I Urge Israel To Take Out Iran's Nuke Plant. You?

Kalam, I believe that Si Modo knows that his argument is extremely weak.

So he is just saying anything to cover up his lack of knowledge on the issues.

Heck, he is the guy who thinks Mr Fitnuts is an intellectual :cuckoo: :lol:
That's certainly up for debate.
True colors.
Israel is far from being a true democracy
No nation is a true demoncracy thus my reason for saying democracy. :rolleyes:

Now, why so gleeful that anitsemitism is on the rise in the world, eh, Sunni? Could it be that antisemites, which we ALL know you are not because you vehemently deny that (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), are useful tools to your anti-Israel agenda?

Seems to me that one who holds Judaism in such high regard as you claim (;)), would not be so willing to use antisemites.

Just sayin' ....
Kalam, I believe that Si Modo knows that his argument is extremely weak.

So he is just saying anything to cover up his lack of knowledge on the issues.

Heck, he is the guy who thinks Mr Fitnuts is an intellectual :cuckoo: :lol:
Explain the weakness and make sure you include your knowledge on HEU production. Thanks in advance.

While Sunni is trying to put something together in that matter, others who are unfamiliar with HEU production can read this:

Pakistan was ready to test a nuclear weapon just six years after it first began to enrich uranium, according to A.Q. Khan, the architect of the Pakistani nuclear program and an infamous proliferator of nuclear weapons designs and technology.

"It was 6 April 1978 when we achieved our first centrifugal enrichment of uranium," Khan recalled in a chatty, wide-ranging interview with Pakistani television (pdf) last week. "We had achieved 90 percent [enrichment] by early 1983."

"I wrote a letter to General Zia on 10 December 1984, telling him that the weapon was ready and that we could detonate it on a notice of one week," Khan said.

In addition to a timeline for the Pakistani nuclear weapons program, the Khan interview discusses the costs and logistics involved, and his successful efforts to evade export controls. "They could not outmaneuver us, as we remained a step ahead always," he said.

The interview also provides "interesting information about Pakistan's supply chains, which he says were the same for Iran and Libya as well," said Ivanka Barzashka, an FAS researcher who is studying the proliferation of centrifuge technology.

The interview with A.Q. Khan, who was recently released from house arrest, was broadcast in Karachi on August 31. It was helpfully translated from the Urdu by the DNI Open Source Center. The translated interview has not been publicly released, but a copy was obtained by Secrecy News. See "Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Discusses Nuclear Program in TV Talk Show," Aaj News Television, August 31, 2009
S. Aftergood, FAS (no link, email)

Here is a link to the interview, though: Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Discusses Nuclear Program in TV Talk Show

So, the public first became aware of uranium enrichment activities at Natanz in 2002. It's seven years later, and the Iranians aren't slackers.

Promoting and supporting nuclear arms non-proliferation are in the security interests of most of the world. An increase in the number of nuclear-armed nations increases the risk of those weapons actually being used and of nuclear weapons and material falling into the hands of extremists; and it increases other nations’ desire to develop nuclear weapons for deterrent. In a post Cold War world, new players in the nuclear arms race have emerged, notably North Korea and Iran. While there is no evidence that Iran has developed a weapon; there is significant evidence supporting a reasonable suspicion that Iran is moving toward becoming a nuclear-armed state. Preventing Iran’s progress in this area is a high priority in US foreign affairs.

As a non-nuclear weapons signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran has the right to research, develop, and produce nuclear energy and technology for peaceful purposes. With this right comes the responsibility to disclose fully all activities involving nuclear material to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Iran has built a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and Iran claims that their enrichment activities are for nuclear energy and research, not for producing weapons-grade uranium. However, there are questions concerning Iran’s enrichment activities.

Uranium enrichment is a stagewise operation where the enrichment capacity and capability of the facility determine how many stages (centrifuges) the facility will require. There is no significant civilian need for highly enriched uranium (HEU, >20% U-235), thus one would assume that any nation interested in peaceful uses of nuclear material would be interested in producing only low-enriched uranium (LEU, 20%>%U-235>0.7%). As there currently is no shortage of LEU in the world market, the feasibility of constructing new enrichment capacity seems economically unattractive. The number of centrifuges Iran has operating at Natanz is greater than 1,600 and Iran claims to have a total of 6,000 centrifuges. Natanz is capable of producing HEU; there is reasonable suspicion that this facility has been built to produce HEU. The fact that Iran has been less than transparent about their enrichment activities to the IAEA further supports this reasonable suspicion.

