I Told You Rubes Wikileaks Had Some Weak Sauce!

Great! You won't then mind a release on say ... hmmm ... Nov 2-3?
Before every press conference for over a year now, Assange has promised "THIS TIME WE ARE GOING TO FINALLY KNOCK OUT CLINTON!" and all you rubes get wet between the legs.

Then, when Assange ejaculates his weak sauce on your faces, you get back in line for more.

If he had something which would finish off Clinton, he would have released it before the primaries. After all, he wanted Bernie Sanders to win.

If he releases something on November 2, it is because it is so weak it can only cause a sensation for one or two news cycles.

And releasing something that close to Election Day is a sure sign of fakery. He will be counting on the fact its validity can't be checked in time.

Don't such an incorrigible sap. You really ought to wise up.

Then you have nothing to worry about.
Like anything that hurt Clinton would have changed a left loon's mind? Crap the DNC was outed fixing the primary and racist to the core and loons never blinked an eye

What exactly did the DNC fix?

And what racism?
Maybe wiki-leaks will not provide an October surprise. October isn't over yet.
A lot of October, but I think the wiki bolt has been shot already.
maybe there will be an october surprise, and trump shows up at least a little bit prepared for the coming debates. i mean, it could happen. maybe even his mic will work.
maybe there will be an october surprise, and trump shows up at least a little bit prepared for the coming debates. i mean, it could happen. maybe even his mic will work.
Now THAT would be a surprise. :lol:

If Trump wants to drive a wedge between Bernie Sanders supporters and Hillary Clinton, he needs to keep hammering her on NAFTA and TPP. This will be far more effective than the stupid email or Benghazi bullshit.

The email and Benghazi bullshit only matters to Trump's Chumps. They aren't going to vote for Hillary anyway.

To get Bernie's voters to stay home on election day, Trump needs to hammer away at the Clintons' support of NAFTA and TPP.

Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

So, all those cult members were probably late to work this morning, as they had been up since 3 am ET waiting for the bomb shell. The fugitive from justice will continue to play the low information voters.

Trump found out early on playing idiots for all they're worth was his ticket to a nomination. He's either walked back his promises, or completely shut up yammering about them ... their October surprise will be in November when Trump gets his ass kicked by Clinton.
Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding.


Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.


I'm satisfied with everything they have already released.

Anyone that would knowingly vote for the DNC nominee, especially after reading their internal memos, would have to be daft.

So they haven't released anything more, big deal.
It's not about weakness. Assange took a bribe. Whenever someone announces they have something devastating to say and will say it next week or next month, you can be sure they want the victim of the info to give them hush money.
A lot of October, but I think the wiki bolt has been shot already.
Every election, the rubes get all atwitter about the coming October Surprise™. And every election, nothing.

They got so desperate in 2012, they called Hurricane Sandy the October Surprise™. :lol:

There has only been one real October Surprise, and that is the event for which the term was invented. 1972: "We believe peace is at hand."
It's not about weakness. Assange took a bribe. Whenever someone announces they have something devastating to say and will say it next week or next month, you can be sure they want the victim of the info to give them hush money.
A preacher says God told him a devastating earthquake is going to hit the city. The parishioners give all their wealth to the church and pray hard.

The earthquake fails to occur.

"Praise Jesus, we prayed it away!"

Assange's acoloytes got themselves in a big tizzy about Wikileaks finally, finally, finally, finally releasing the Clinton Death Leak.

"This is it! This is the Big One!"

And now you are getting back in line for a refill of your piss cup. "Assange took a bribe."

Yeah, okay. :lol:
Seriously, people. Don't be such willfully eager suckers! It's pathetic. Do you not see how ridiculous you look?

You DESERVE to be lied to.
Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding.


Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.


Patience. Timing is everything.

Yeah- Trumpsters are still waiting for Trump to tell them what his Birther investigators found in Hawaii 5 years ago.....they are very patient.......
Well, as was said, there is a lot of October left. Julian Assange, the alleged rapist and fugitive from the law, has close ties with Poootin and Russia. In turn, Comrade Trump is butt buddies with Poootin. They will cook something up, I am pretty sure. But it may be too little, too late.
Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise

The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding.


Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.


Patience. Timing is everything.

Yeah- Trumpsters are still waiting for Trump to tell them what his Birther investigators found in Hawaii 5 years ago.....they are very patient.......
Trump took a bribe. ;)
Usually it is a Candidate that drops an "October Surprise" on their opponent....

So WHO does Wikileaks work for, Clinton, or Trump?

Or the Russians?

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