need put down like the ferals they are.

The turds burned a church.
In the 2016 election, everyone was saying Hillary would have the election sewn up by 8:30. I kept saying, but look at the numbers of her rallies and the numbers of Trump rallies. Big difference. That's what I am waiting to see. Let's wait to see the Tulsa numbers and Biden's numbers if he ever has a rally. Then I'll make my prediction. Showing up for a rally means they will likely show up to vote.
This is not 2016 and trump lost the popular vote. If that happens again whereby trump loses the popular vote and it is found that voters were removed from rolls like in 2016, hell is going to break loose. Biden doesn't have to have a rally and trumps rally doesn't mean anything. Especially after the increases in COVID19 that will result from this.
Lol, the real folks are out on the streets now. I doubt very seriously if 800,000 people wanted to see trump. If that was the case he could set up a rally on a big field instead of that venue..
Do those "real folks" actually vote though? I think it will be interesting to see if they re-elect the same people that nod their heads in agreement about the need to abolish or reform the police while voting to form "blue ribbon" commissions to study the impact of future police reforms. Sounds like a lot of bullshit being handed down to placate activists.
They voted last election which is why trump lost the popular vote.
That's my prediction.

800,000 people want to see Trump and only 20,000 fit in the stadium.

The real folks are angry.
Where are the Republicans right now? They are cowering like they always do when threatened with being labeled a “racist”. Unless they stand up to the Bolsheviks Lives Matter, no one is going to vote for them.
So who are people going to vote for then the “ Bolsheviks”?
If the op’s scenario takes place as described, I look for the riot and rebellion to accelerate. Trump, who is all mouth and no action, will allow himself to be talked into the standard response to crisis and there will be some false flag event leading to some fool military action. Most likely in Iran. This distraction won’t work, and tied in with the coming economic collapse brought on by Federal Reserve scrambling to find new ways to protect and enrich the banking sector at the expense of all other facets of the economy, things will only get worse.

Bring on the boogaloo.
Million Americans requesting America back. That is awesome, completely awesome.
Right now there is no indication that Trump can complete a full sentence and walk down a ramp. The likelihood that he learns about policy and starts making informed statements and decisions is very remote. He is in a dog fight in Arkansas a state he won by 27% before people really knew what he was about.
Right now there is no indication that Trump can complete a full sentence and walk down a ramp. The likelihood that he learns about policy and starts making informed statements and decisions is very remote. He is in a dog fight in Arkansas a state he won by 27% before people really knew what he was about.
We have absolutely no idea where any state stands. The media is democrat controlled. Nothing that comes out of the media can be trusted to be true.

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