I Urge Israel To Take Out Iran's Nuke Plant. You?

What I said was that Israel could do it as our surrogate (if we enable them to fly over Iraq); or WE could do it by ourselves (with the added benefit that WE have bunker-buster type bombs capable of getting the buried hardened targets); OR that neither of the above happens (i.e., nobody does it) and Iran ends up as a nation with nukes.

And if we strike the Iranian sites and destroy their nuclear weapons-making capacity, we would be doing it from on high, not with ground troops, stupid. If you think Iran is then going to go all bat-shit crazy and send their ineffective troops up against ANYBODY, you're mistaken.

The lily pads want the US to invade Iran. No explanation is provided for invading a sovereign country which is not a threat to us in any way shape or form.

How odd that you equate strikes to invasion. :cuckoo:
Those Tricky Iranians Are Now Threatening To Cooperate

In an effort to browbeat Iran into nuclear submission, the US, Britain and France staged a bravura performance of political theater last week by claiming to have just "discovered" a secret Iran uranium enrichment plant near Qum. On cue, a carefully orchestrated media blitz trumpeted warnings of the alleged Iranian nuclear threat and "long-range missiles."

In reality, the Qum plant was detected by US spy satellites over two years ago, and was known to the intelligence community. Iran claimed the plant will not begin enriching uranium for peaceful power for another 540 days. UN nuclear rules, to which Iran adheres, calls for 180 days notice

What I said was that Israel could do it as our surrogate (if we enable them to fly over Iraq); or WE could do it by ourselves (with the added benefit that WE have bunker-buster type bombs capable of getting the buried hardened targets); OR that neither of the above happens (i.e., nobody does it) and Iran ends up as a nation with nukes.

And if we strike the Iranian sites and destroy their nuclear weapons-making capacity, we would be doing it from on high, not with ground troops, stupid. If you think Iran is then going to go all bat-shit crazy and send their ineffective troops up against ANYBODY, you're mistaken.

The lily pads want the US to invade Iran. No explanation is provided for invading a sovereign country which is not a threat to us in any way shape or form.

How odd that you equate strikes to invasion. :cuckoo:

in·va·sion (n-vzhn)

1. The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
2. A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease.
3. An intrusion or encroachment.

Iraq, at the height of Saddam's power, was the mightiest armed force in that part of the world. Yet in a matter of a blink of an eye, they were defeated and had their forces surrendering to fucking camera crews.

Iran would fold like a cheap suit. It would crumble like lib logic.

The point of taking out their nuclear weapons-making capability before it could go "on line" is to make sure that those fucktards running that nation don't get to play with powers they are far too irrational to possess. And there would be no invasion needed to take out the Iranian nuclear weapons production threat. And Iran and its military would never dream of taking on the military might of the US especially when we have forces and arms right next door.
We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done.
Iran knows damn good and well they could never defeat the Israeli forces. I've trained alongside the Israeli's at one point. Next to the US, they have the best trained military force in the world. Although small, they can get down and boogie. Knowing this, Iran's only hope is nuclear. We cannot allow a crazy Ayatollah with the twisted belief that he is a warrior of Allah, or his equally crazy Mullahs who hold the same twisted belief, to EVER possses such weapons. It would be akin to giving a fully loaded 357, with the safety off, to a 3 year old child.
We've seen too many times what happens when the radical side of Islam, the nuts who mis-interpret the Koran to fit their twisted ideals, gets hold of any kind of weapon.
IF it comes down to it, those nuke facilities MUST be taken out. And there isn't a damn thing Iran is going to do about it. For if they try, it will be a fatality to that twisted, backwards thinking shithole.
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The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.

The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.


"Correctly"? What bullshit. Only in an irrational and relativistic mind could such bullshit be reality.
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The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.


Their coming to take us away, haha, hehe, to the funny farm, with plastic trees and chirping birds.
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.

Yep, you really are that fuckin' stupid!:cuckoo:
You are an enemy of the state.....enemy non combatant.......they will send you to Gitmo,

Are you really that fuckin' stupid?

You're asking a redundant question........

Chill out dawg, quit dissing me. I was just joshing. Everyone knows that DC would never classify americans as unlawful enemy combatants....or would they?

