I Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
II Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election

t get weary saying it, but what if this were a white Republican?

I Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election | TheBlaze.com

Add it up. The 2012 Presidential election was stolen based on the cover-up of murder in Benghazi, a mafia-like conspiracy to use the IRS to silence free speech and destroy Obama’s political opposition, fraudulent health care promises, and fraudulent jobs reports. The Gambino crime family hasn’t got anything on Obama.

In 2000 Democrats talked about a President getting elected under “illegitimate terms.” Well look who perfected the art. Barack Obama committed pure fraud to win re-election. If this doesn’t rise to the level of impeachment, nothing ever will.
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II Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election

t get weary saying it, but what if this were a white Republican?

I Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election | TheBlaze.com

Add it up. The 2012 Presidential election was stolen based on the cover-up of murder in Benghazi, a mafia-like conspiracy to use the IRS to silence free speech and destroy Obama’s political opposition, fraudulent health care promises, and fraudulent jobs reports. The Gambino crime family hasn’t got anything on Obama.

In 2000 Democrats talked about a President getting elected under “illegitimate terms.” Well look who perfected the art. Barack Obama committed pure fraud to win re-election. If this doesn’t rise to the level of impeachment, nothing ever will.
He'll be out of office before any impeachment can begin. Besides, President Biden just scares the bejusus out of Me.

Better to file charges after he is out of office.
II Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election

t get weary saying it, but what if this were a white Republican?

I Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election | TheBlaze.com

Add it up. The 2012 Presidential election was stolen based on the cover-up of murder in Benghazi, a mafia-like conspiracy to use the IRS to silence free speech and destroy Obama’s political opposition, fraudulent health care promises, and fraudulent jobs reports. The Gambino crime family hasn’t got anything on Obama.

In 2000 Democrats talked about a President getting elected under “illegitimate terms.” Well look who perfected the art. Barack Obama committed pure fraud to win re-election. If this doesn’t rise to the level of impeachment, nothing ever will.
He'll be out of office before any impeachment can begin. Besides, President Biden just scares the bejusus out of Me.

Better to file charges after he is out of office.
But will the Congress at that time, much less the POTUS at that time will have the stomach, much less the fortitude of duty to pursue it?
Once he is out of office it is over. I don't know what to think of Obama. Is he really that evil or is he just getting played by those who are. My opinion is he loves being President he just doesn't like being President. So I am thinking most decisions are not really his. I picture him getting asked policy questions on the 10 green and just nodding his head in agreement while sizing up his next putt.
why give obama another chance to play the victim

I say let him go down as the worst president in history and be done with it
you should run on this in 2016..it looks like a winner!

and this is why nobody likes your brand
II Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election

t get weary saying it, but what if this were a white Republican?

I Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election | TheBlaze.com

Add it up. The 2012 Presidential election was stolen based on the cover-up of murder in Benghazi, a mafia-like conspiracy to use the IRS to silence free speech and destroy Obama’s political opposition, fraudulent health care promises, and fraudulent jobs reports. The Gambino crime family hasn’t got anything on Obama.

In 2000 Democrats talked about a President getting elected under “illegitimate terms.” Well look who perfected the art. Barack Obama committed pure fraud to win re-election. If this doesn’t rise to the level of impeachment, nothing ever will.
He'll be out of office before any impeachment can begin. Besides, President Biden just scares the bejusus out of Me.

Better to file charges after he is out of office.
But will the Congress at that time, much less the POTUS at that time will have the stomach, much less the fortitude of duty to pursue it?
Thats just it. The GOP will have to win next November, it will then take a year to gather the evidence (being obstructed by Holder all the way) and then file formal charges. It will be the Summer of 2016 before proceedings can even begin.

The one thing we do not have is people of Integrity in the Democrat Party who would put the rule of law ahead of their own party.

During Nixon's criminal activity, there were 3 Senators that met with Nixon and told him point blank that they would try him on the merits of evidence, not protect him because of party. It is why he resigned rather than face impeachment he knew he'd be convicted of.

That kind of integrity does not exist in the Elected Democrat party.
He'll be out of office before any impeachment can begin. Besides, President Biden just scares the bejusus out of Me.

Better to file charges after he is out of office.
But will the Congress at that time, much less the POTUS at that time will have the stomach, much less the fortitude of duty to pursue it?
Thats just it. The GOP will have to win next November, it will then take a year to gather the evidence (being obstructed by Holder all the way) and then file formal charges. It will be the Summer of 2016 before proceedings can even begin.

The one thing we do not have is people of Integrity in the Democrat Party who would put the rule of law ahead of their own party.

During Nixon's criminal activity, there were 3 Senators that met with Nixon and told him point blank that they would try him on the merits of evidence, not protect him because of party. It is why he resigned rather than face impeachment he knew he'd be convicted of.

That kind of integrity does not exist in the Elected Democrat party.
Sadly? No it doesn't. They're more comfortable living, dealing, telling lies for control. They're not even DEMOCRATS any longer in the very sense of the word. Hence Statists dealing in tyranny.
He'll be out of office before any impeachment can begin. Besides, President Biden just scares the bejusus out of Me.

Better to file charges after he is out of office.
But will the Congress at that time, much less the POTUS at that time will have the stomach, much less the fortitude of duty to pursue it?
Thats just it. The GOP will have to win next November, it will then take a year to gather the evidence (being obstructed by Holder all the way) and then file formal charges. It will be the Summer of 2016 before proceedings can even begin.

The one thing we do not have is people of Integrity in the Democrat Party who would put the rule of law ahead of their own party.

During Nixon's criminal activity, there were 3 Senators that met with Nixon and told him point blank that they would try him on the merits of evidence, not protect him because of party. It is why he resigned rather than face impeachment he knew he'd be convicted of.

That kind of integrity does not exist in the Elected Democrat party.

They could be moving ahead with the submitted impeachment of Holder right now but Boner doesn't want to put it to vote. The pubs have caved creating a one party system. Ryan went out today and said he will offer another freakin CR instead of forcing cuts in Feb

The weak tend to flock together

Screw em all

The far right reactionaries simply will not accept what really happened: they lost the election for Romney.
Not a fan of Wayne Allen Root. Anyone paying attention knew Obama was lying. That doesn't mean he stole the election. People still voted for him despite the lies.

He won. Let's not dwell on it and instead work hard to fix our country from the wake of his destructive path.

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