I Told You Rubes Wikileaks Had Some Weak Sauce!

Usually it is a Candidate that drops an "October Surprise" on their opponent....

So WHO does Wikileaks work for, Clinton, or Trump?

Or the Russians?

Themselves, apparently. Pretty much equal opportunity where concerns politics.

Assange was asked if he had anything on Trump, and basically he replied nothing of import. There is no reason to believe otherwise.
maybe this is the october SURPRISE when a judge on fox states, " and you called monica looney toons, until we found your husbands sperm on her dress"

its towards the end of the video.

A lot of October, but I think the wiki bolt has been shot already.
Every election, the rubes get all atwitter about the coming October Surprise™. And every election, nothing.

They got so desperate in 2012, they called Hurricane Sandy the October Surprise™. :lol:

There has only been one real October Surprise, and that is the event for which the term was invented. 1972: "We believe peace is at hand."
Sandy was the October surprise, indeed. Romney was gaining momentum again, and my son called me from Salt Lake City, and told me he thought, "The election is over. Obama will win. He gets to look presidential, while Romney can't do anything hard hitting in these circumstances. The guy we did not want is going to win it again."

He also said that "at least it was not Trump running as a Dem this time. We will have to face the charlatan sooner than later, though."
A lot of October, but I think the wiki bolt has been shot already.
Every election, the rubes get all atwitter about the coming October Surprise™. And every election, nothing.

They got so desperate in 2012, they called Hurricane Sandy the October Surprise™. :lol:

There has only been one real October Surprise, and that is the event for which the term was invented. 1972: "We believe peace is at hand."
Sandy was the October surprise, indeed. Romney was gaining momentum again, and my son called me from Salt Lake City, and told me he thought, "The election is over. Obama will win. He gets to look presidential, while Romney can't do anything hard hitting in these circumstances. The guy we did not want is going to win it again."

He also said that "at least it was not Trump running as a Dem this time. We will have to face the charlatan sooner than later, though."

Yeah, Sandy made Obama a lock in NY and NJ
Usually it is a Candidate that drops an "October Surprise" on their opponent....

So WHO does Wikileaks work for, Clinton, or Trump?

Or the Russians?

Themselves, apparently. Pretty much equal opportunity where concerns politics.

Assange was asked if he had anything on Trump, and basically he replied nothing of import. There is no reason to believe otherwise.
so is all of that just fine and dandy with you? a foreigner getting involved with our National election? If his intentions were good and honest and just wanted to inform us citizens of what goes on behind the scenes because it involves us and yadahdahdahdah...then he would not be timing this so it could affect our election and be advertising on it....and as a marketing title of an October surprise on Hillary.... he would have released this information, when he got it.

Simple as that....

so, either someone is pulling his strings or he simply has lost all moral ground he may have held with some people in the beginning of his venture.
Usually it is a Candidate that drops an "October Surprise" on their opponent....

So WHO does Wikileaks work for, Clinton, or Trump?

Or the Russians?

Themselves, apparently. Pretty much equal opportunity where concerns politics.

Assange was asked if he had anything on Trump, and basically he replied nothing of import. There is no reason to believe otherwise.
so is all of that just fine and dandy with you? a foreigner getting involved with our National election? If his intentions were good and honest and just wanted to inform us citizens of what goes on behind the scenes because it involves us and yadahdahdahdah...then he would not be timing this so it could affect our election and be advertising on it....and as a marketing title of an October surprise on Hillary.... he would have released this information, when he got it.

Simple as that....

so, either someone is pulling his strings or he simply has lost all moral ground he may have held with some people in the beginning of his venture.

Is Carlos Slim a foreigner?
google is now hiding that video but i found it on bing. it is the oct 1 opening. judge jeanine played it on sept 30 n oct 1 just to make sure hillary heard her message.
Anyone who is supporting Russians thwarting our elections can be charged with the Sedition Act of 1917.

Carlos Slim is an agent of a foreign power?
If he had had something, he'd have said it months ago.
Exactly what I said.
Yet many on the left didn't believe you and were sweating it out.

That said I wonder if the DNC sent Assange a photo of Bruno smiling next to Julian's mom.