Jose Padilla and the Military Commissions Act

Anyone who hoped that U.S. military detention of Americans accused of terrorism expired with the transfer of American citizen Jose Padilla from military custody to Justice Department custody have seen their hopes dashed by the Military Commissions Act that the president signed into law yesterday. Although the act limits to foreign citizens the use of military tribunals and the denial of habeas corpus, any person, including American citizens, can still be labeled and treated as an “unlawful enemy combatant” in the war on terrorism.
Are you really that fuckin' stupid?

You're asking a redundant question........

Chill out dawg, quit dissing me. I was just joshing. Everyone knows that DC would never classify americans as unlawful enemy combatants....or would they?

Jose Padilla and the Military Commissions Act

Anyone who hoped that U.S. military detention of Americans accused of terrorism expired with the transfer of American citizen Jose Padilla from military custody to Justice Department custody have seen their hopes dashed by the Military Commissions Act that the president signed into law yesterday. Although the act limits to foreign citizens the use of military tribunals and the denial of habeas corpus, any person, including American citizens, can still be labeled and treated as an “unlawful enemy combatant” in the war on terrorism.

Yup, and more than likely those citizens will again be handed over to the JD for trial. I'd prefer they be tried as traitors and given the maximum sentence under military law, death by firing squad.
You're asking a redundant question........

Chill out dawg, quit dissing me. I was just joshing. Everyone knows that DC would never classify americans as unlawful enemy combatants....or would they?

Jose Padilla and the Military Commissions Act

Anyone who hoped that U.S. military detention of Americans accused of terrorism expired with the transfer of American citizen Jose Padilla from military custody to Justice Department custody have seen their hopes dashed by the Military Commissions Act that the president signed into law yesterday. Although the act limits to foreign citizens the use of military tribunals and the denial of habeas corpus, any person, including American citizens, can still be labeled and treated as an “unlawful enemy combatant” in the war on terrorism.

Yup, and more than likely those citizens will again be handed over to the JD for trial. I'd prefer they be tried as traitors and given the maximum sentence under military law, death by firing squad.

Of course, but you and yours are exempted right, otherwise you are going to holler like a stuck hog:

"You’ll recall that the government’s position was that Padilla, as an “unlawful enemy combatant” suspected of having committed terrorist acts, was not entitled to the procedural rights guaranteed to criminal defendants in the Bill of Rights, including the rights to counsel, due process, and trial by jury. "

Chill out dawg, quit dissing me. I was just joshing. Everyone knows that DC would never classify americans as unlawful enemy combatants....or would they?

Jose Padilla and the Military Commissions Act

Anyone who hoped that U.S. military detention of Americans accused of terrorism expired with the transfer of American citizen Jose Padilla from military custody to Justice Department custody have seen their hopes dashed by the Military Commissions Act that the president signed into law yesterday. Although the act limits to foreign citizens the use of military tribunals and the denial of habeas corpus, any person, including American citizens, can still be labeled and treated as an “unlawful enemy combatant” in the war on terrorism.

Yup, and more than likely those citizens will again be handed over to the JD for trial. I'd prefer they be tried as traitors and given the maximum sentence under military law, death by firing squad.

Of course, but you and yours are exempted right, otherwise you are going to holler like a stuck hog:

"You’ll recall that the government’s position was that Padilla, as an “unlawful enemy combatant” suspected of having committed terrorist acts, was not entitled to the procedural rights guaranteed to criminal defendants in the Bill of Rights, including the rights to counsel, due process, and trial by jury. "


:eusa_eh: I'm not at war with the US, what do I have to worry about.
Are you really that fuckin' stupid?

You're asking a redundant question........

Chill out dawg, quit dissing me. I was just joshing. Everyone knows that DC would never classify americans as unlawful enemy combatants....or would they?

Jose Padilla and the Military Commissions Act

Anyone who hoped that U.S. military detention of Americans accused of terrorism expired with the transfer of American citizen Jose Padilla from military custody to Justice Department custody have seen their hopes dashed by the Military Commissions Act that the president signed into law yesterday. Although the act limits to foreign citizens the use of military tribunals and the denial of habeas corpus, any person, including American citizens, can still be labeled and treated as an “unlawful enemy combatant” in the war on terrorism.
I'm not your fucking "Dawg"
Christ, another young lil' white boy from the burbs, wearing his hat kicked to the side, with his pants hanging down around his knees, trying to act like he's from the "hood"
"Dissin'" ya' "homie" just comes too easily. WORD UP!:lol:

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