I Told You Rubes Wikileaks Had Some Weak Sauce!

Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding.


Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.


It's October 4th you jackass.
Which is the date Assange promised to ejaculate his sauce on your faces.

What are you, seven?
Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding.


Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.

Don't spike the ball just yet. A bunch of stuff (including the US election/"October Surprise") is going to be leaked in the coming weeks, some before the election. That came directly from Julian himself during the press conference.

“The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organisations in three different states as well as ... the US election process,” he said via a video link at an event marking the group’s 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, technology giant Google and the US election, but declined to give any details.

“There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false,” he said

Don't be scurred, media will run defense for her. However he's not going to give them a heads up on when its coming so the MSM cannot prepare. Its going to happen at his time and place of choosing.

Via: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange says 'significant' documents will be released ahead of US election
It's going to finish off Clinton!

The media won't report it!

Nothing contradictory there...:lol:
Never said anything was going to finish her. We don't even know wtf is in the docs. Looks to me like your projecting and a little worried.

Let's all wait and see what comes out. Heck the dump may not even implicate Clinton in any way then you can breathe a sigh of relief. In the meantime stop making a fool of yourself by celebrating 'weak sauce' when there's not even a drop of sauce to look at. Surprised I needed to point that out......

He's positively mental. Just look at all his posts, they all involve:

- Calling people a moron or a retard
- Pants shitting
- Urine drinking
- Sauce
- Ejaculation
- Proclaiming his faith and then referring to a fellow board member as a c&*t

And on and on and on and on. Good Lord
Great! You won't then mind a release on say ... hmmm ... Nov 2-3?

Ok, try to comprehend this.

If a person was going to effect the election don't you think they should do it before people start voting?

My state and another one are 100% mail in ballot. We get our ballots 2 weeks before the election.

I'm sure all states send their mail in ballots at least 10 days before the election.

Now, don't you think that waiting just a week before the election, AFTER millions of Americans have already voted, is a pretty stupid thing to do?

If there was something that would blow Hillary's campaign out of the water, it would have been released before Americans started to vote.

Shrug. Who can say? What will happen, will happen. I don't believe there are that many undecideds anyway.

It's not just mail in ballots either.

There's early voting in person in many states. Those usually start up to 2 weeks before the election. No one is going to wait until millions of Americans have already voted to blow a candidate's campaign out of the water.

Right now is the best time for a so called "October surprise."

Instead, conservatives got an announcement about a website and new book.

It seems that Wikileaks' "October surprise" was conservatives only hope on winning. Which is sad in my opinion. Conservatives spent months hyping it. Certain that would be what finally stopped Hillary.

Will conservatives ever wake up and see you're being played?

What does it say about conservatives who are hoping someone who isn't American and won't be voting is able to influence our election?

That's not patriotic.

I see it differently.
MisterBeale, if you ae an American, yes, you can be charged if you are aiding and abetting the Russians trying to thwart the elections.

Anybody world wide who is aiding and abetting American's enemies are subject to American law. Think not? Better tell all those folks who droned they were not culpable for their behavior.

You don't think well, Beale.
I think fine, you're just ignorant.

Why Targeted Assassinations Violate US and International Law
MisterBeale, if you ae an American, yes, you can be charged if you are aiding and abetting the Russians trying to thwart the elections.

Anybody world wide who is aiding and abetting American's enemies are subject to American law. Think not? Better tell all those folks who droned they were not culpable for their behavior.

You don't think well, Beale.
I think fine, you're just ignorant.

Why Targeted Assassinations Violate US and International Law
They don't, and Americans who help the enemy can be charged under the sedition act.
MisterBeale, if you ae an American, yes, you can be charged if you are aiding and abetting the Russians trying to thwart the elections.

Anybody world wide who is aiding and abetting American's enemies are subject to American law. Think not? Better tell all those folks who droned they were not culpable for their behavior.

You don't think well, Beale.
I think fine, you're just ignorant.

Why Targeted Assassinations Violate US and International Law
They don't, and Americans who help the enemy can be charged under the sedition act.

What enemy?

MisterBeale, if you ae an American, yes, you can be charged if you are aiding and abetting the Russians trying to thwart the elections.

Anybody world wide who is aiding and abetting American's enemies are subject to American law. Think not? Better tell all those folks who droned they were not culpable for their behavior.

You don't think well, Beale.
I think fine, you're just ignorant.

Why Targeted Assassinations Violate US and International Law
They don't, and Americans who help the enemy can be charged under the sedition act.

What enemy?

No, you don't get to play your propaganda game. Advice: stop aiding and abetting the enemies of America, whether from Europe, the ME, or Asia.

Don't worry about Cuba, because it is going to become our 51st state.
Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding.


Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.

Don't spike the ball just yet. A bunch of stuff (including the US election/"October Surprise") is going to be leaked in the coming weeks, some before the election. That came directly from Julian himself during the press conference.

“The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organisations in three different states as well as ... the US election process,” he said via a video link at an event marking the group’s 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, technology giant Google and the US election, but declined to give any details.

