I told you before Obama left office, we would see children dying in the streets...

Oh..and guess what?

They're going to be heading to school.

"The Obama administration issued guidelines Thursday to ensure children can enroll in public schools even if they or their parents are living illegally in the United States."

You think public schools are violent now. Just wait.

New guidelines ban schools from conducting immigration checks on kids - CNN.com

You know that got settled years ago when California passed Prop 187 and it was declared unConstitutional, right?
and I was right:

" Issa: ‘This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In’ Due To Obama’s DREAM Act
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — A top Republican lawmaker warns that children will die trying to get into the U.S. illegally due to President Barack Obama’s DREAM Act.

Speaking to Fox News Radio, Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, stated that these children believe they will become American citizens once they come into the U.S.

“This flood is going to mean children dying trying to get in,” Issa told Fox News Radio. “And more important, children coming here with the anticipation that somehow they’re going to be granted citizenship and then they will bring the rest of their family … that’s a false narrative. "

They are also going to die once they are dumped within our borders. They will starve, and die of diseases, and be preyed upon by the huge criminal onslaught we are also suffering thanks to Obama.

Issa: ?This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In? Due To Obama?s DREAM Act « CBS DC

Please link to you telling us that we'd see children dying in the streets.

Then.....tell us where children are dying in the streets.

So you maintain that no children will die as a result of this influx?

Go ahead, own it.

Or admit you find it acceptable.

You do realize.."going to" is future tense..right?
It serves no purpose. If you don't believe I previously said it, meh, I'm saying it now.

Children will die in the streets because of the terrible things this admin, with the full support of progressives, is doing.
Great people come to the USMB. Just great people.

Honestly, I didn't think it possible they could sink any lower but this thread proves me wrong.

Start a thread about abortion and they will be pulling their hair out, gnashing their teeth and PRETENDING to give a fuck.

I really really really do hate that people like this exist. It is the shame of our species.
literally millions of otherwise sane and able-bodied adults refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of federal and state funds

Yep and as we know, they're RWs who vote against their own best interest and then use their food stamps to buy beer.
and I was right:

" Issa: ‘This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In’ Due To Obama’s DREAM Act
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — A top Republican lawmaker warns that children will die trying to get into the U.S. illegally due to President Barack Obama’s DREAM Act.

Speaking to Fox News Radio, Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, stated that these children believe they will become American citizens once they come into the U.S.

“This flood is going to mean children dying trying to get in,” Issa told Fox News Radio. “And more important, children coming here with the anticipation that somehow they’re going to be granted citizenship and then they will bring the rest of their family … that’s a false narrative. "

They are also going to die once they are dumped within our borders. They will starve, and die of diseases, and be preyed upon by the huge criminal onslaught we are also suffering thanks to Obama.

Issa: ?This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In? Due To Obama?s DREAM Act « CBS DC

These children are political refugees, running from sex traffickers and drug violence.

How is Obama responsible for that?

He's not.
It serves no purpose. If you don't believe I previously said it, meh, I'm saying it now.

Children will die in the streets because of the terrible things this admin, with the full support of progressives, is doing.

You nasty vicious ignorant vile piece of human excrement, name EXACTLY what those "terrible things" are.
For every child that dies coming here or in a camp, it is one less child we have to medicate, educate or incarcerate. Don't feel bad about it.

Another caring anti-abortion nutter speaks.


Serious question: What is wrong with human genes that its even possible for us to produce such vile nasty people as you, kg and others who are rubbing your hands together at the thought of these children being harmed?
and I was right:

" Issa: ‘This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In’ Due To Obama’s DREAM Act
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — A top Republican lawmaker warns that children will die trying to get into the U.S. illegally due to President Barack Obama’s DREAM Act.

Speaking to Fox News Radio, Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, stated that these children believe they will become American citizens once they come into the U.S.

“This flood is going to mean children dying trying to get in,” Issa told Fox News Radio. “And more important, children coming here with the anticipation that somehow they’re going to be granted citizenship and then they will bring the rest of their family … that’s a false narrative. "

They are also going to die once they are dumped within our borders. They will starve, and die of diseases, and be preyed upon by the huge criminal onslaught we are also suffering thanks to Obama.

Issa: ?This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In? Due To Obama?s DREAM Act « CBS DC

Please link to you telling us that we'd see children dying in the streets.

Then.....tell us where children are dying in the streets.


They're not. Its just wishful thinking on these slimebag's part.
For every child that dies coming here or in a camp, it is one less child we have to medicate, educate or incarcerate. Don't feel bad about it.

Another caring anti-abortion nutter speaks.


Serious question: What is wrong with human genes that its even possible for us to produce such vile nasty people as you, kg and others who are rubbing your hands together at the thought of these children being harmed?

First Koshergirl's OP pretends that Obama's policies have children dying in the streets and what evil his administration is to cause that. But then Katzndogz and she are ok with it because the children are brown children - not children of their particular in-group. This is the worst of Obama derangement syndrome: deriding the POTUS for something they actually like: the deaths of children.
For every child that dies coming here or in a camp, it is one less child we have to medicate, educate or incarcerate. Don't feel bad about it.

Another caring anti-abortion nutter speaks.


Serious question: What is wrong with human genes that its even possible for us to produce such vile nasty people as you, kg and others who are rubbing your hands together at the thought of these children being harmed?

First Koshergirl's OP pretends that Obama's policies have children dying in the streets and what evil his administration is to cause that. But then Katzndogz and she are ok with it because the children are brown children - not children of their particular in-group. This is the worst of Obama derangement syndrome: deriding the POTUS for something they actually like: the deaths of children.

They lie and then refuse to to back up their lies because they can't. They know they are lying but its all they've got.

Disgusting and incredibly cowardly.

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