I voted for Biden...

I voted in the 2020 election...

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  • Reluctantly for Biden.

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  • I enthusiastically didn't vote!

  • I reluctantly didn't vote.

  • The election is over already?

  • Potato. (not Biden related)

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You and weatherman obviously have reading comprehension problems because NO I did NOT say that shit,YOU did.you are putting words in my mouth.reread thst post AGAIN. I said thst CARTER did not start any wars unlike all those asswipe presidents from Reagan all the way up to OBAMA did.:cuckoo:

that’s why pc is a fucking idiot and a fake ass trump supporter.he talks all the time about obamas corruption but ignores the fact that he was only expanding the corruption her hero bush started,thst Obama was a clone of bush,she evades thst fact and changes the topic anytime you mention thst to her,she is the biggest fake ass trump supporter on the planet.i know you are the same as me where you would like trump even if he was a democrat.not her,that is the ONLY reason she likes trump is he is a gop,if he was a democrat she would be saying he ran the most corrupt ad inistration ever,anybody who says otherwise obviously does not know what a biased hypocrite political chic is.
My mistake, you did say Carter---

Carter was a shit president and hated because he destroyed the US economy with his stupidity creating massive misery and got a bunch of our military killed trying to rescue the Iranian hostages that he his weak inept ass caused. He was the worst president till Obama and then Biden came along. Obama aiding terrorists and starting wars while stealing trillions from US taxpayers and now Biden---so weak that wars around the world are breaking out and our country is being destroyed with inflation and illegals.

Reagan looked GREAT--when compared to Carter. Reagan calling BULLSHIP on Carters/Sauds fake oil shortage and intimidating the Iranians to release our hostages was all it took for a senile tarot reading man to become a Fabolous president.....

The Bushs, their bed buddies the Clintons and Obamas, are too fucking corrupt to ever be that great for the nation.
You going to lie about reality and try to rewrite history by saying nixon from 69 to 73 did not drop half a million bombs on Cambodia and murdered untold hundreds of thousands of Cambodians. :rofl:
You’ve obviously never been to Southeast Asia.
A. Rice paddies as far as the eye can see with zero population centers outside of a few dozen huts in East Cambodia.
B. Communists overthrowing a government is the fault of Communists, no one else.
C. Communists committed genocide during the Carter error, and he is to blame for ignoring it.
D. Go educate yourself.
My mistake, you did say Carter---

Carter was a shit president and hated because he destroyed the US economy with his stupidity creating massive misery and got a bunch of our military killed trying to rescue the Iranian hostages that he his weak inept ass caused. He was the worst president till Obama and then Biden came along. Obama aiding terrorists and starting wars while stealing trillions from US taxpayers and now Biden---so weak that wars around the world are breaking out and our country is being destroyed with inflation and illegals.

Reagan looked GREAT--when compared to Carter. Reagan calling BULLSHIP on Carters/Sauds fake oil shortage and intimidating the Iranians to release our hostages was all it took for a senile tarot reading man to become a Fabolous president.....

The Bushs, their bed buddies the Clintons and Obamas, are too fucking corrupt to ever be that great for the nation.
Reagan all the way up to Obama made carter look much better:rofl:carter was unfairly blamed by the biased media fir the failed rescue attempt on he Iranian hostages,thst was not carters fault the helicopter crashing,the cia rigged thst to happen and asswipe Reagan was a traiter to Americans,he and bush conspired to have the hostages delayed from their release until the day Reagan git elected to make him look like a hero. Reagan was a mass murderer of women and children starting wars in nicuragua,

Reagan gave bush his blessing to have the CIA run drugs through the country which his pal Clinton was involved in up to his ears with bush as you mentioned..Reagan was the best of buddies with DICK Nixon.Our corrupt school system is too nice calling him richard,he earned the name DICK and thats :biggrin: Dick expanded the Vietnam war,with his bombing of Cambodia murdering tens of thousands of civilians I have mentioned many times on here till I was blue in the face just to see thst point ignored.It was not the Vietcong or nva that murdered those 58,000 Americans,it was Johnson and Reagan’s long time pal Nixon. Reagan learned well from Nixon how to excel at murdering women and children.Hitler and Stalin would have been proud of both Nixon and Reagan being mass murderers as they were.

Half of America doesn’t seem to remember the October surprise and the Iran contra affair thst exposed Reagan’s corruption or thst he had more officials indicted in his administration than any previous president acting on his orders or how he tripled the debt worse than all presidents combined.not that I think cater was that great,but compared to the corruption of Reagan,Carter looked good.anytime I bring up those pesky facts to the reaganut zombies,they get riggs red and put a thumbs down.the truth hurts.:abgg2q.jpg:
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You’ve obviously never been to Southeast Asia.
A. Rice paddies as far as the eye can see with zero population centers outside of a few dozen huts in East Cambodia.
B. Communists overthrowing a government is the fault of Communists, no one else.
C. Communists committed genocide during the Carter error, and he is to blame for ignoring it.
D. Go educate yourself.
So you admit you deny reality nixon bombed Cambodia from 69 to 73 and murdered tens of thousands of civilians making Hitler and Stalin proud.thanks for admitting you deny that reality and those pesky facts. :thup:
So you admit you deny reality nixon bombed Cambodia from 69 to 73 and murdered tens of thousands of civilians making Hitler and Stalin proud.thanks for admitting you deny that reality and those pesky facts. :thup:
Good grief.
So America bombing the Khmer Rouge caused the Khmer Rouge to take over Cambodia. And as a bonus you use Leftard bullshit casualty reports. While you at the same time claim the genocide took place in 1972 years before they overthrew the government. And America is to blame because they bombed the people who ended up committing genocide.

Education is your friend, use it.

How many are willing to go on the record?

I remember how no one would admit they voted for Carter in '76...and today many regrets their enthusiastic support for Clinton and W.

So a poll it is...for posterity...
I did not vote for Biden. They had 12 years to come up with someone more effective and they were unable to do that.
You voted for a particular set of billionaires because of the media which they owned.

Perhaps now is the time to have an honest dialogue of where we need to go as a country with a focus on the people.

If you can.
So you admit you deny reality nixon bombed Cambodia from 69 to 73 and murdered tens of thousands of civilians making Hitler and Stalin proud.thanks for admitting you deny that reality and those pesky facts. :thup:
I had no idea you’re such a Leftard nutter who just parrots lies.
You’re not just uneducated, you’re insane.

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