“There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false,” he said

Don't be scurred, media will run defense for her. However he's not going to give them a heads up on when its coming so the MSM cannot prepare. Its going to happen at his time and place of choosing.

Via: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange says 'significant' documents will be released ahead of US election
It's going to finish off Clinton!

The media won't report it!

Nothing contradictory there...:lol:
Never said anything was going to finish her. We don't even know wtf is in the docs. Looks to me like your projecting and a little worried.

Let's all wait and see what comes out. Heck the dump may not even implicate Clinton in any way then you can breathe a sigh of relief. In the meantime stop making a fool of yourself by celebrating 'weak sauce' when there's not even a drop of sauce to look at. Surprised I needed to point that out......

He's positively mental. Just look at all his posts, they all involve:

- Calling people a moron or a retard
- Pants shitting
- Urine drinking
- Sauce
- Ejaculation
- Proclaiming his faith and then referring to a fellow board member as a c&*t

And on and on and on and on. Good Lord
Guccifer 2.0 released Clinton Foundation Documents about an hour ago. He hacked into the server and downloaded thousands of docs. There's a folder in the dump named "Pay for Play" and it looks like Democrats funneled TARP money back to their PACS

It's going to take some time for people to scavenge through all the info and get it out there so be on the lookout. Not sure what they'll find but I'm sure it will be entertaining :lol:

"Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.

Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server."
Don't spike the ball just yet. A bunch of stuff (including the US election/"October Surprise") is going to be leaked in the coming weeks, some before the election. That came directly from Julian himself during the press conference.

“The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organisations in three different states as well as ... the US election process,” he said via a video link at an event marking the group’s 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, technology giant Google and the US election, but declined to give any details.

“There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false,” he said

Don't be scurred, media will run defense for her. However he's not going to give them a heads up on when its coming so the MSM cannot prepare. Its going to happen at his time and place of choosing.

Via: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange says 'significant' documents will be released ahead of US election
It's going to finish off Clinton!

The media won't report it!

Nothing contradictory there...:lol:
Never said anything was going to finish her. We don't even know wtf is in the docs. Looks to me like your projecting and a little worried.

Let's all wait and see what comes out. Heck the dump may not even implicate Clinton in any way then you can breathe a sigh of relief. In the meantime stop making a fool of yourself by celebrating 'weak sauce' when there's not even a drop of sauce to look at. Surprised I needed to point that out......

He's positively mental. Just look at all his posts, they all involve:

- Calling people a moron or a retard
- Pants shitting
- Urine drinking
- Sauce
- Ejaculation
- Proclaiming his faith and then referring to a fellow board member as a c&*t

And on and on and on and on. Good Lord
Guccifer 2.0 released Clinton Foundation Documents about an hour ago. He hacked into the server and downloaded thousands of docs. There's a folder in the dump named "Pay for Play" and it looks like Democrats funneled TARP money back to their PACS

It's going to take some time for people to scavenge through all the info and get it out there so be on the lookout. Not sure what they'll find but I'm sure it will be entertaining :lol:

"Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.

Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server."

She didn’t have a folder named, “People I have killed” or “Puppies I hate” too?
C’mon dude…don’t you think this is getting a little ridiculous…
Don't spike the ball just yet. A bunch of stuff (including the US election/"October Surprise") is going to be leaked in the coming weeks, some before the election. That came directly from Julian himself during the press conference.

“The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organisations in three different states as well as ... the US election process,” he said via a video link at an event marking the group’s 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, technology giant Google and the US election, but declined to give any details.

“There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false,” he said

Don't be scurred, media will run defense for her. However he's not going to give them a heads up on when its coming so the MSM cannot prepare. Its going to happen at his time and place of choosing.

Via: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange says 'significant' documents will be released ahead of US election
It's going to finish off Clinton!

The media won't report it!

Nothing contradictory there...:lol:
Never said anything was going to finish her. We don't even know wtf is in the docs. Looks to me like your projecting and a little worried.

Let's all wait and see what comes out. Heck the dump may not even implicate Clinton in any way then you can breathe a sigh of relief. In the meantime stop making a fool of yourself by celebrating 'weak sauce' when there's not even a drop of sauce to look at. Surprised I needed to point that out......

He's positively mental. Just look at all his posts, they all involve:

- Calling people a moron or a retard
- Pants shitting
- Urine drinking
- Sauce
- Ejaculation
- Proclaiming his faith and then referring to a fellow board member as a c&*t

And on and on and on and on. Good Lord
Guccifer 2.0 released Clinton Foundation Documents about an hour ago. He hacked into the server and downloaded thousands of docs. There's a folder in the dump named "Pay for Play" and it looks like Democrats funneled TARP money back to their PACS

It's going to take some time for people to scavenge through all the info and get it out there so be on the lookout. Not sure what they'll find but I'm sure it will be entertaining :lol:

"Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.

Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server."

Wow... just wow.
Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding.


Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.

Don't spike the ball just yet. A bunch of stuff (including the US election/"October Surprise") is going to be leaked in the coming weeks, some before the election. That came directly from Julian himself during the press conference.

“The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organisations in three different states as well as ... the US election process,” he said via a video link at an event marking the group’s 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, technology giant Google and the US election, but declined to give any details.

