I totally agree with many of the constructive pro-active posts in this forum regardin


So, this is purgatory?
Jan 18, 2011
I'm as prejudice (I admit it) and frustrated as the next guy . . . or gal . I did'nt fight for this country to see it go to waste. It's also awesome to see others using this forum to not only inform, but to let off some steam.

But let me ask everyone this question . . . honestly.

Wherever you live in this great country of ours:

1. Do you have any friends, in-laws or close associates that are of Mexican or Latin descent (legal/illegal and first/second/third generation)?

2. If so, have you ever gotten sat down with any of them and talked over any of these issues over some coffee or a couple of beers (after drinking shots and of 12-pack don't count)?

3. If it never came up in a conversation, would you consider it (without bringing your side-arm, Louisville Slugger or semi-auto)?

just curious . . .
I belive all of us has friends and family who are in the country illegally or entered illegally and now legal residents and the subject has come up in conversations. I have relatives who entered illegally, I have friend who are illegal. And I do not hesitate to let them know how wrong illegal immigration is for this country and what has to be done and most agree with me and those that don't, we do not get physical over it.
I belive all of us has friends and family who are in the country illegally or entered illegally and now legal residents and the subject has come up in conversations. I have relatives who entered illegally, I have friend who are illegal. And I do not hesitate to let them know how wrong illegal immigration is for this country and what has to be done and most agree with me and those that don't, we do not get physical over it.

I really respect you for your honesty and putting it out there. If you give your opinions in real life like you do on this forum and acknowledge it . . . I give you much respect and more weight to your viewpoints.

I was joking about the side-arm, Louisville Slugger and semi-auto. Although illegal immigration is a brutal subject, thought I'd use a little humor . . .

'Why so serious?'

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