I voted for Biden...

I voted in the 2020 election...

  • Enthusiastically for Biden!

  • Reluctantly for Biden.

  • Enthusiastically for Trump!

  • Reluctantly for Trump.

  • Enthusiastically for a third party candidate!

  • Reluctantly for a third party candidate.

  • I enthusiastically didn't vote!

  • I reluctantly didn't vote.

  • The election is over already?

  • Potato. (not Biden related)

Results are only viewable after voting.
:cuckoo: Carter,the one president other than kennedy who tried to get rid of the cia and unlike Reagan all the way up to Obama,was not a mass murderer not starting any wars and somehow he is worse than all those presidents.incredible.:cuckoo:
You're right about that. And every President since has made sure to never repeat what Carter did, because the American people would vote them right out of office.
Reagan all the way up to Obama made carter look much better:rofl:carter was unfairly blamed by the biased media fir the failed rescue attempt on he Iranian hostages,thst was not carters fault the helicopter crashing,the cia rigged thst to happen and asswipe Reagan was a traiter to Americans,he and bush conspired to have the hostages delayed from their release until the day Reagan git elected to make him look like a hero. Reagan was a mass murderer of women and children starting wars in nicuragua,
This is all true, with the exception that the "CIA rigged" the helicopters to crash in the desert, that is not even possible. Landing and taking off in the desert in the dark, in a place you've never seen before is wrought with difficulty, and accidents happen in much less difficult positions than that, I know, I worked on these for 6 years and I saw it happen, in fact, I pulled guard duty over one of them that a pilot cracked up in a hard landing in perfect weather.
If that is where the republicans move my polling locations to...I will I guess. But I'll probably just vote by mail. Seems to work VERY well...right?


306>232...suck it.
Lol. Would you still trust voting by mail if republicans won?
Voted for Biden once. Will be happy to vote for him again in 2024.
Think he'll run in '24?

He's been a disaster so far.

Lowest poll numbers of any elected president in history... and that's with the media in his corner... Imagine what they would be if the media treated him the way they treated Trump?
I don’t see how trying to get rid of the cia and not being a warmonger is being a bad president.anybody who tries to get rid of the cia is a okay in my book.when carter got in,he fired warmonger then cia director the evil demonic George bush,and replaced him with stansfield Turner who then went on to clean cleaned house cleaning up the corruption of the cia by firing all cia covert operators hense why we had no wars under carter,Reagan then came in and fired Turner replacing him with William Casey who got the cia back to its dirty tricks operations again getting the cia back to its covert wars again and once again,we had wars going on again.the reaganut zombies ignore that fact everytime I post thst and change the subject,they can only slingnshit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:abgg2q.jpg: The truth hurts.

like I said,any president who gets rid of the cia is a okay in my book.trump I has some white hats in the military slowing taking out the cia you just don’t hear about it from the cia controlled media obviously.it’s happening at a very slow pace so while it may seem he has not drained the swamp like I see some people cliam he did not,they just don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes.

Those people in those links obviously are clueless about carter trying to get rid of the cia.
Often the CIA does more damage than good. Supposedly JFK was not real fond of the CIA which of course leads to several conspiracy theories.

Harry Truman also wasn’t a lover of the CIA after JFK’s assassination.

I lived through the Carter years and I was damn glad to see him lose to Reagan even though I had voted for him in the first go around. Carter was inept as a President but still (in my opinion) better than Sleepy Joe. For one thing Jimmy Carter was not corrupt like Joe Biden and ran a fairly scandal free administration.
Well...we've been sitting at two enthusiastically voted for Biden and four reluctantly voted for Biden for a long time now...

15 enthusiastic votes for Trump...so it's not like folks aren't voting...
Well...we've been sitting at two enthusiastically voted for Biden and four reluctantly voted for Biden for a long time now...

15 enthusiastic votes for Trump...so it's not like folks aren't voting...
I’ve been watching this poll too. I thought, either this forum has more conservatives or Biden couldn’t have much support.

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