I Told Harvard I Was An Undocumented Immigrant. They Gave Me A Full Scholarship.

Here's hoping that this kid gets deported after he graduates. He can now live a good life in Mexico - they likely have a large Harvard network down there. Then he can bring his parents to live with him because we don't want to be breaking up families. America wins, Mexico wins, he wins, his parents win.
Bet that makes a BUNCH of people PAYING for a Harvard education feel cheated!

The Washington Post's Post Everything ^

When I discovered my status in high school, I was worried I wouldn't be able to attend college at all. After I arrived home from soccer practice, the phone rang. “El Camino,” my mother said as she handed it to me, referring to a nearby community college. I was taking engineering courses there, offered in conjunction with my high school, but the woman from the registrar’s office had a problem: The Social Security number I had provided to receive college credit did not match my name, and if I couldn’t provide a valid number, I’d have to pay almost $2,000 for...

Sounds like the American dream doesn't it? Work hard and persevere and the world is your oyster.

Of course it doesn't anymore, you leftist pond scum have taken over the education dept. of most colleges!

If we "leftist pond scum" controlled as many of the worlds institutions
and were as nefarious as you claim you and your cronies probably wouldn't be allowed a soap box to rant your paranoid rage from. However we don't and we aren't, so rave on.
Bet that makes a BUNCH of people PAYING for a Harvard education feel cheated!

The Washington Post's Post Everything ^

When I discovered my status in high school, I was worried I wouldn't be able to attend college at all. After I arrived home from soccer practice, the phone rang. “El Camino,” my mother said as she handed it to me, referring to a nearby community college. I was taking engineering courses there, offered in conjunction with my high school, but the woman from the registrar’s office had a problem: The Social Security number I had provided to receive college credit did not match my name, and if I couldn’t provide a valid number, I’d have to pay almost $2,000 for...

Sounds like the American dream doesn't it? Work hard and persevere and the world is your oyster.

Of course it doesn't anymore, you leftist pond scum have taken over the education dept. of most colleges!

If we "leftist pond scum" controlled as many of the worlds institutions
and were as nefarious as you claim you and your cronies probably wouldn't be allowed a soap box to rant your paranoid rage from. However we don't and we aren't, so rave on.

How unique, a subversive, pond scum that actually believes I have freedom of speech, until the scum of the earth completely rules everything! ....I'm speechless!
I told Harvard my name is George W. Bush, and they made my daddy pay them a bunch of money for me to get a C-.LOL!

Better than John Kerry's "D"!

Hey Carla, you have any selfies of your penis, like your brother Carlos has on the internet?

I can't help you with your penis problem, but you do have access to the world wide web. Just let your fingers do the walking...:biggrin:
That's why he mention penis, for his jaywalking fingers...some just loiter though...
I told Harvard my name is George W. Bush, and they made my daddy pay them a bunch of money for me to get a C-.LOL!

Better than John Kerry's "D"!

Hey Carla, you have any selfies of your penis, like your brother Carlos has on the internet?

I can't help you with your penis problem, but you do have access to the world wide web. Just let your fingers do the walking...:biggrin:
That's why he mention penis, for his jaywalking fingers...some just loiter though...

Rather that then using a mouth, as you do!
I told Harvard my name is George W. Bush, and they made my daddy pay them a bunch of money for me to get a C-.LOL!

Better than John Kerry's "D"!

Hey Carla, you have any selfies of your penis, like your brother Carlos has on the internet?

I can't help you with your penis problem, but you do have access to the world wide web. Just let your fingers do the walking...:biggrin:
That's why he mention penis, for his jaywalking fingers...some just loiter though...

Rather that then using a mouth, as you do!
I wish I could contort that much, I'd never leave the house...then I'd have to get breast implants.

Oh you were trying to insult..
If you can't compete with black folks and Mexicans it probably doesn't have anything to do with preferential treatment or quotas.......the most likely reason is that you're just too fucking stupid.
If you can't compete with black folks and Mexicans it probably doesn't have anything to do with preferential treatment or quotas.......the most likely reason is that you're just too fucking stupid.
yeah, cause it's really not that hard to compete...
One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.