Except Hillary, she doesn't sweat, everyone knows that. :badgrin:

Normal people will also show a clear skin conductance response produced by sweat gland activity. In psychopathic subjects, however, this brain network showed no activity and no skin conductance responses were emitted (Birbaumer et al., 2012).
What Is a Psychopath?
Anyone who is supporting Russians thwarting our elections can be charged with the Sedition Act of 1917.

Carlos Slim is an agent of a foreign power?

Don't you have to be an American to charge them with American crimes?

You don't see the Russians trying to convict Obama of treason do you?

even the shillary's sigh of relief comes in the form of casting aspersions against americans, that is, considering that absolutely no one had their hearts set on wikileaks. if any of you were listening to the alex jones this morning during that press conference, even those infowars guys were making jokes about the whole thing, and they're about the biggest trump supporters second only to milo the faggot at breitbart. but, that's okay, reality can't compete with the shillary's overactive imagination, can it? who needs the truth when fantasy is moving at the speed of light?
Great! You won't then mind a release on say ... hmmm ... Nov 2-3?

Ok, try to comprehend this.

If a person was going to effect the election don't you think they should do it before people start voting?

My state and another one are 100% mail in ballot. We get our ballots 2 weeks before the election.

I'm sure all states send their mail in ballots at least 10 days before the election.

Now, don't you think that waiting just a week before the election, AFTER millions of Americans have already voted, is a pretty stupid thing to do?

If there was something that would blow Hillary's campaign out of the water, it would have been released before Americans started to vote.
Anyone who is supporting Russians thwarting our elections can be charged with the Sedition Act of 1917.

Carlos Slim is an agent of a foreign power?
Don't you have to be an American to charge them with American crimes?
You don't see the Russians trying to convict Obama of treason do you?
That makes absolutely no sense. But you do support the Russians trying to thwart our democratic process.
If he had had something, he'd have said it months ago.
He did...he has leaked a LOT on Hillary. Her leaked info has exposed lies, corruption, pay-to-play, perjury, other crimes, etc....

That's why I could not imagine him having anything bigger than what he has already released. I think Assange is just amazed that all the information he has already released is being so ignored by the media and libs. Had the information that has been released already been about Trump / a Republican Libs would have demanded he be forced from the race already.

Buck up, lil' camper Assange, libs don't care about all the corruption, broken laws, lies etc....Good on you for being willing to release all that, but no one seems to care.
Anyone who is supporting Russians thwarting our elections can be charged with the Sedition Act of 1917.

Carlos Slim is an agent of a foreign power?
Don't you have to be an American to charge them with American crimes?
You don't see the Russians trying to convict Obama of treason do you?
That makes absolutely no sense. But you do support the Russians trying to thwart our democratic process.

Of course it makes sense. You can't just charge anyone on the planet with breaking an American law. Just like anyone on the planet can't demand to be covered by the civil rights and civil liberty protections guaranteed by the Constitution. The first requirement is you MUST BE an AMERICAN.

derp derp derp.

To your question, do I care if the Russians are influencing our elections? Seems the liberals don't care, look at the Clinton foundation. Seriously though. . . .

meh, I don't really care. I don't think of it as "thwarting," so much as giving it space to breath. If they are airing out our dirty laundry, so much the better. A democracy runs on information. The more freedom and information the voters have to be find out about these crooks, the better.

I've heard the US gets involved in Russian politics all the time. From the sidelines, but it's there. Why do you think we manipulate international oil markets, just for fun?
Usually it is a Candidate that drops an "October Surprise" on their opponent....

So WHO does Wikileaks work for, Clinton, or Trump?

Or the Russians?

Themselves, apparently. Pretty much equal opportunity where concerns politics.

Assange was asked if he had anything on Trump, and basically he replied nothing of import. There is no reason to believe otherwise.
so is all of that just fine and dandy with you? a foreigner getting involved with our National election? If his intentions were good and honest and just wanted to inform us citizens of what goes on behind the scenes because it involves us and yadahdahdahdah...then he would not be timing this so it could affect our election and be advertising on it....and as a marketing title of an October surprise on Hillary.... he would have released this information, when he got it.

Simple as that....

so, either someone is pulling his strings or he simply has lost all moral ground he may have held with some people in the beginning of his venture.

I am not interested in the foreigner. I am interested in the information he may have.

He is anti-globalist, so his aim at Hillary offends me not in the least.

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