Although Iran denies any interest in developing nuclear weapons, its activities at Natanz and lack of transparency are inconsistent with its claims. To date, Iran has rejected international efforts to restrict their enrichment activities. The international community has imposed sanctions and offered incentives, yet Iran continues its enrichment activities. More specific incentives (US proposed Global Uranium Fuel Bank) combined with possible additional and harsher sanctions (those recently proposed by Congress) must be considered in future negotiations. The US has requested that Iran participate in negotiations by this autumn; the ultimate goal of these negotiations is to limit Iran’s enrichment activities. Their agreement to participate in these talks will be a positive change in Iran’s tactics. However, if Iran refuses to participate, most of the groundwork for harsher sanctions has been put into place by Congress last month. All nations must be creative and more specific in proposed incentives and sanctions than they have been in the past, since preventing Iran’s continued progress toward becoming a nuclear-armed state is a high security interest of the world.
Iraq, at the height of Saddam's power, was the mightiest armed force in that part of the world. Yet in a matter of a blink of an eye, they were defeated and had their forces surrendering to fucking camera crews.

Iran would fold like a cheap suit. It would crumble like lib logic.

The point of taking out their nuclear weapons-making capability before it could go "on line" is to make sure that those fucktards running that nation don't get to play with powers they are far too irrational to possess. And there would be no invasion needed to take out the Iranian nuclear weapons production threat. And Iran and its military would never dream of taking on the military might of the US especially when we have forces and arms right next door.
There is no rational need for Iran to produce HEU in the capacity at Natanz, let alone at a new facility, unless their production is for weapons. Combine that with their obfuscation of IAEA inspections for years, it is no quantum leap nor even a cricket's hopscotch leap to know their HEU production is for weapons.

That doesn't seem to be an issue...

"But according to interviews with a State Department official, Washington is almost certain that all the LEU particles found in Iran originated in Pakistan and believes that any further discoveries of undeclared Iranian-produced LEU would likely reveal previously concealed P-1 experiments, but no similar P-2 experiments.

ElBaradei reported in September 2005 that “most” HEU particles found in Iran by agency inspectors came from imported centrifuge components. Both the source in Vienna and a State Department source says that, for all practical purposes, the HEU issue has been resolved."

Questions Surround Iran’s Nuclear Program | Arms Control Association

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

I have no interest in such childish bullshit you just demonstrated. Be an honest broker in discussion. If you don't fuck with my words, I won't fuck with yours. Deal?

Whatever you want.
There is no rational need for Iran to produce HEU in the capacity at Natanz, let alone at a new facility, unless their production is for weapons. Combine that with their obfuscation of IAEA inspections for years, it is no quantum leap nor even a cricket's hopscotch leap to know their HEU production is for weapons.

That doesn't seem to be an issue...

"But according to interviews with a State Department official, Washington is almost certain that all the LEU particles found in Iran originated in Pakistan and believes that any further discoveries of undeclared Iranian-produced LEU would likely reveal previously concealed P-1 experiments, but no similar P-2 experiments.

ElBaradei reported in September 2005 that “most” HEU particles found in Iran by agency inspectors came from imported centrifuge components. Both the source in Vienna and a State Department source says that, for all practical purposes, the HEU issue has been resolved."

Questions Surround Iran’s Nuclear Program | Arms Control Association

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

I have no interest in such childish bullshit you just demonstrated. Be an honest broker in discussion. If you don't fuck with my words, I won't fuck with yours. Deal?

Whatever you want.

1st source" 200-fucking-5? Get current.

2nd source: LMAO, your own source confirms that Iran has a nuclear weapons program. So, that's settled.

So, back to my question? Why are you in favor of proliferation of nuclear weapons and just as importantly, why are you in favor of an oppressive regime (which you stipulated Iran is) having nukes?

I mean, you couldn't possibly be reneging on your claim that you are against oppressive regimes, could you?
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Kalam, I believe that Si Modo knows that his argument is extremely weak.

So he is just saying anything to cover up his lack of knowledge on the issues.

Heck, he is the guy who thinks Mr Fitnuts is an intellectual :cuckoo: :lol:


Be still my poor little wretched Jewish-hating rag a muffin...

Yeah, just lay on back now and feel the groove...


That's it....let the music take you to your special place........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G2QTSf9TIo]YouTube - GAY DANCE[/ame]
There is no rational need for Iran to produce HEU in the capacity at Natanz, let alone at a new facility, unless their production is for weapons. Combine that with their obfuscation of IAEA inspections for years, it is no quantum leap nor even a cricket's hopscotch leap to know their HEU production is for weapons.

That doesn't seem to be an issue...

"But according to interviews with a State Department official, Washington is almost certain that all the LEU particles found in Iran originated in Pakistan and believes that any further discoveries of undeclared Iranian-produced LEU would likely reveal previously concealed P-1 experiments, but no similar P-2 experiments.

ElBaradei reported in September 2005 that “most” HEU particles found in Iran by agency inspectors came from imported centrifuge components. Both the source in Vienna and a State Department source says that, for all practical purposes, the HEU issue has been resolved."

Questions Surround Iran’s Nuclear Program | Arms Control Association

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

I have no interest in such childish bullshit you just demonstrated. Be an honest broker in discussion. If you don't fuck with my words, I won't fuck with yours. Deal?

