I Told You Rubes Wikileaks Had Some Weak Sauce!

If he had had something, he'd have said it months ago.
He did...he has leaked a LOT on Hillary. Her leaked info has exposed lies, corruption, pay-to-play, perjury, other crimes, etc....

That's why I could not imagine him having anything bigger than what he has already released. I think Assange is just amazed that all the information he has already released is being so ignored by the media and libs. Had the information that has been released already been about Trump / a Republican Libs would have demanded he be forced from the race already.

Buck up, lil' camper Assange, libs don't care about all the corruption, broken laws, lies etc....Good on you for being willing to release all that, but no one seems to care.

The thing is that both sides are ignoring all the stuff. Against Trump there is so much stuff and his supporters and even those on the fence ignore it too. It seems America has turned into entertainment central with this election. As long as you entertain, who cares?
If he had had something, he'd have said it months ago.
He did...he has leaked a LOT on Hillary. Her leaked info has exposed lies, corruption, pay-to-play, perjury, other crimes, etc....

That's why I could not imagine him having anything bigger than what he has already released. I think Assange is just amazed that all the information he has already released is being so ignored by the media and libs. Had the information that has been released already been about Trump / a Republican Libs would have demanded he be forced from the race already.

Buck up, lil' camper Assange, libs don't care about all the corruption, broken laws, lies etc....Good on you for being willing to release all that, but no one seems to care.

The thing is that both sides are ignoring all the stuff. Against Trump there is so much stuff and his supporters and even those on the fence ignore it too. It seems America has turned into entertainment central with this election. As long as you entertain, who cares?

Now they seem to be railing about that Trump, a billionaire, is not successful because he has 4 failed businesses (failure rate of 1%, compared to average of 85%). That he is a tax fraud, because he doesn't pay tax on losses, just like no one else does.

Indeed, there are worse things to say about anyone... it really is garbage grade.
Don't spike the ball just yet. A bunch of stuff (including the US election/"October Surprise") is going to be leaked in the coming weeks, some before the election. That came directly from Julian himself during the press conference.

“The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organisations in three different states as well as ... the US election process,” he said via a video link at an event marking the group’s 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, technology giant Google and the US election, but declined to give any details.

“There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false,” he said

Don't be scurred, media will run defense for her. However he's not going to give them a heads up on when its coming so the MSM cannot prepare. Its going to happen at his time and place of choosing.

Via: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange says 'significant' documents will be released ahead of US election
It's going to finish off Clinton!

The media won't report it!

Nothing contradictory there...:lol:
Never said anything was going to finish her. We don't even know wtf is in the docs. Looks to me like your projecting and a little worried.

Let's all wait and see what comes out. Heck the dump may not even implicate Clinton in any way then you can breathe a sigh of relief. In the meantime stop making a fool of yourself by celebrating 'weak sauce' when there's not even a drop of sauce to look at. Surprised I needed to point that out......

He's positively mental. Just look at all his posts, they all involve:

- Calling people a moron or a retard
- Pants shitting
- Urine drinking
- Sauce
- Ejaculation
- Proclaiming his faith and then referring to a fellow board member as a c&*t

And on and on and on and on. Good Lord
Guccifer 2.0 released Clinton Foundation Documents about an hour ago. He hacked into the server and downloaded thousands of docs. There's a folder in the dump named "Pay for Play" and it looks like Democrats funneled TARP money back to their PACS

It's going to take some time for people to scavenge through all the info and get it out there so be on the lookout. Not sure what they'll find but I'm sure it will be entertaining :lol:

"Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.

Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server."

Man. You fell for that one too? Sad. Believe me!
Great! You won't then mind a release on say ... hmmm ... Nov 2-3?
Before every press conference for over a year now, Assange has promised "THIS TIME WE ARE GOING TO FINALLY KNOCK OUT CLINTON!" and all you rubes get wet between the legs. Every. Single. Time.

Then, when Assange ejaculates his weak sauce on your faces, you get back in line for more.

If he had something which would finish off Clinton, he would have released it before the primaries. After all, he wanted Bernie Sanders to win.

Now the little commie you fan bois are infatuated with is just behaving like a sore loser crybaby.

If he releases something on November 2, it is because it is so weak it can only cause a sensation for one or two news cycles.

And releasing something that close to Election Day is a sure sign of fakery. He will be counting on the fact its validity can't be checked in time.

Don't such a recividist sap. You really ought to wise up.

Actually, he is not the one that made the promise. I mean you can ignore it as much as you want but it doesn't make it any truer. Roger Stone is the one that made the claim that he was in touch with Assange. Not the other way around. Assange doesn't like Trump. I mean you guys can play this shit for what it's worth but it really is meaningless.
If he had had something, he'd have said it months ago.
He did...he has leaked a LOT on Hillary. Her leaked info has exposed lies, corruption, pay-to-play, perjury, other crimes, etc....

That's why I could not imagine him having anything bigger than what he has already released. I think Assange is just amazed that all the information he has already released is being so ignored by the media and libs. Had the information that has been released already been about Trump / a Republican Libs would have demanded he be forced from the race already.

Buck up, lil' camper Assange, libs don't care about all the corruption, broken laws, lies etc....Good on you for being willing to release all that, but no one seems to care.

The thing is that both sides are ignoring all the stuff. Against Trump there is so much stuff and his supporters and even those on the fence ignore it too. It seems America has turned into entertainment central with this election. As long as you entertain, who cares?

Now they seem to be railing about that Trump, a billionaire, is not successful because he has 4 failed businesses (failure rate of 1%, compared to average of 85%). That he is a tax fraud, because he doesn't pay tax on losses, just like no one else does.

