I told you before Obama left office, we would see children dying in the streets...

I'm sorry you retards can't read.

I said "I said we would see children dying in the streets and I was right".

We will see children dying in the streets.

Please don't be defeated by English, kids! You can do this!

Meanwhile, it's aboslutely Obama's fault, because he used executive power to make this happen. He is the reason they are racing for our border, he is the reason the criminals are being released to shuttle them back and forth.

It's a human trafficking nightmare.

And he knows it.

Own it. This is just the beginning.
Children were already dying in the streets long before Obama, but you Republicans ignore them, like the selfish fucks you are.
and I was right:

" Issa: ‘This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In’ Due To Obama’s DREAM Act
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — A top Republican lawmaker warns that children will die trying to get into the U.S. illegally due to President Barack Obama’s DREAM Act.

Speaking to Fox News Radio, Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, stated that these children believe they will become American citizens once they come into the U.S.

“This flood is going to mean children dying trying to get in,” Issa told Fox News Radio. “And more important, children coming here with the anticipation that somehow they’re going to be granted citizenship and then they will bring the rest of their family … that’s a false narrative. "

They are also going to die once they are dumped within our borders. They will starve, and die of diseases, and be preyed upon by the huge criminal onslaught we are also suffering thanks to Obama.

Issa: ?This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In? Due To Obama?s DREAM Act « CBS DC

Darrel Issa is a fool -- running his mouth, pouring shit in your ear that comes out your mouth.
One can't expect people who hate children to begin with to care.

Human trafficking. That's what is going on.
Martial law is coming. The camps/detention centers are being built now.
What about all the people years ago making this exact same claim?

Paranoid people say this regularly as clockwork, but the date seems to always be "someday soon"
I have no idea what you're talking about. I see human trafficking taking place NOW, and children being put in danger NOW.
I have a problem with that.
Close the fucking border and close it properly.

Both parties are guilty of bullshitting the American people, and this has been going on for 40 years.

The Dems don't want to do anything about it because it strengthens and increases their Latino voter base, and the repubs don't because it's good for big business such as agriculture, hotel, construction, etc.

Every time we have a presidential election, the nominees give the standard lip service about closing the border, and when they get into office its business as usual. This bullshit artist president we have has been telling us for the last 5 years of a decrease in border crossings due to usage of high tech equipment and drones. Now we find out this is yet another of his big lies.
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What the heck is Issa mouthing off on?

The Dream Act was never passed and Obama never enacted the Dream Act through executive order either?

Fox News Attacks Obama For DREAM Act He Didn't Enact | Blog | Media Matters for America


Fox News accused President Obama of a "constitutional violation" by claiming he enacted the DREAM Act in 2012 even though the legislation had not passed Congress. In fact, Obama has not enacted the DREAM Act. The deferred action program for undocumented youth he announced in 2012 was an exercise in prosecutorial discretion and is only a temporary measure that does not allow recipients to become legal residents or begin a path to citizenship as the congressionally proposed DREAM Act would have done.
Yea, yea, yea, I know....Media Matters....

Stupid is as stupid does....
Close the fucking border and close it properly.

Both parties are guilty of bullshitting the American people, and this has been going on for 40 years.

The Dems don't want to do anything about it because it strengthens and increases their Latino voter base, and the repubs don't because it's good for big business such as agriculture, hotel, construction, etc.

Every time we have a presidential election, the nominees give the standard lip service about closing the border, and when they get into office its business as usual. This bullshit artist president we have has been telling us for the last 5 years of a decrease in border crossings due to usage of high tech equipment and drones. Now we find out this is yet another of his big lies.
That is such BS, it's laughable....Illegal immigrants can't vote, they don't add to the voting base of Democrats.... (relatives whom are citizens, who support this measure, may vote Democratic but not the illegals themselves)

If the Dream Act were EVER to pass congress, there are many caveats to reach citizenship, with a minimum of 5 years before being eligible for applying for citizenship, then another few years to get it....(and these people had to have lived in the USA BEFORE the act passed the house in 2010, if the act had passed the Senate and gone onward to be signed by the President) NONE of that happened, so the OP is just typical bull, once again.

