I Urge Israel To Take Out Iran's Nuke Plant. You?

Anti-semitism is growing all over the world.

... that's a good thing to you?
I have stated on this board a hundred times.

I have NOTHING against the Jewish people and geatly admire the religion of Judiasm.

But I do oppose the state of Israel and the Zionist who rule it.
OK. I'm still wondering the relevance of your interjecting with "Anti-semistism is growing all over the world". I mean, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Then perhaps you could clarify the relevance to a strike (Israeli, USA, or another) on Iran's facilities.
Bullshit! Zionism is drapped in religious ideology
How is this different from what I said...?

and necessity!
Zionism was born of necessity? What necessity? Keep in mind that Herzl penned Der Judenstaat while Hitler was still a child. What unique hardship faced by world Jewry could only be overcome through the European Jews' imposition of themselves, their customs, and their laws on Palestine's Arab population?

Funny how you call the old testment mythology but preach line equally mythological book the Koran!
The Qur'an, unlike the OT, could not be used to justify the creation of a state for a certain favored ethnicity. The OT preaches supremacism; the Qur'an calls for ethnic equality.

There is also the justification that Jews were there well before the Arabs
That didn't seem to stop Israel from seizing Arab homes and denying refugees their right to return. Sort of ironic given that its citizens were afforded that courtesy on a much grander scale.

and were systematically expelled by the Roman/Byzantines, who were kicked out by the Arabs Crusaders!
...who constituted the majority of Palestine's population through the 20th century, if I'm not mistaken.
to those against israel, where would you have had holocaust survivors go
Here, or to a state carved out of German territory.

and why are you against israel?
I'm against any state that glorifies a certain ethnoreligious group to the extent that minorities are deprived of their rights. Add to that Israel's penchant for human rights catastrophes and you have a country that I'm not particularly fond of.

... that's a good thing to you?
I have stated on this board a hundred times.

I have NOTHING against the Jewish people and geatly admire the religion of Judiasm.

But I do oppose the state of Israel and the Zionist who rule it.

Why? Are you that insecure as a HUMAN Being?
How is being opposed to the apartheid nation of Israel and the fascist zionists who rule it.

Somehow a sign of insecurity???:confused:
I have stated on this board a hundred times.

I have NOTHING against the Jewish people and geatly admire the religion of Judiasm.

But I do oppose the state of Israel and the Zionist who rule it.

Why? Are you that insecure as a HUMAN Being?
How is being opposed to the apartheid nation of Israel and the fascist zionists who rule it.

Somehow a sign of insecurity???:confused:

'Apartheid' as to what? Are you equating Israel to SOUTH AFRICA?

In other words? YOU are RASCIST? Is that what you're saying?

A religion is now 'RACE'?
to those against israel, where would you have had holocaust survivors go
Here, or to a state carved out of German territory.

and why are you against israel?
I'm against any state that glorifies a certain ethnoreligious group to the extent that minorities are deprived of their rights. Add to that Israel's penchant for human rights catastrophes and you have a country that I'm not particularly fond of.
As Israel is a democracy and Iran is a theocracy, I have to have little trust in the sincerity of this claim of yours.
Why? Are you that insecure as a HUMAN Being?
How is being opposed to the apartheid nation of Israel and the fascist zionists who rule it.

Somehow a sign of insecurity???:confused:

'Apartheid' as to what? Are you equating Israel to SOUTH AFRICA?

In other words? YOU are RASCIST? Is that what you're saying?

A religion is now 'RACE'?

Don't take our word for it.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu: Apartheid in the Holy Land

"The Jews took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state." - Hendrik Verwoerd, the "architect of apartheid" himself.

SA academic study finds that Israel is practicing apartheid and colonialism in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
to those against israel, where would you have had holocaust survivors go
Here, or to a state carved out of German territory.

and why are you against israel?
I'm against any state that glorifies a certain ethnoreligious group to the extent that minorities are deprived of their rights. Add to that Israel's penchant for human rights catastrophes and you have a country that I'm not particularly fond of.
As Israel is a democracy and Iran is a theocracy, I have to have little trust in the sincerity of this claim of yours.

I wasn't aware that my opposition to bombing Iran was tantamount to expressing support for its government. What makes you think I support Iran? I'm not even a Shi'ite.
Here, or to a state carved out of German territory.

I'm against any state that glorifies a certain ethnoreligious group to the extent that minorities are deprived of their rights. Add to that Israel's penchant for human rights catastrophes and you have a country that I'm not particularly fond of.
As Israel is a democracy and Iran is a theocracy, I have to have little trust in the sincerity of this claim of yours.

I wasn't aware that my opposition to bombing Iran was tantamount to expressing support its government. What makes you think I support Iran? I'm not even a Shi'ite.
I don't really care what religion you are. You keep making this a religious issue, even though you deny that (bizarre). Regardless, if Iran's nuclear weapons development is not stopped they WILL have nuclear weapons soon.

Setting aside how that would be prevented (continued 'talks' which for years lead to more deveopment or targeted strikes against violating facilities), are you for nuclear proliferation or against it? Do you approve of an oppressive theocracy (which you claim you oppose) becoming a nuclear weapons state?
Regardless, if Iran's nuclear weapons development is not stopped they WILL have nuclear weapons soon.
What conclusive evidence is there of Iran's intention to create nuclear weapons and use them against Israel?

Do you approve of an oppressive theocracy (which you claim you oppose) becoming a nuclear weapons state?
No. I believe wholeheartedly that Israel should relinquish its nuclear stockpile and that Iran should not attempt to create one of its own.
Regardless, if Iran's nuclear weapons development is not stopped they WILL have nuclear weapons soon.
What conclusive evidence is there of Iran's intention to create nuclear weapons and use them against Israel? ....
I'll simply address Iran's development of nuclear weapons as that I what I brought up.

There is no rational need for Iran to produce HEU in the capacity at Natanz, let alone at a new facility, unless their production is for weapons. Combine that with their obfuscation of IAEA inspections for years, it is no quantum leap nor even a cricket's hopscotch leap to know their HEU production is for weapons. It's like catching a teen child with a pack of ciggies in their backpack.

Do you approve of an oppressive theocracy (which you claim you oppose) becoming a nuclear weapons state?
No. I believe wholeheartedly that Israel should relinquish its nuclear stockpile and that Iran should not attempt to create one of its own.
I have no interest in such childish bullshit you just demonstrated. Be an honest broker in discussion. If you don't fuck with my words, I won't fuck with yours. Deal?

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