Indeed, there are worse things to say about anyone... it really is garbage grade.

Well, if US politics were about policies, if it were about electing a CEO and not about electing the next American Idol, then Trump wouldn't even be candidate.
Don't spike the ball just yet. A bunch of stuff (including the US election/"October Surprise") is going to be leaked in the coming weeks, some before the election. That came directly from Julian himself during the press conference.

“The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organisations in three different states as well as ... the US election process,” he said via a video link at an event marking the group’s 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, technology giant Google and the US election, but declined to give any details.

“There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false,” he said

Don't be scurred, media will run defense for her. However he's not going to give them a heads up on when its coming so the MSM cannot prepare. Its going to happen at his time and place of choosing.

Via: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange says 'significant' documents will be released ahead of US election
It's going to finish off Clinton!

The media won't report it!

Nothing contradictory there...:lol:
Never said anything was going to finish her. We don't even know wtf is in the docs. Looks to me like your projecting and a little worried.

Let's all wait and see what comes out. Heck the dump may not even implicate Clinton in any way then you can breathe a sigh of relief. In the meantime stop making a fool of yourself by celebrating 'weak sauce' when there's not even a drop of sauce to look at. Surprised I needed to point that out......

He's positively mental. Just look at all his posts, they all involve:

- Calling people a moron or a retard
- Pants shitting
- Urine drinking
- Sauce
- Ejaculation
- Proclaiming his faith and then referring to a fellow board member as a c&*t

And on and on and on and on. Good Lord
Guccifer 2.0 released Clinton Foundation Documents about an hour ago. He hacked into the server and downloaded thousands of docs. There's a folder in the dump named "Pay for Play" and it looks like Democrats funneled TARP money back to their PACS

It's going to take some time for people to scavenge through all the info and get it out there so be on the lookout. Not sure what they'll find but I'm sure it will be entertaining :lol:

"Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.

Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server."

Man. You fell for that one too? Sad. Believe me!
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a thousand times, and counting, I'm a fucking retard in a whole new class of retard."

If he had had something, he'd have said it months ago.
He did...he has leaked a LOT on Hillary. Her leaked info has exposed lies, corruption, pay-to-play, perjury, other crimes, etc....

That's why I could not imagine him having anything bigger than what he has already released. I think Assange is just amazed that all the information he has already released is being so ignored by the media and libs. Had the information that has been released already been about Trump / a Republican Libs would have demanded he be forced from the race already.

Buck up, lil' camper Assange, libs don't care about all the corruption, broken laws, lies etc....Good on you for being willing to release all that, but no one seems to care.

The thing is that both sides are ignoring all the stuff. Against Trump there is so much stuff and his supporters and even those on the fence ignore it too. It seems America has turned into entertainment central with this election. As long as you entertain, who cares?

Now they seem to be railing about that Trump, a billionaire, is not successful because he has 4 failed businesses (failure rate of 1%, compared to average of 85%). That he is a tax fraud, because he doesn't pay tax on losses, just like no one else does.

Indeed, there are worse things to say about anyone... it really is garbage grade.

Well, if US politics were about policies, if it were about electing a CEO and not about electing the next American Idol, then Trump wouldn't even be candidate.

And nor would Hillary.
If I had a nickel for every time one of the rubes on this forum fell for a lie or a hoax, I'd be richer than Donald Trump, and they would be adding to my wealth every day.
The thing is, Hillary Clinton could be easily shredded. It would not take any lies, any hoaxes, any propaganda. It would just take facts and the truth and better ideas.

The creduloids haven't any better ideas. They have...a wall. If that doesn't symbolize the mental state of the rubes...

There are times when I can't help thinking these rubes are deliberately trying to get Clinton elected. They are working double overtime to help make it happen.
If he had had something, he'd have said it months ago.
He did...he has leaked a LOT on Hillary. Her leaked info has exposed lies, corruption, pay-to-play, perjury, other crimes, etc....

That's why I could not imagine him having anything bigger than what he has already released. I think Assange is just amazed that all the information he has already released is being so ignored by the media and libs. Had the information that has been released already been about Trump / a Republican Libs would have demanded he be forced from the race already.

Buck up, lil' camper Assange, libs don't care about all the corruption, broken laws, lies etc....Good on you for being willing to release all that, but no one seems to care.

The thing is that both sides are ignoring all the stuff. Against Trump there is so much stuff and his supporters and even those on the fence ignore it too. It seems America has turned into entertainment central with this election. As long as you entertain, who cares?

Now they seem to be railing about that Trump, a billionaire, is not successful because he has 4 failed businesses (failure rate of 1%, compared to average of 85%). That he is a tax fraud, because he doesn't pay tax on losses, just like no one else does.

Indeed, there are worse things to say about anyone... it really is garbage grade.

Well, if US politics were about policies, if it were about electing a CEO and not about electing the next American Idol, then Trump wouldn't even be candidate.

And nor would Hillary.

Potentially. I'm not so sure, but I think she'd be having a hard time and wouldn't win.

Question is, how do you change things?

First this is supporting the implementation of Proportional Representation in Congress.
The thing is, Hillary Clinton could be easily shredded. It would not take any lies, any hoaxes, any propaganda. It would just take facts and the truth and better ideas.

The creduloids haven't any better ideas. They have...a wall. If that doesn't symbolize the mental state of the rubes...

There are times when I can't help thinking these rubes are deliberately trying to get Clinton elected. They are working double overtime to help make it happen.

And you have to remember...Clinton is running with a certain amount of "Obama fatigue" on the ballot. Americans have a very long history of switching parties that control the white house after 8 years. The only times it hasn't happened since WWII is FDR and Ronald Reagan.

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