So, I would agree that by then (5-10 years down the road), it may help Democrats because these people may register as Democrats, but there is no guarantee of such....many republicans have supported the Dream Act as well...in fact it passed the House in 2010...just has not made it through the Senate.
I love it when lefties get all worked up because people object to the abuse of children.
Close the fucking border and close it properly.

Both parties are guilty of bullshitting the American people, and this has been going on for 40 years.

The Dems don't want to do anything about it because it strengthens and increases their Latino voter base, and the repubs don't because it's good for big business such as agriculture, hotel, construction, etc.

Every time we have a presidential election, the nominees give the standard lip service about closing the border, and when they get into office its business as usual. This bullshit artist president we have has been telling us for the last 5 years of a decrease in border crossings due to usage of high tech equipment and drones. Now we find out this is yet another of his big lies.
That is such BS, it's laughable....Illegal immigrants can't vote, they don't add to the voting base of Democrats.... (relatives whom are citizens, who support this measure, may vote Democratic but not the illegals themselves)

If the Dream Act were EVER to pass congress, there are many caveats to reach citizenship, with a minimum of 5 years before being eligible for applying for citizenship, then another few years to get it....(and these people had to have lived in the USA BEFORE the act passed the house in 2010, if the act had passed the Senate and gone onward to be signed by the President) NONE of that happened, so the OP is just typical bull, once again.

So, I would agree that by then (5-10 years down the road), it may help Democrats because these people may register as Democrats, but there is no guarantee of such....many republicans have supported the Dream Act as well...in fact it passed the House in 2010...just has not made it through the Senate.
Illegal immigrants can't vote but their relatives, friends, and other naturalized citizens who came from their country can. We have a Latino housekeeper who was told to vote for Obama because he "won't kick all the illegals out".

And when the illegals have kids or get married to US citizens here who are Latinos their citizenship moves into fast track. All you need is a good immigration lawyer. You can even work for a company who is willing to "sponsor". And suddenly you are allowed to work legally.
Close the fucking border and close it properly.

Both parties are guilty of bullshitting the American people, and this has been going on for 40 years.

The Dems don't want to do anything about it because it strengthens and increases their Latino voter base, and the repubs don't because it's good for big business such as agriculture, hotel, construction, etc.

Every time we have a presidential election, the nominees give the standard lip service about closing the border, and when they get into office its business as usual. This bullshit artist president we have has been telling us for the last 5 years of a decrease in border crossings due to usage of high tech equipment and drones. Now we find out this is yet another of his big lies.
That is such BS, it's laughable....Illegal immigrants can't vote, they don't add to the voting base of Democrats.... (relatives whom are citizens, who support this measure, may vote Democratic but not the illegals themselves)

If the Dream Act were EVER to pass congress, there are many caveats to reach citizenship, with a minimum of 5 years before being eligible for applying for citizenship, then another few years to get it....(and these people had to have lived in the USA BEFORE the act passed the house in 2010, if the act had passed the Senate and gone onward to be signed by the President) NONE of that happened, so the OP is just typical bull, once again.

So, I would agree that by then (5-10 years down the road), it may help Democrats because these people may register as Democrats, but there is no guarantee of such....many republicans have supported the Dream Act as well...in fact it passed the House in 2010...just has not made it through the Senate.
Illegal immigrants can't vote but their relatives, friends, and other naturalized citizens who came from their country can. We have a Latino housekeeper who was told to vote for Obama because he "won't kick all the illegals out".

And when the illegals have kids or get married to US citizens here who are Latinos their citizenship moves into fast track. All you need is a good immigration lawyer. You can even work for a company who is willing to "sponsor". And suddenly you are allowed to work legally.
FYI-I know many immigrants who are now legal American citizens who are against the Dream Act and giving illegals, legal status if they qualify after 5 years.... they believe these illegals should wait in line, like they had to do, to come here legally.
That is such BS, it's laughable....Illegal immigrants can't vote, they don't add to the voting base of Democrats.... (relatives whom are citizens, who support this measure, may vote Democratic but not the illegals themselves)

If the Dream Act were EVER to pass congress, there are many caveats to reach citizenship, with a minimum of 5 years before being eligible for applying for citizenship, then another few years to get it....(and these people had to have lived in the USA BEFORE the act passed the house in 2010, if the act had passed the Senate and gone onward to be signed by the President) NONE of that happened, so the OP is just typical bull, once again.

