I thought Climate Changed in NY?

So far they have virtually NO empirical data and their entire theory is based on computer derived fiction.

Shall we do this again?

The temperature record indicating warming unprecedented in magnitude or rate in over 10,000 years is empirical data. It is not "computer derived fiction". The CO2 record, indicating levels unprecedented in magnitude or rate for several million years is empirical data. It is not "computer derived fiction" The PIOMAS record of shrinking ice mass in the Arctic, Greenland, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the records showing that a very high majority of the world's glaciers and snow fields are shrinking is empirical data. It is not "computer derived fiction". The satellite data showing a continuing and growing radiative imbalance at the ToA is empirical data. It is not "computer derived fiction". The spectra showing that CO2 and all the other greenhouse gases, absorb EM falling on the Earth from the sun and reradiate it in the infrared band is empirical data. It is not "computer derived fiction". Evans 2006 (W.M.F. Evans) direct measurement of the IR radiation of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere to the surface of the Earth is empirical data. It is not "computer derived fiction".

So, Mr Westwall, take this claim of yours and shove it where the sun don't shine because that's where it came from and that's where it really ought to stay.

2 decades pause is now "warming unprecedented in magnitude or rate in over 10,000 years"

LOL What a fucking fraud

Crick do you have any EVIDENCE showing how hot the oceans were 9,500 years ago since apparently they store 93% of the excess heat?
Models ARE evidence. They aren't observations of the climate but they are evidence. They show that given the conditions input to that model on that run that it will produce those results. No one is putting any more value on them than that.

You've got to stop that knee jerking dude.
I hear the AGWCult pays people to post stupid non-scientific "thoughts" like Models are evidence, warmest year EVER!, etc
Models ARE evidence. They aren't observations of the climate but they are evidence. They show that given the conditions input to that model on that run that it will produce those results. No one is putting any more value on them than that.

You've got to stop that knee jerking dude.

So your model said this "warming", which is actually a 2 decade Pause plus an accounting fraud, is unprecedented in 10,000 years?
Models ARE evidence. They aren't observations of the climate but they are evidence. They show that given the conditions input to that model on that run that it will produce those results. No one is putting any more value on them than that.

You've got to stop that knee jerking dude.

So your model said this "warming", which is actually a 2 decade Pause plus an accounting fraud, is unprecedented in 10,000 years?

Models ARE evidence


good one
The libturds put posters on ignore because they lose the debate with them.

No one has ever lost a debate with Skookerasbil. They put him on ignore because he is offensive and his posts are utterly without value. He is an ignorant bigot and there is simply no reason to subject yourself to his spew.

The last thing they can have is a failure in order to receive funding from their party.

JC, if you believe that anyone here is being paid to be here, you need to make it public and notify management so that poster can be banned. If you don't have such evidence, you need to stop making such accusations.

But one day it might be 70 degrees and another might be 26 degrees in a week in many places in Winter. Hmmm, would that be due to climate or would that be due to pressure systems. I know you know that answer it is the likes of the libturds who don't and why they are fun to debate with. They stick hard to their scripts.

Why don't you think of it as chaotic noise lain over the top of the climate signal. Or you could think of it as natural variability. Or you could think of it as the fucking weather.
So crick, if the science is settled why are libturds on here? Especially since this is but a lowly message board? Climate change is supposedly dangerous. Why do you care what a skeptical person has to say here?
Models ARE evidence. They aren't observations of the climate but they are evidence. They show that given the conditions input to that model on that run that it will produce those results. No one is putting any more value on them than that.

You've got to stop that knee jerking dude.
Climate change.. Now I've heard everything! Dude did you get an education?
JC, where is your evidence that some individuals are being paid to post here?

JC, Frank, Jon, why don't you boys find the definition for the word EVIDENCE that would rule out climate models? Okay. I'll be right here waiting.
JC, where is your evidence that some individuals are being paid to post here?

JC, Frank, Jon, why don't you boys find the definition for the word EVIDENCE that would rule out climate models? Okay. I'll be right here waiting.
I have correlation. The same evidence you claim is man made global warming
My models show that the warming is natural and cannot be attributed to a microscopic increase in an atmospheric trace element. Best of all I don't have to fudge the data or add in a large X factor like the 93% of the "Excess heat" absorbed by the oceans to make my numbers work
Blue nut sack cold starting in New York next week.......lows in the lower teens. Upstate? Single digits!!!

Im sure the folks in New York here will be sitting around the fireplace talking about how shitty global warming is becoming!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::spinner:

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