One of my friends kids listed himself as a black albino muslim with a 10 inch dick and that he HATED AMERICA!!!

Universities just tossed degrees at him! Pick a career, seriously ANY career... he's got a Ph.D in EVERY field you can think of!!! He just got back from his 75th visit to the International Space Station for pete's sake!!!
What are you talking about? Unable to respond intellectually, eh? You just be one of those social promotions.
One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.
Bullshit. This is myth and legend: total bullshit. If it is true, prove it. I know about this kind of thing, and your assertion is total BS.

College acceptance is never based solely on race; as well, it is not the most important factor by any means. College acceptance is based on GPA, SAT scores, extracurricular activities, community service experience, personal statements, letters of recommendation from teachers, personal interviews, and the desire of universities to have a global student body, which means they look for students from around the world (nationality, ethnicity, culture, etc.) to include in their student population. Race may be one factor, but not the most important by any means.
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One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.
Bullshit. This is myth and legend: total bullshit. If it is true, prove it. I know about this kind of thing, and your assertion is total BS.
Are you shitting me? You want anyone to believe there are no racially based official quota systems? How do you suppose a hack like obama got to where he is?
Get real.
One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.
Bullshit. This is myth and legend: total bullshit. If it is true, prove it. I know about this kind of thing, and your assertion is total BS.
Are you shitting me? You want anyone to believe there are no racially based official quota systems? How do you suppose a hack like obama got to where he is?
Get real.
You are too closed minded, ignorant, and possibly unintelligent to understand what college acceptance is all about. Get informed instead of spreading outright lies.
The next time you talk to them thar Harvard guys would someone please ask them to look for the marbles lost by the Current POTUS.........It would be greatly helpful to this nation if these marbles were returned to Obama as quickly as possible.

Thanks in advance.
One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.
Bullshit. This is myth and legend: total bullshit. If it is true, prove it. I know about this kind of thing, and your assertion is total BS.

College acceptance is never based solely on race; as well, it is not the most important factor by any means. College acceptance is based on GPA, SAT scores, extracurricular activities, community service experience, personal statements, letters of recommendation from teachers, personal interviews, and the desire of universities to have a global student body, which means they look for students from around the world (nationality, ethnicity, culture, etc.) to include in their student population. Race may be one factor, but not the most important by any means.

Here's how aspiring physicians are selected. A national tabulation:



Here's a law school:

One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.
Bullshit. This is myth and legend: total bullshit. If it is true, prove it. I know about this kind of thing, and your assertion is total BS.
Are you shitting me? You want anyone to believe there are no racially based official quota systems? How do you suppose a hack like obama got to where he is?
Get real.
You are too closed minded, ignorant, and possibly unintelligent to understand what college acceptance is all about. Get informed instead of spreading outright lies.

Look at the issue at the heart of the most recent AA case, Fisher vs. University of Texas. Here's the NYT:

The University of Texas argued that diversity within racial groups was also important, citing “the African-American or Hispanic child of successful professionals in Dallas.” Skeptically, Justice Alito asked the university’s lawyer, “They deserve a leg up against, let’s say, an Asian or a white applicant whose parents are absolutely average?”​

The Washington Post:

Texas needed to provide a preference to wealthy minority students such as “the African American or Hispanic child of successful professionals in Dallas” who would defy stereotypes.​

So that marginalized white kid who earns terrific grades and terrific SAT scores and comes from a poor family is going to be passed over so that UT can admit the mediocre student of a successful Black professional family.

It is indeed absurd to claim AA isn't a quota system; it was never intended to be but quickly turned into one. See Hugh Davis Graham's The Civil Rights Era for an excellent study on the origins of AA and how it doesn't remotely resemble its original intent. This book is a 'must read' for those who are serious about public policy and how it is implemented, and the unintended consequences of such policies when they become political footballs and sources of bribery and vote pandering identity politics.