“There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false,” he said

Via: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange says 'significant' documents will be released ahead of US election
Another one getting back in line for a refill of his piss cup! :lol:
Admit it, you're nervous. It's ok, a lot of people are. The gravity of what may be coming wears heavy.
Assange is shooting blanks.
I had no idea George Noory was still on the air. I thought his main gig was the paranormal, not politics.

That show used to make me sad to know there were so many gullible rubes out there. Creduloids outnumber critical thinkers by a huge factor.

Trump must have taken his cue from that knowledge.

His main gig is the paranormal but he gets political on a regular basis as do the people he books as guests. Every now and then he'll have on a real scientist, but 95% of it is black masses (ghosts in people's homes) or ghosts, the chupacabra, alien abduction, other dimensions. I too find it sad that so many people actually believe this tripe but it is like watching a train wreck to me, it is hard to look away sometimes. You listen and think these people can't possibly believe any of this, but they do.

And George Noory is a nice guy. He replaced Art Bell who was also a nice guy. They just do a weird show. The ones I do like are the Halloween show and the end of year predictions for the next year show.

This is the type of programming that stations that run right wing talk shows like Dimbaugh during the day run at night. You can see who the audience is for the daytime shows by the conspiracy shows they then run at night. Goes hand in hand.
Art Bell! Now that brings back some memories...
I liked Art Bell and George Noory late at night. When I was ill and could not sleep, they were fun to pass the time with in the dark living room.
Don't spike the ball just yet. A bunch of stuff (including the US election/"October Surprise") is going to be leaked in the coming weeks, some before the election. That came directly from Julian himself during the press conference.

“The material that WikiLeaks is going to publish before the end of the year is of ... a very significant moment in different directions, affecting three powerful organisations in three different states as well as ... the US election process,” he said via a video link at an event marking the group’s 10th anniversary.

He said the material would focus on war, weapons, oil, mass surveillance, technology giant Google and the US election, but declined to give any details.

“There has been a misquoting of me and Wikileaks publications ... (suggesting) we intend to harm Hillary Clinton or I intend to harm Hillary Clinton or that I don’t like Hillary Clinton. All those are false,” he said

Don't be scurred, media will run defense for her. However he's not going to give them a heads up on when its coming so the MSM cannot prepare. Its going to happen at his time and place of choosing.

Via: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange says 'significant' documents will be released ahead of US election
It's going to finish off Clinton!

The media won't report it!

Nothing contradictory there...:lol:
Never said anything was going to finish her. We don't even know wtf is in the docs. Looks to me like your projecting and a little worried.

Let's all wait and see what comes out. Heck the dump may not even implicate Clinton in any way then you can breathe a sigh of relief. In the meantime stop making a fool of yourself by celebrating 'weak sauce' when there's not even a drop of sauce to look at. Surprised I needed to point that out......

He's positively mental. Just look at all his posts, they all involve:

- Calling people a moron or a retard
- Pants shitting
- Urine drinking
- Sauce
- Ejaculation
- Proclaiming his faith and then referring to a fellow board member as a c&*t

And on and on and on and on. Good Lord
Guccifer 2.0 released Clinton Foundation Documents about an hour ago. He hacked into the server and downloaded thousands of docs. There's a folder in the dump named "Pay for Play" and it looks like Democrats funneled TARP money back to their PACS

It's going to take some time for people to scavenge through all the info and get it out there so be on the lookout. Not sure what they'll find but I'm sure it will be entertaining :lol:

"Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.

Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server."

She didn’t have a folder named, “People I have killed” or “Puppies I hate” too?
C’mon dude…don’t you think this is getting a little ridiculous…
I agree the "Pay for Play" folder is a little too spot on so we'll have to see. There's so much info in this dump that anyone who claims its a hoax or real at this time should wait to pass judgement. He just said there's more documents to come as well
Assange must have kind of a tough balancing act here.

He always wants to get as much exposure and publicity as possible for WikiLeaks (that's pretty much his job), and he knows that conservative media would go into hyperdrive with this story, treating him like Moses coming down from the mountain with those two tablets (well, three, if you believe Mel Brooks' account).

At the same time, with each delirious right wing media story on this, he was under more pressure to deliver, so he had to temper expectations.

Looks like he might have over-played his hand a bit. We'll see.
Assange must have kind of a tough balancing act here.

He always wants to get as much exposure and publicity as possible for WikiLeaks (that's pretty much his job), and he knows that conservative media would go into hyperdrive with this story, treating him like Moses coming down from the mountain with those two tablets (well, three, if you believe Mel Brooks' account).

At the same time, with each delirious right wing media story on this, he was under more pressure to deliver, so he had to temper expectations.

Looks like he might have over-played his hand a bit. We'll see.

RWNJ websites have been so OTT this election season, he has to come back with something more sensational next time. It's what happens when you have no moral compass or morals in general.

Again, anyone who supported this loathesome small fraction of a man needs to re-examine their character. They clearly have some deficiencies
Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding.


Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.


Just as gullible as when they believed Trump had Obamas birth certificate

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