I Told Harvard I Was An Undocumented Immigrant. They Gave Me A Full Scholarship.

Poor Sarah Palin..she had to attend several community colleges. I don't know why they don't offer dingbat scholarships. She certainly has her history down.

Don't knock self-made women. At least she climbed the political ladder by merit rather than riding on her husband's coattails.

Yeah, Independent women using marriage and family relationships to achieve power. Woohoo. That's feminism for you. Go Hillary.

That's about a crock of shit.
I told Harvard my name is George W. Bush, and they made my daddy pay them a bunch of money for me to get a C-.LOL!

Better than John Kerry's "D"!

Hey Carla, you have any selfies of your penis, like your brother Carlos has on the internet?
i quoted this before a fear edit.

it's now "documented" that userhandle "vigilante" asks for dick pics on the internet.

Vigilante needs a mirror.
Bet that makes a BUNCH of people PAYING for a Harvard education feel cheated!

The Washington Post's Post Everything ^

When I discovered my status in high school, I was worried I wouldn't be able to attend college at all. After I arrived home from soccer practice, the phone rang. “El Camino,” my mother said as she handed it to me, referring to a nearby community college. I was taking engineering courses there, offered in conjunction with my high school, but the woman from the registrar’s office had a problem: The Social Security number I had provided to receive college credit did not match my name, and if I couldn’t provide a valid number, I’d have to pay almost $2,000 for...

This is awesome. Why are you whining? You nor anyone you know werent going to Harvard anyway. You lack the intelligence. Everyone knows that.
Bet that makes a BUNCH of people PAYING for a Harvard education feel cheated!

The Washington Post's Post Everything ^

When I discovered my status in high school, I was worried I wouldn't be able to attend college at all. After I arrived home from soccer practice, the phone rang. “El Camino,” my mother said as she handed it to me, referring to a nearby community college. I was taking engineering courses there, offered in conjunction with my high school, but the woman from the registrar’s office had a problem: The Social Security number I had provided to receive college credit did not match my name, and if I couldn’t provide a valid number, I’d have to pay almost $2,000 for...

This is awesome. Why are you whining? You nor anyone you know werent going to Harvard anyway. You lack the intelligence. Everyone knows that.

No one I know would go to a communist school.... Running on what was a great schools name 50 years ago, is just silly, especially when they produced recent scum such as the president!

Yes, coming from another black, liberal, intellectual, THAT is funny!
One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.
Bullshit. This is myth and legend: total bullshit. If it is true, prove it. I know about this kind of thing, and your assertion is total BS.
Are you shitting me? You want anyone to believe there are no racially based official quota systems? How do you suppose a hack like obama got to where he is?
Get real.
You are too closed minded, ignorant, and possibly unintelligent to understand what college acceptance is all about. Get informed instead of spreading outright lies.
You're a liar. And a bigot. Can't deal with facts. Must be a democrat, too.
One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.

One of my friends kids listed himself as a black albino muslim with a 10 inch dick and that he HATED AMERICA!!!

Universities just tossed degrees at him! Pick a career, seriously ANY career... he's got a Ph.D in EVERY field you can think of!!! He just got back from his 75th visit to the International Space Station for pete's sake!!!

Another typically intellectually challenged lefty response. This is how obama was elected.
One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.

One of my friends kids listed himself as a black albino muslim with a 10 inch dick and that he HATED AMERICA!!!

Universities just tossed degrees at him! Pick a career, seriously ANY career... he's got a Ph.D in EVERY field you can think of!!! He just got back from his 75th visit to the International Space Station for pete's sake!!!

Another typically intellectually challenged lefty response. This is how obama was elected.

I told Harvard my name is George W. Bush, and they made my daddy pay them a bunch of money for me to get a C-.LOL!

Aw shucks, another prog pinhead who doesn't know that Dubya had better grades at Harvard (and Yale), a higher IQ, and an additional degree compared to Fat Albert. Dubya also won the Presidency (twice).....what's Fat Albert done other than trick you retards into buying his gorebal warming baloney? :funnyface:
One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.

One of my friends kids listed himself as a black albino muslim with a 10 inch dick and that he HATED AMERICA!!!

Universities just tossed degrees at him! Pick a career, seriously ANY career... he's got a Ph.D in EVERY field you can think of!!! He just got back from his 75th visit to the International Space Station for pete's sake!!!
President Kennedy tried to shove an unqualified black pilot into the Gemini astronaut corps and dropped a shit-ton of pressure on Chuck Yeager, who was on the training & selection committee, to pass this unqualified men and Chuck, to his credit, wouldn't go full racist and pass the man just because he was black, and so we had a successful Gemini program with no deadly screw-ups.

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