The Civil Rights Era Origins and Development of National Policy 1960-1972 Hugh Davis Graham 9780195045314 Amazon.com Books

Graham was a supporter of the original intent of such bills, but is not shy about how they're warped and become self-defeating, not just AA but the entire slate of programs. A modern case of such distortions was the battle in California's state universities over the massive discrimination against Asian students in college admissions there that prompted a change in race based quota systems for a few years, but recently California repealed those changes and went back to racial quotas in their selection processes, and again discriminates against qualified students based on race.

An review article in Commentary on the book:

Article The Civil Rights Era By Hugh Davis Graham Commentary Magazine

It is not surprising, perhaps, that the development of Phase II should have been accelerated by Lyndon Johnson, a Southern populist who was emotionally committed to bringing blacks and other minorities more fully into American life. The real surprise is that the program moved forward steadily under Richard Nixon. Graham suggests that, having consolidated his right wing and captured the rank-and file of organized labor, Roman Catholics, and evangelical Protestants, Nixon sought opportunistically to add blacks to the “emerging Republican majority” (in Kevin Phillips’s phrase).

But whatever his motive, it is a fact that under Nixon, for example, the Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare put into effect an aggressive program requiring universities to set targets for preferential hiring on grounds of race (and sex) in order to remain eligible for federal contracts, while Nixon’s Secretary of Labor, George Shultz, in Graham’s words “a systematic manager of . . . organizational lines and boxes,” went out of his way to appoint a black former professional football player, Arthur A. Fletcher, as the point man for equal-opportunity contract compliance. Fletcher kicked off his new career in 1969 by revising the “Philadelphia Plan” (created two years earlier to force integration in the recalcitrant contruction-trade unions) into a scheme requiring fixed and specific “goals or standards for percentages of minority employees,” or, in other words, proportional representation by race of the kind explicitly banned by the 1964 Civil Rights Act. By early 1970, Graham reports, the Labor Department had issued rules extending the supposedly limited Philadelphia Plan model “to basically all of the activities and facilities of all federal contractors—which by Arthur Fletcher’s estimate covered from one-third to one-half of all U.S. workers.”

A small bio on Graham and his other work:

Hugh Davis Graham - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Graham's early interest in civil rights and southern politics led him to join Numan Bartley in 1975 in writing Southern Politics and the Second Reconstruction, an update of the classic work by V.O. Key. While teaching at the University of Maryland, he began a new line of scholarship involving the making and implementation of federal policy. These studies led to three major books and a national reputation as the most successful pioneer in the new field of policy history.[2]

His first policy study, The Uncertain Triumph (1984), dealt with the enactment and implementation of major federal aid for public education. Next came his most influential book, The Civil Rights Era (1990), which dealt with the enactment and implementation of the three major civil rights acts. His last policy study, which complemented his work on civil rights, was Collision Course (2002). It showed how early civil rights legislation, intended largely to correct injustices to African Americans, eventually offered protections to immigrant minorities who were among Americans with the highest incomes, revealing "the often unforeseen, or unwanted, effects of social legislation".[2]

Bold added by me, and is from this bio:

Hugh Davis Graham 1937-2002
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One of my kid's white classmates listed himself as black on his SAT and he was inundated with significantly more college lit in the mail than his white colleagues who outscored him on their tests.
Another classmate scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT and was passed over by his first college choice while a highspanic classmate with lesser results was accepted to the same school.

One of my friends kids listed himself as a black albino muslim with a 10 inch dick and that he HATED AMERICA!!!

Universities just tossed degrees at him! Pick a career, seriously ANY career... he's got a Ph.D in EVERY field you can think of!!! He just got back from his 75th visit to the International Space Station for pete's sake!!!

I told Harvard my name is George W. Bush, and they made my daddy pay them a bunch of money for me to get a C-.LOL!

Better than John Kerry's "D"!

Hey Carla, you have any selfies of your penis, like your brother Carlos has on the internet?
i quoted this before a fear edit.

it's now "documented" that userhandle "vigilante" asks for dick pics on the internet.

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