I understand the opposition to Marjorie Taylor Green

I understand schmucks like you have to take what you can get.
As for frontier woman, MTG looks a lot more like a slut you find at a dimly lit dive bar.
LOL!! I had the pick of the litter back in the day.
I don't go to dimly lit dive bars, so I wouldn't know.
My wife and I raised a family, and now they are raising families.
Our values don't seem to align. MTG is a beautiful woman.
No, it does not do it just like the NY Times does it. It does it just like this forum does it.

The NY Times approves everything before it is seen. Twitter does not do that. That is the fundamental difference between them.
That difference is insignificant.

If I post "COVID misinformation" it will be gone in minutes and I can be blocked from ever posting again.

If Facebook were not in control of content the FBI wouldn't bother pushing Facebook to control it their way.
There is no such thing as a neutral platform. This site is one of the closest I have found and yet people whine daily about it being unfair.
True story. I've been on much worse ones.
Admit to not paying much attention to her, seems most everything she says is a negative,
am looking for those who are promoting positives & some small form of unity.
Rather than ask Twitter execs questions, which only gives them an arena in which to demonstrate their well-honed skills at not answering, she starts her questioning by telling them that they are to be silent, just like they silenced her, on her election Twitter account.

Nothing is factually incorrect in any of the five minute statement, and she passionately defends free speech and fair elections.

She was banned in 2002?? Antisemitic bitch doesn't even know what year it is. So it's no surprise she also doesn't know what the First Amendment is about.
That difference is insignificant.

It is not insignificant, it is vital. If you do not think so I will give you the name of a forum that approves everything before it is posted. Go there and tell me it is insignificant.

If I post "COVID misinformation" it will be gone in minutes and I can be blocked from ever posting again.

And in the NY Times you could never post it at all. See the difference.
It is not insignificant, it is vital. If you do not think so I will give you the name of a forum that approves everything before it is posted. Go there and tell me it is insignificant.

And in the NY Times you could never post it at all. See the difference.

The NYTimes did host a forum like this one at one time. I used to post on it. I'm not sure why but they got rid of it. There's a thread here called, "President Biden - Making America Normal Again." Most of the posters on that thread came here when the Times closed down their forum.
It is not insignificant, it is vital. If you do not think so I will give you the name of a forum that approves everything before it is posted. Go there and tell me it is insignificant.
No no get that is stupid and cumbersome.
And in the NY Times you could never post it at all. See the difference.
Yes, I've always understood the insignificant difference that I could post a dissenting opinion about COVID on Facebook that might last five minutes if the fact checker's mom were calling him.

Doesn't mean that Facebook is significantly less in control of its content than NYT.
Here is Congresswoman Luna (R) Florida:

Apparently Mr. Roth "cannot recall" that while an exec at Twitter, he used a private server to communicate with the FBI to collude to violate the free speech rights of American voters.

I guess it happened so often that it was just a blur of collude, censor, collude, censor over and over.

the Trump herd such as MTG are all riled up because they can't leer at pics of Hunter Biden's cahahahahahaock on Twitter.

The real groomers.
No no get that is stupid and cumbersome.

Yes, I've always understood the insignificant difference that I could post a dissenting opinion about COVID on Facebook that might last five minutes if the fact checker's mom were calling him.

Doesn't mean that Facebook is significantly less in control of its content than NYT.

Yes, it does mean that. in those 5 minutes 10 million people could have seen it
Yes, it does mean that. in those 5 minutes 10 million people could have seen it
Is that why Facebook is so quick to remove it?

Let's say the Publishers and editors who run social media are responsible for anything they leave on their site for more than 5 minutes. I can live with that.
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Did a squirrel find you, Jack?

What difference does it make where they live, Jack? You miss the part about all people being created equal in the eyes of God and under the law?
She does nothing for her constituents. She grandstands.
Which makes here useless. I mean, she has the quads to stack heavy weights, but policy? She's in so far over her head can't see daylight.
I am currently a volunteer for the Community Improvement Board and have requested to fill an empty seat on the Planning Commission which is appointed by the mayor. I just moved to my current city in Oct so I missed the chance to run for one of the elected offices so that will have to wait.

We also moved into an area with a HOA so I volunteered for the board and am the Treasurer/Secretary. This has given me more exposure to my new city than I expected and has been a boon in my attempts to join the city government.
Larger city? In any case, all the luck to you, I mean that…
Larger city? In any case, all the luck to you, I mean that…

Actually a smaller city, but we are going to be here a while. It is hard to get involved when you move a lot. My wife and I have our 30th anniversary next week and she sat and figured it out the other day we have moved 13 times during those 30 years.
Actually a smaller city, but we are going to be here a while. It is hard to get involved when you move a lot. My wife and I have our 30th anniversary next week and she sat and figured it out the other day we have moved 13 times during those 30 years.
Happy anniversary
Oh wow.

She "is said" to have done that?

I didn't know that the proof was so ironclad!

I love that we post unflattering pictures of MTG from her high school days.

Reminds me that 1) Democrats hate kids and 2) Democrats see themselves as beautiful and glamourous women.


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