Whatever you want.
:rolleyes: 200-fucking-5? Get current.
The second article is about two months old. Why, has the situation changed drastically since then?
Iraq, at the height of Saddam's power, was the mightiest armed force in that part of the world. Yet in a matter of a blink of an eye, they were defeated and had their forces surrendering to fucking camera crews.

Iran would fold like a cheap suit. It would crumble like lib logic.

The point of taking out their nuclear weapons-making capability before it could go "on line" is to make sure that those fucktards running that nation don't get to play with powers they are far too irrational to possess. And there would be no invasion needed to take out the Iranian nuclear weapons production threat. And Iran and its military would never dream of taking on the military might of the US especially when we have forces and arms right next door.
Exactly. Once nukes are online, there is no way of reversing that any longer.

I am stunned that so many libs are in favor of nuclear proliferation.
Heck, he is the guy who thinks Mr Fitnuts is an intellectual :cuckoo: :lol:

I hope you're joking. :lol:
First of all, Si modo is no 'he'; secondly if Sunni is going to make a claim as to what I think, then he better be able to back it up. I alone am the supreme authority on my views.

But, I can certainly understand how radical Muslims would want to deflect the topic away from Iran's nuclear weapons proliferation and violations of the NPT. ;)
So, Kalam, you keep providing sources that further support the fact that Iran is developing weapons.

Third time I will ask: Why are you in favor of nuclear proliferation and especially in favor of such an oppressive regime developing nuclear weapons?

Don't dodge now; your numerous fallacies keep getting exposed.
Iraq, at the height of Saddam's power, was the mightiest armed force in that part of the world. Yet in a matter of a blink of an eye, they were defeated and had their forces surrendering to fucking camera crews.

Iran would fold like a cheap suit. It would crumble like lib logic.

The point of taking out their nuclear weapons-making capability before it could go "on line" is to make sure that those fucktards running that nation don't get to play with powers they are far too irrational to possess. And there would be no invasion needed to take out the Iranian nuclear weapons production threat. And Iran and its military would never dream of taking on the military might of the US especially when we have forces and arms right next door.

I agree to this whole-heartedly. But with the Caviat of there is One in power in this Country that sympathesizes with the plight of those in power in Iran, just as a few predecessors befor him had (Jimmah Catah, Namely)...

And that would be Obama. He has NO intention of doing anything, and is only playing LIP-Service to the Continuation to what Jimmah started in the first place.

The exact same policies have come back to haunt us...

And many on this board think it's Grand, and make the same worn-tired excuses that were fronted even back in 1979.

IRAN MUST be Taken out to end this quagmire of Liberal creation from the 1970's.

Sorry you Statist Liberals. I think 3 decades of failed horseshit is long enough.

Time to put up or shut up, and IRAN goes DOWN.
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Iraq, at the height of Saddam's power, was the mightiest armed force in that part of the world. Yet in a matter of a blink of an eye, they were defeated and had their forces surrendering to fucking camera crews.

Iran would fold like a cheap suit. It would crumble like lib logic.

The point of taking out their nuclear weapons-making capability before it could go "on line" is to make sure that those fucktards running that nation don't get to play with powers they are far too irrational to possess. And there would be no invasion needed to take out the Iranian nuclear weapons production threat. And Iran and its military would never dream of taking on the military might of the US especially when we have forces and arms right next door.

I agree to this whole-heartedly. But with the Caviat of there is One in power in this Country that sympathesizes with the plight of those in power in Iran, just as a few predecessors befor him had (Jimmah Catah, Namely)...

And that would be Obama. He has NO intention of doing anything, and is only playing LIP-Service to the Continuation to what Jimmah started in the first place.

The exact same policies have come back to haunt us...

And many on this board think it's Grand, and make the same worn-tired excuses that were fronted even back in 1979.

IRAN MUST be Taken out to end this quagmire of Liberal creation from the 1970's.

Sorry you Statist Liberals. I think 3 decades of failed horseshit is long enough.

Time to put up or shut up, and IRAN goes DOWN.
Iran will bring herself down eventually. Her people are fed up with the bullshit. We, the world, need to address the acute situation of their nuclear weapons development, however; and that is our only interest AND an obligation of all signatory states of the NPT (most of the world except for less than a handful of states).
What I said was that Israel could do it as our surrogate (if we enable them to fly over Iraq); or WE could do it by ourselves (with the added benefit that WE have bunker-buster type bombs capable of getting the buried hardened targets); OR that neither of the above happens (i.e., nobody does it) and Iran ends up as a nation with nukes.

And if we strike the Iranian sites and destroy their nuclear weapons-making capacity, we would be doing it from on high, not with ground troops, stupid. If you think Iran is then going to go all bat-shit crazy and send their ineffective troops up against ANYBODY, you're mistaken.

The lily pads want the US to invade Iran. No explanation is provided for invading a sovereign country which is not a threat to us in any way shape or form.


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