So, I would agree that by then (5-10 years down the road), it may help Democrats because these people may register as Democrats, but there is no guarantee of such....many republicans have supported the Dream Act as well...in fact it passed the House in 2010...just has not made it through the Senate.
Illegal immigrants can't vote but their relatives, friends, and other naturalized citizens who came from their country can. We have a Latino housekeeper who was told to vote for Obama because he "won't kick all the illegals out".

And when the illegals have kids or get married to US citizens here who are Latinos their citizenship moves into fast track. All you need is a good immigration lawyer. You can even work for a company who is willing to "sponsor". And suddenly you are allowed to work legally.
FYI-I know many immigrants who are now legal American citizens who are against the Dream Act and giving illegals, legal status if they qualify after 5 years.... they believe these illegals should wait in line, like they had to do, to come here legally.

That's certainly possible, but majority of Latino's voted for Obama, and for the dream act.

Personally I think its immoral to kick children out or deny them health care and education regardless of their status. If they close the borders properly, then there wouldn't this moral dilemma of kicking out people who have been living here for 10 years in some cases.

Create a fair path to citizenship (with strict qualifiers) for those that are here, and most importantly, close the friggin borders. No one gets through. It might take a few billion dollars, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the havoc and stress all these illegals create on the system. Without closed borders, any "act" is a waste of time and a non starter.

Like I said before, the reason they won't close the borders is because both parties are corrupt and have a vested interest in maintaining the flood of illegal immigrants.
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The border patrol thinks the children are a diversion by the cartels to bring more sensitive passengers across.
and I was right:

" Issa: ‘This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In’ Due To Obama’s DREAM Act
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — A top Republican lawmaker warns that children will die trying to get into the U.S. illegally due to President Barack Obama’s DREAM Act.

Speaking to Fox News Radio, Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, stated that these children believe they will become American citizens once they come into the U.S.

“This flood is going to mean children dying trying to get in,” Issa told Fox News Radio. “And more important, children coming here with the anticipation that somehow they’re going to be granted citizenship and then they will bring the rest of their family … that’s a false narrative. "

They are also going to die once they are dumped within our borders. They will starve, and die of diseases, and be preyed upon by the huge criminal onslaught we are also suffering thanks to Obama.

Issa: ?This Flood Is Going To Mean Children Dying Trying To Get In? Due To Obama?s DREAM Act « CBS DC

It's Obama for sure. Since the day he won the presidency I have to move children's dead bodies out of my way walking to my car. These street urchins wouldn't starve if they took rush's advice and dumpster dived. Republican headquarters have copies of maps where the best dumpsters in the city are.
Martial law is coming. The camps/detention centers are being built now. And if you think they're ONLY for the aliens, you're so wrong.

Hope everybody is prepared for that. They'd like to wait until all the guns have been taken, but that's not going to happen so they will probably just go ahead and start with the curfews and checkpoints.

"The children that are arriving are a particularly vulnerable group,” Alejandro Mayorkas, deputy secretary of homeland security, said last week. “They have often survived a hazardous journey to have arrived here.”

"Cecilia Muñoz, director of the White House domestic policy council, said that some of the influx may have been caused by a false rumour in some countries that children would be allowed to stay in the US.

"Illegal immigrants caught by border patrol are often sent back if they are from Mexico, however that is not the case for people from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, where many of this year’s influx come from. Unaccompanied children caught at the border become wards of the state and become the responsibility of the Department of Health and Human Services."

US struggles with surge in illegal immigrant children - FT.com

Whoooeeeeeeeee, little tin hat time for sure................... Run to your bunker, get out the arsenal, and start shooting at everything. Sure fire cure.

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