I understand the opposition to Marjorie Taylor Green

Interesting case for those interested:

As New York City is a hub for artistic self-expression, it makes sense that its “off-off-off-off Broadway” has reflected the creative pulse of the city. A nonprofit called Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) operates the public access channels for the borough. By law, it must broadcast all legal content that it gets in the order received.

Several years ago, New York artists and activists DeeDee Halleck and Jesus Papoleto Melendez produced a video and submitted it to MNN, which aired it once but then banned it because it supposedly threatened the guards who work at MNN’s building. The network also suspended Halleck for one year and Melendez for life from submitting content, so they sued MNN for violating their free speech rights.

. . .

The “state action doctrine” asks whether conduct can be fairly attributed to the state or to a private party. As we argue in our friend-of-the-court brief supporting Halleck and Melendez, in this case, MNN’s broadcast decisions are state action. New York City has implemented its very specific vision for public access channels through MNN. Because the city’s first-come, first-served policy leaves MNN no room to decide what to broadcast, or even in what order to broadcast videos, it has made the network a virtual arm of the government. That means that the First Amendment applies to MNN, and it cannot pick and choose videos based on what’s in them.

The government can’t shirk its constitutional responsibilities by delegating power to private entities. Nor can it avoid its constitutional obligations by creating rules or entering contracts that leave a private entity with essentially no decisions to make at all. The First Amendment would mean little if the government could simply avoid it by outsourcing its power to private entities to decide what is worthy of public discourse and what must be silenced.

I wonder what is considered "legal content". If I sent them a 30 minute video of bulls humping cows would they have to show it?
Then the Govt was in the wrong, not Twitter. Twitter has every right to do what it did.

The FBI violated the Constitution, not Twitter.
Yes and this hearing is to lay the foundation to question the FBI. How do you predict they'll answer? I dont recall or ongoing investigation?
Twitter does not get those for being neutral, they get those for not being a publisher. Same as this site and every other forum on the internet.
That's flat wrong. They are editors as well as publishers.

This forum is on shaky legal ground by banning certain words and attacks on certain people. They're open to a lawsuit by people offended by other words and attacks.
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That's flat wrong. They are editors as well as publishers.

This forum is on shaky legal ground by banning certain words and attacks on certain people. They're open to a lawsuit by people offended by other words and attacks.

They are not publishers. A publisher pre-approves everything that shows up on their product.

This forum is on shaky legal ground by banning certain words and attacks on certain people. They're open to a lawsuit by people offended by other words and attacks.

Why not, if people will go after twitter they will go after this sooner or later. And that will be the end of this type of forum. I have been on one forum where every post had to be pre-approved. It sucked and nobody stayed long
Rather than ask Twitter execs questions, which only gives them an arena in which to demonstrate their well-honed skills at not answering, she starts her questioning by telling them that they are to be silent, just like they silenced her, on her election Twitter account.

Nothing is factually incorrect in any of the five minute statement, and she passionately defends free speech and fair elections.

You don’t understand about the Jewish Space Laser Lady?
At least she's actually working for her paycheck, instead of the Twitter "influencer" who hasn't done shit:

View attachment 755167
AOC has a far higher legislative record that MTG...

You can dislike AOC but when it comes to working she puts in a far higher workrate than MTG..

Just look at the bills she works on:

These are large bills...
She's a friggin moron. Not fit to serve in Congress.

Then there was Trader Jerkoff of Vermont, again showing his baseless position so weak that he can't even attack a woman on her POLICIES, so has to attack how she looks, dresses and speaks instead.

Jack, you are lower, cheaper and more pitiable than a root nematode.
Then there was Trader Jerkoff of Vermont, again showing his baseless position so weak that he can't even attack a woman on her POLICIES, so has to attack how she looks, dresses and speaks instead.

Jack, you are lower, cheaper and more pitiable than a root nematode.
Ok, I'll have to give you that Trader Jerkoff was funny. :auiqs.jpg: Well played. Not many scores in your corner but hey, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

BTW, I AM attacking MTG's policies..of which she sponsored nothing of value that would help her constituents that largely live in a tepid median income area of GA.
Once again for those of you who have reading comprehension issues, I give you, the former Cross Fit weight stacker's "accomplishments".

They are not publishers. A publisher pre-approves everything that shows up on their product.
They are certainly editors not a neutral public platform. They decide what stays on Twitter and who is allowed to post. They control the content. They don't pre approve it but the their guidelines and enforcement are well known and has a chilling effect on speech.

Example: post "COVID was a Chinese plot to enrich its sponsors in big Pharma!" On Facebook and see how fast it gets taken down. I won't do it because I don't wanna be in Facebook jail. That's a chilling effect. They dont have to approve every post to control what they publish.
Why not, if people will go after twitter they will go after this sooner or later. And that will be the end of this type of forum. I have been on one forum where every post had to be pre-approved. It sucked and nobody stayed long
Agreed that would suck.
The Manhattan Neighborhood Network allowed child porn?

Do you have a link to a story about this?
I don't know about MNN but in Houston the public access channel broadcast a naturist documentary that had nude children. When people objected they said they had no choice.
They are certainly editors not a neutral public platform. They decide what stays on Twitter and who is allowed to post. They control the content. They don't pre approve it but the their guidelines and enforcement are well known and has a chilling effect on speech.

Example: post "COVID was a Chinese plot to enrich its sponsors in big Pharma!" On Facebook and see how fast it gets taken down. I won't do it because I don't wanna be in Facebook jail. That's a chilling effect. They dont have to approve every post to control what they publish.

And that is their right to do.
And that is their right to do.
But the special protection given to open forums is not a right.

By editing posts and rejecting posters, Twitter exercises control of its content just like the New York Times does.

I'd love a neutral platform. Twitter weren't it.
But the special protection given to open forums is not a right.

By editing posts and rejecting posters, Twitter exercises control of its content just like the New York Times does.

I'd love a neutral platform. Twitter weren't it.

No, it does not do it just like the NY Times does it. It does it just like this forum does it.

The NY Times approves everything before it is seen. Twitter does not do that. That is the fundamental difference between them.

There is no such thing as a neutral platform. This site is one of the closest I have found and yet people whine daily about it being unfair.
Rather than ask Twitter execs questions, which only gives them an arena in which to demonstrate their well-honed skills at not answering, she starts her questioning by telling them that they are to be silent, just like they silenced her, on her election Twitter account.

Nothing is factually incorrect in any of the five minute statement, and she passionately defends free speech and fair elections.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is an ignorant performative clown.

Some people have compared her to Cruella at the State of the Union. But to me, she looks like a bloodless clit:

Marjorie Taylor Greene is an ignorant performative clown.
Some people have compared her to Cruella at the State of the Union. But to me, she looks like a bloodless clit:
She's hot. You just don't like chicks who can out-shoot you.

She has that Palin quality I liked, I could see traveling cross country in a covered wagon with her. She has that tough-as-nails "frontier woman" quality.
She's hot. You just don't like chicks who can out-shoot you.

She has that Palin quality I liked, I could see traveling cross country in a covered wagon with her. She has that "frontier woman" quality.
You have a really, really, really low bar for "hot".

She looks like a tranny to me.

You have a really, really, really low bar for "hot".
She looks like a tranny to me.
LOL! So you like those little prissy things, huh?

I married a good strong German gal, pull plow all day <g>.

You must be a city dweller, huh?
LOL! So you like those little prissy things, huh?

I married a good strong German gal, pull plow all day <g>.

You must be a city dweller, huh?
I understand schmucks like you have to take what you can get.

As for frontier woman, MTG looks a lot more like a slut you find at a dimly lit dive bar.

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